The 8 elements coaching

There is power in knowing who you are and beauty in knowing how to honor and balance your personal energy. Now is the time to begin mastering your Inner Chi, so you can BE you!
The path to being true to yourself, authentic in your life and being able to honor yourself and others in your relationships, starts here.

Personal Element Energy Coaching

Find out what your personal element is. Read your Personal Element Energy Guide. Learn how to honor and balance your unique personal energy with guidance from The 8 Elements Master, Dara Eden.

Relationship Dynamics Coaching

Find out what your partner’s personal element is. Read their Personal Element Energy Guide. Learn how to honor yourself and your partner’s personal energy.
Read below about other Relationship Dynamics Coaching sessions including: Family Dynamics, Business Dynamics & Conscious Coupling

Intuitive Guidance Coaching Session

Dara Eden also offers intuitive guidance sessions for natural health and healing, wellness and well-being, energy clearing and space cleansing, as well as, spiritual awareness and protection.

the 8 elements mastery monthly coaching

Monthly coaching sessions are available to The 8 Elements Mastery members & Inner Chi Mastery clients at a discounted hourly rate. 
To be eligible for monthly coaching, you must have had your initial coaching session. Ask Dara for more details.


Feng Shui Yourself is Dara Eden’s signature coaching package. It’s a guided journey to honoring your unique personal energy and mastering your inner chi. You can read about all of her coaching packages for YOU, business romance, relationships, birth and parenting.

the 8 elements is Feng Shui for you!

Each person has a unique and dynamic symphony of elements that contribute notes, rhythms, harmonies, intonations and overtones to the composition of their personal energy. Character traits and personality, temperament and constitution, strengths and weaknesses, needs and values, experiences and world views. And the current state of their personal energy, heavily influences their way of being the world and every aspect of their life.
Many people know their Western or Chinese astrological sign. They look to their horoscopes or destiny charts to forecast their future. Others take psychological tests like Meyers-Briggs to determine their personality type and predict their behavior.
Some people are aware that they have energy bodies with multi-colored auras and trauma induced energy overlays. That they might have past life or ancestral karma, trauma based mind controlled alters and various kinds of dark energy affecting their energy. Even stored negative emotions and energy ties/tethers, blocks and presences in the form of etheric cords, implants and entities in their energy field.
Certain people may be aware that their living and working environments have an effect on their personal energy. That balancing the energy in their home or office, helps to bring balance to their own energy and life. That having spaces that honor their unique personal energy helps them be the most peaceful, productive, powerful and prosperous in every area of their life.
Lesser known is a school of classical feng shui called, The 8 Elements.  Traditionally, The 8 Elements are called the Eight Palaces or Eight Mansions. In the West, we know them as the eight feng shui personal elements. The 8 Elements is the only personal energy system that takes your gender, as well as, your birth date into consideration.
The 8 Elements is the most complete understanding of personal energy I have discovered.  It’s multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and multi-layered and provides insights into the many aspects of personal energy and relationship dynamics. Each of The 8 Elements has a unique personality, energy, house group, human expression, stage of development, number, direction and life center.
Once introduced to this energy based personality profiling system, studied and mastered, The 8 Elements can create the space for you to understand and be in allowance of who you are.  With an intention to seek first to understand YOURSELF and then others, you can apply what you discover about your personal element to begin to honor and balance your own personal energy and live in harmony with others.
The intention of Inner Chi Mastery services is to help YOU master your own personal energy…your inner chi. Dara Eden helps her clients do just that through personal energy and relationship dynamics coaching, personal energy guides and personal element profiles.
She also helps you learn how to honor your personal energy through custom classical feng shui consultations and intuitive energy healing.
You can master the inner chi of yourself, your relationships, your home and office, and your physical and energy body.
To begin mastering your personal energy, contact Dara to book your coaching session.

Personal Energy Coaching

• Personal Element Energy Guide

• 1:1 Private Coaching Session (1 hour)

  • Initial Coaching Session & Guide – $150

  • Client Hourly Coaching Rate – $100


Coaching - Personal Energy

coaching sessions

relationship dynamics Coaching

• Personal Element Energy Guides

• 1:1 Private Coaching Session (1 hour)

  • Initial Coaching Session & Guides – $150

  • Client Hourly Coaching Rate – $100

Coaching - Relationship Dynamics

family dynamics Coaching

• Personal Element Energy Guides

• 1:1 Private Coaching Session (1 hour)

  • Initial Coaching Session & Guides – $150

  • Client Hourly Coaching Rate – $100

Coaching - Family Dynamics

business dynamics Coaching

• Personal Element Energy Guides

• 1:1 Private Coaching Session (1 hour)

  • Initial Coaching Session & Guides – $150

  • Client Hourly Coaching Rate – $100

Coaching - Business Dynamics

Conscious Coupling Coaching

• Personal Element Energy Guides

• Two 1:1 Private Coaching Sessions (1 hour each)

• One Couples Coaching Session (1 hour)

  • 3 Coaching Sessions – $350

Coaching - Conscious Coupling

intuitive guidance Coaching

• 1:1 Private Coaching Session (1 hour)

  • Hourly Coaching Rate – $100

  • Monthly Coaching Hourly Rate - $80*

    *Ask Dara for details

Coaching - Intuitive Guidance

To request your INITIAL COACHING SESSION, contact me!