self-study courses

Feng Shui Yourself’s The Honor System self-study course was designed for those who prefer to do the inner work of learning how to honor their personal energy on their own and at their own pace.

Inner Chi Mastery’s Mastering Your Intuition and Integrating Your Shadow were both monthly lessons included in Inner Chi Reiki’s Usui Reiki Mastership. Dara Eden began offering the stand alone courses to her clients in 2017.

Course - The Honor System

the honor system

The Honor System is an 8-week self-study course that guides you through the eight elements of honoring your unique personal energy.

Once you know your personal feng shui element, it’s important to begin learning how to honor your unique needs and values. This do-it-yourself course provides weekly guides, journaling prompts and assignments that are customized for your personal element!

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ICM Course - MYI

mastering your intuition

Mastering Your Intuition is a 4-week self-study course that guides you through the process of learning how to access and trust your intuitive awareness.

You’ll be introduced to various truth determining methods and techniques that you can practice in your daily life. Once you’ve completed the weekly lessons and assignments, you’ll be able to test your new skills and intuition on a live emotion clearing session with me!

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ICM Course - IYS

integrating your shadow

Integrating Your Shadow is a 5 week self-study course that guides you through the steps of identifying, integrating and full embodying your shadow.

Once you’ve seen your dark side, uncovered the shadow self and made peace with your own yin energy, you can be whole and complete within. You can embrace all of the parts you’ve hidden in the shadows from others, the world and even yourself!

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