numerology guide

Numerology is the study of numbers. Every letter resonates to the frequency of a number. And each number represents energies that influence you and shape your life.
There are three main systems of numerology. The Western system of Pythagorean numerology, used to analyze and understand your Birth Code, is based on your birth date and the full name on your birth certificate. The Eastern system of Tibetan numerology, used to create a name that has a powerful attraction force, is based on sound vibrations and complex mathematical equations. And the Middle Eastern system of Chaldean numerology, used to determine the frequency of current names and create fortunate names for you and your business, is based on ancient symbols and their sounds.
As in classical feng shui, there are fortunate numbers and challenging numbers and light and shadow sides to each number. It’s recommended to have a fortunate current name, home address, email address, business name and website address. You can also apply numerology to book titles, as well as, product, offering and course names and book release or business or course launch dates.
A Personal Astro-Numerology Guide is recommended when you’re ready to embark on a journey of self-knowledge, fulfill your life purpose and soul’s mission and begin to embody your personal energy blueprint.
A Current Name Numerology Guide is recommended when you’re ready to stop struggling to fulfill your own potential or with life in general. They are especially valuable when you’re considering changing your name and before changing it legally.
A Child’s Name Numerology Guide is recommended after birth and before naming your baby.
A Business Name Numerology Guide is recommended for entrepreneurs who are ready to create a business that is financially successful and allows you to live in peace and prosperity.
A Pen Name Numerology Guide is recommended for authors who write books or offer coaching packages, online courses or writing retreats.
A Yearly Personal Numerology Guide is recommended for people who desire to live in synch with the cycles of their personal numerology.

Personal Astro-Numerology Guide

Your Birth Code includes your Day of Birth number, Life Purpose number and your Destiny number. Each of these numeric frequencies describe how you think, feel act and experience life. This results in a powerful triad that is unique to you. It’s your soul’s energetic blueprint.
For your Birth Code and Astro-Numerology we use the Pythagorean system to calculate the numbers in your birth date, birth certificate name and astrological natal chart.
Your Birth Code unlocks the secrets of your birth promise – special gifts, talents, your personality, the nature of your mission and corresponding lessons.
~ Tania Gabriell, Master Wealth Astro-Numerologist
Your Personal Astro-Numerology Guide includes:
Birth Code Numbers
  • Day of Birth Number & Meaning
  • Life Purpose Number & Meaning
  • Destiny Number & Meaning
  • Personal Numerology Triad
Birth Name Numbers
  • Birth Name Origin & Meaning
  • Cornerstone & Capstone Letter Meanings
  • Initial Vowel Meaning
  • Heart’s Desire (Soul Urge) Number & Meaning
  • Personality (Inner Dream) Number & Meaning
  • Meanings of all Letters in your name
  • Sacred Geometry of your Initials
  • Intensifications
  • Missing Letters
Natal Astrology Numbers
  • Degree Numbers & Meanings for all Celestial Bodies in your Natal Chart
  • Astro-Numerology Triads
  • Intensifications

  • Personal Astro-Numerology Guide: $249

    This is a digital product. A customized guide will be prepared and the PDF will be emailed to you.
    Also Included: Follow Up Call & eligibility to request single item numerology readings.

Current Name Numerology Guide

Your current name does not define or describe you the way your birth name does. Your current name number reveals how challenging it is to fulfill your life purpose, soul’s mission and energy blueprint in your Birth Code. A fortunate current name can help you attract positive, supportive energy so you can activate the promise in your Birth Code, as quickly and as effortlessly as possible.
For current names we use the ancient Chaldean system to calculate first and last names. Even though many people are given middle names at birth, we live in a two name society. Current names are usually first and last names, with some variations and exceptions. A current name is the name you use to introduce yourself. It’s the name you say, see and sign.
If your current name is challenging you’re more likely to face unnecessary hurdles, annoying distractions and interfering people. The remedy for a challenging current name is to change the spelling of the names by adding, subtracting or changing a letter in one or more of the names.
A good name is better than the most precious oil.
Ecclesiastes 7:1
Your Current Name Numerology Guide includes:
Current Name Numbers & Meanings
  • Current Name
  • Current Home Address
  • Current Phone Number
  • Current Email Address
  • Current Social Media Handles
  • Number Meanings
  • Fortunate Alternative Spelling(s), if needed

  • Current Name Numerology Guide: $150

    This is a digital product. A customized guide will be prepared and the PDF will be emailed to you.
    Also Included: Follow Up Call & eligibility to request single item numerology readings.

