feng shui your birth

Coaching Package - Birth

birth Coaching Package

8 Weeks private coaching | $888 ($1196 value)

  • Distance Energy Healing & Session Notes

    ($100 value)

  • Live Emotion Clearing Session

    ($100 value)

  • Live Guided HER Womb Wisdom Blessing

    ($100 value)

  • Personal Element Energy Guide

    PDF & Coaching Call

    ($150 value)

Feng Shui for Birth Package. Initially, this course was designed as a weekend workshop retreat for natural birth workers and radical birth keepers, midwives and doulas, who work with pregnant women and their families. Since then, I’ve changed the format to a private coaching package for women who are preparing to give birth, customized for their personal element, home environment and newborn. 
I am a mother of two children. Both my son and daughter were born at home. I’ve had two natural water births with a licensed midwife and student midwives in attendance. 
I am not a midwife, doula or natural birth educator. I do not give medical advice. This coaching package is for women who are planning a home birth with a midwife or unassisted freebirth with a radical birth keeper, supportive partner, wise women and doula. you know your personal feng shui element and are honoring your own personal energy, it’s important to begin to understand the energy dynamics within your relationships. Learn about your effect on each other’s energy and know how to honor yourself and each other in your relationship. 

feng shui for birth

The Feng Shui for Birth Package includes personalized guides and customized reports, weekly coaching calls and video chats, energy healing and emotion clearing sessions and valuable bonus guides.

This package also qualifies you for client rates for additional distance energy healing session, private coaching calls and a feng shui consultation for your home.

8 weeks of private coaching are conducted via Zoom & FaceTime.

Contact me to book your initial coaching call and to schedule your weekly sessions.

Let’s get your birth feng shui’d!

the mother

the birth

  • Guidance on planning a conscious birth for your personal feng shui element.

    PDF & Coaching Call

    ($100 value)

  • Classical Feng Shui Guide for your birth room

    PDF & Implementation Video Chat

    ($350 value)

the baby

  • Know the numerology of your newborn’s full birth name before naming your child and making it official on their birth certificate.

    For birth names we use the Pythagorean system to calculate the numerology of the name that will appear on their birth certificate. For current names we use the ancient Chaldean system to calculate the numerology of the first and last name they will use to introduce themselves as they grow up.

    NOTE: This guide will be prepared after the baby is born and we know the date of birth, sex and potential name.

    Full Birth Name

    Current Name

    Birth Code Numbers

    Number Meanings

    Fortunate Alternative Spelling(s), if needed

    PDF & Follow Up Call

    ($150 value)

  • Personal Element Energy Guide

    This guide will be provided after the baby is born and we know the date of birth and sex.

    PDF & Coaching Call

    ($100 value)

  • How-to guide on creating a vision board for your birth, based on the Western Feng Shui bagua

    ($24 value)

  • How-to guide on planning your Mother’s Blessing

    ($44 value)

  • How-to guide on planning your Baby Moon & 4th Trimester

    ($28 value)