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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not Alone

You believe in aliens?

No. I don’t. I KNOW that humans are not the only sentient life form in the Universe.


Like Abrahamic religious beliefs, it’s infantile to think that humanity is the only race of beings in the cosmos. And egotistical.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not the Truth

The truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth.

So few know the truth. And worse, so few care to know the truth.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden


I recently heard someone use the acronym AWFUL to describe a certain demographic that is excessively patronizing and exceedingly loud. The AWFULs are Affluent White Female Urban Leftists or interchangeably, the Affluent White Feminist Uber Liberals. And these self-righteous and condescending middle aged women are indeed, truly awful.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not Neutral

We are in the last moments of the decades long Mountain Earth cycle. As the collective approaches the finish line, the end for many of its unique aspects is coming into view. Among them are the indiscriminate tolerance, diverse inclusivity and “anything goes” neutrality that’s been promoted ad nauseam over the last twenty years.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not Valid

If you know about The 8 Elements, you know that what the elements share is connected with their primary human expression. Earth elements share their actions, what they are doing or have done. Metal elements share their thoughts, what they are thinking or what they think about things. Fire and Water elements share their awareness, what their being is connected with or conscious of. And Wood elements share their feelings.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not Intellectually Honest

Recently, a conservative podcaster admitted to supporting the widespread genital mutilation of boys, until her husband set her straight when she was pregnant with their son. Then, she proceeded to give a free pass to two of the three desert religions that cut baby boys in what she called a “religious rite”. This is coming from a personality that works for a conservative media company that’s been highly critical of the “transing the kids” agenda, which includes “gender affirming” surgeries for minor children.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Upstream from Culture

Conservatives like to talk a lot about politics being downstream from culture. While true, what’s more important is what’s upstream from culture. Because to change the culture, you first have to change the people.

What’s greatly contributed to the culture war we’re in today is the breakdown of the family. Divorce and single parenting, absentee fathers and working mothers have destroyed the intact family unit that was the norm until fifty years ago. Instead, children have been and are being raised by the state instead of their parents. They’re being indoctrinated by leftists and woke millennials in government schools instead being brought up by their own mothers and fathers.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not an Ally

The left have adopted the term, “ally” to virtue signal their woke support of the alphabet community. They claim to support the civil rights and social freedoms of the LGBTQIA+, that now has as many letters as there are colors in a rainbow. They side with this “minority and marginalized” group to prove they are tolerant and inclusive. And they offer these homosexual and gender identity disordered people their help in winning the culture war against those with traditional marriage and family values.

The truth is: Allies are participating in normalizing anti-human agendas that if allowed to continue to indoctrinate and influence children, will result in the extinction of the human race.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not to Care

Recently, I was told that I care too much about things I have no control over. And that I should care less. Or, better yet, not to care at all.

Often people are told that the way to avoid being disappointed is to have no expectations. They’re advised to lower their expectations or at the very least, manage their expectations. Go through life without any ideas about what people will do or preconceived notions about what they should do. Then, when people demonstrate that they have little to no common sense or common courtesy, those who do have basic standards of decency and decorum are told not to care. Don’t expect too much of people. They’re only human.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not the Enemy

Your fellow humans are not the enemy.

The control systems are. The corporations are. The institutions are. The governments are. The non-government organizations are. The medical mafia and military industrial complex are. The shadow governments and deep state are. The secret programs and black projects are. The globalists and secret societies are. The satanic cults and false religions are. The legacy media and entertainment industries are. The tech and social media companies are. The conventional agriculture and drug companies are. The public school system and academia are.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not Ready

Fully grown adults are often heard saying they’re not ready. Frequently, not being ready is related to the most important relationships they’ll have in life. The ones with their husband or wife and eventually, children.

Sometimes not being ready is a form of self-sabotage related to the so called, “imposter syndrome” people claim to have around their life, career or business. They tell themselves they don’t have enough degrees or experience, reviews or revenue. If they can’t claim to be an expert yet, they should wait until they have their own success story.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not Fake

In an effort to distinguish themselves from all the other influencers and business owners, being “authentic” has become the newest marketing strategy. They constantly talk about being real, all while using filters on their photos and videos and carefully curating the content and aesthetic visual appeal of their Instagram feed. The influencers presenting themselves as “authentic” are in most cases the fakest of them all.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Love & Truth

Love and truth are the sacred union that allows us to be a full expression of the divine Love that we really are on a soul level and an expression of the universal Truth of what is. For more on LOVE being an expression of our True Selves, I recommend reading, Love Over Fear.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Unplanned Childlessness

If you are here it means a woman gave birth to you.

You are here because a woman chose to make the ultimate sacrifice, her life. She chose to sacrifice her youth and freedom on the altar of marriage and motherhood. She chose to submit her body to the ravages of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and breastfeeding. She chose to spend the best years of her life having and raising you.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

How The Nest Was Won

Recently, drag shows at millennial mommy and me events went viral on social media. Gay men dressed in spandex and lingerie prancing around and shaking what their mama didn’t give them in the faces, not just of minors, but innocent infants and their deplorable mothers.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

The Culture War

Recently, I described a woman in her mid-thirties as a single, childless millennial.

I was told that description was mean and insulting.

If someone were to describe me as a single, middle-aged mother, I would not be insulted. Those are just the facts and I’m not offended by them.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Time to Say Goodbye

Our love story could be told in a myriad of ways and from various points of view. I could tell the story as his soulmate or as the grieving wife and abandoned young mother. But, since Daniel and I first connected through our shared love for music, I’ll let the lyrics from the soundtrack of our lives tell the short story of us.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

The Human Mosaic

It’s common among various spiritual groups to hear people talk about the idea that we are all one, everyone is you, that we’re all part of the Cosmic Creator, that each soul is a divine spark of Source. That’s all true. The “I Am in me recognizes and honors and I Am in you”.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Judge More, Not Less

Recently, I shared in a private group about my disappointment in how humanity is coping with the interesting times we live in. Falling for psyops, believing the official narratives and government propaganda, broadcasted into millions of homes every night on the mainstream news. Worshipping the satanic god of the Hebrew canon and participating in a religion organized around Christ’s message of “the way, the truth and the life”. Voting for their next rulers and consenting to being governed by corrupt, career criminals. Submitting to the “authority” of totalitarian dictators and complying with their globalist tyrannical decrees. Voluntarily injecting themselves with poisons and wishing death on the humans who don’t get poked. Groomers sexualizing children and liberals subjecting them to gender confusing messages. Actively participating in the system of control, complicit in their own demise.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Sinner or Sovereign?

It was 2009, and we were making our way through the children’s illustrated edition of the Bible. I had saved the series of books for my kids. Now, that they were 6 and 4, I thought it was time to introduce them to the stories of the Bible.

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