Child’s Name Numerology Guide *

Know the numerology of your newborn’s full birth name before making it official on their birth certificate.
For birth names we use the Pythagorean system to calculate the numerology of the name that will appear on their birth certificate. For current names we use the ancient Chaldean system to calculate the numerology of the first and last name they will use to introduce themselves as they grow up.
This numerology reading also includes their personal feng shui element and the numbers in their Birth Code. Available for all children 0 – 12. Newborn Numerology Guides include a list of Element names.
*Only recommended for parents who are committed to finding a fortunate name (or fortunate spelling of a name) for their child that also honors their personal feng shui element. If you are already attached to a name and don’t care about the effect a name will have on your child, do NOT request this guide.
Your Child’s Name Numerology Guide includes:
Child’s Name Numbers & Meanings
  • Full Birth Name
  • Current Name
  • Birth Code Numbers
  • Number Meanings
  • Fortunate Alternative Spelling(s), if needed
  • Personal Feng Shui Element Energy Guide

  • Child’s Name Numerology Guide: $150

    This is a digital product. A customized guide will be prepared and the PDF will be emailed to you.
    Also Included: Follow Up Call

Business Name Numerology Guide

Having a fortunate current name is the key to manifesting a joyful and successful life. A name that adds up to a fortunate number aligns you vibrationally with your soul’s DNA code.
The same is true for the name of your business and its products or offerings. Fortunate names expand your influence, increases your strength, gives you an advantage, attracts abundance, extends the reach of your business, helps you stay in a state of balance and provides peace.
For business names we use the ancient Chaldean system to calculate the numerology of business names, website urls, email addresses and social media handles, as well as, product, offering and course names and book release or business or course launch dates.
Your Business Name Numerology Guide includes:
Business Name Numbers & Meanings
  • Business Names
  • Website URLs
  • Business Email Addresses
  • Business Social Media Handles
  • Product Names
  • Offering Names
  • Course Names
  • Launch Dates
  • Event Dates
  • Number Meanings
  • Fortunate Alternative Spelling(s), if needed

  • Business Name Numerology Guide: $199

    This is a digital product. A customized guide will be prepared and the PDF will be emailed to you.
    Also Included: Follow Up Call & eligibility to request single item numerology readings.

Pen Name Numerology Guide

If you write anything, this numerology reading is for YOU! Whether you write books or blogs, short stories or essays you’ll want to use a fortunate author name. If you write under a pen name or name other than your current name you’ll want to make sure it adds up to a fortunate number.
For writers we use the ancient Chaldean system to calculate the numerology of author or pen names, website urls and email addresses, as well as, book titles, series names, coaching packages and course names.
Your Pen Name Numerology Guide includes:
Pen Name Numbers & Meanings
  • Current Name
  • Author or Pen Name
  • Website URL
  • Email Address
  • Book Title
  • Series Name
  • Coaching Package Name
  • Course Name
  • Book Release Date
  • Book Signing Dates
  • Course Launch Date
  • Number Meanings
  • Fortunate Alternative Spelling(s), if needed

  • Pen Name Numerology Guide: $199

    This is a digital product. A customized guide will be prepared and the PDF will be emailed to you.
    Also Included: Follow Up Call & eligibility to request single item numerology readings.

Yearly Personal Numerology Guide

This numerology guide provides information about your personal year, months and days, as well as, your power cycles so you know how to plan your year for the most success and abundance. It includes a quick reference calendar for all 365 days of the year.
Your Yearly Personal Numerology Guide includes:
Personal Numbers & Meanings
  • Personal Year Number
  • Personal Month Numbers
  • Personal Day Numbers
  • Personal Power Cycles
  • 2023 Calendar

  • Yearly Personal Numerology Guide: $123

    This is a digital product. A customized guide will be prepared and the PDF will be emailed to you.
    NOTE: Only clients who have already purchased their Personal Astro-Numerology Guide are eligible to order their Yearly Personal Numerology Guide.

To request a numerology guide, contact me!