
ICM Offering - AstroMaps
Your AstroMap is a detailed report about where in the world to visit and vacation, travel to and live. It’s based on your personal astrological natal chart and your intentions for the next chapter of life. This customized information is known as astrocartography™ or astrogeography.

Feng Shui for YOU!

In feng shui we talk a lot about your Best Directions. Astrogeography is an excellent way to determine your Best Locations – where in the world to visit or live, build a home or buy property. Recommended as a first step before making a real estate purchase, designing and building a dream home or having your home feng shui’d.
Your AstroMap includes the preparation of your AstroMap (via online software) and a video call to review it together.

Inner Chi Mastery AstroMaps

AstroMaps come with three supplemental guides and a key that you can download and save or print for easy reference.
Supplemental Guides
  • Celestial Bodies Guide
  • Angles & Lines Guide
  • AstroMap Key
  • Life Enhancement Guide

Life Path Map

This AstroMap is for people who have been stuck or want to make a change and would like to know where they can vacation or travel to scout out a possible relocation.
Life Path Map includes:
  • Birth Location
  • Current Location
  • Best Locations
  • Desired Experience Locations
  • Follow Up Video Chat
Required Information:
  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Male/Female
  • Date of Birth
  • Time of Birth
  • Place of Birth
  • Current Location
  • Intentions (a brief description of your desired experience for the next chapter of your life)
  • Desired Feelings

Life Path Map: $150

The Life Path Map is a digital product. A PDF will be emailed to you. A follow up video chat is included.
Your purchase of your Life Path Map makes you eligible to request your Life Purpose Map.

Add family members for $25 per person (report limited to primary’s Best Location matches)
Please Note: The add-on option for a spouse, parent and/or children for these guides is designed to help you determine the potential effects on immediate family members of moving to one of the lines that is favorable for you. This will provide the quality information you’ll need to make a good decision for your family. To qualify, the family member must be a current member of your home and planning to relocate with you. I recommend that adults purchase their own Life Path Map to get a full picture of their astrogeography.

Life Story Map

This AstroMap is for people who would like to look at their life’s story from birth to their current location and the best places to vacation or move, purchase investment property or retire.
Life Story Map includes:
  • Birth Location
  • Current Location
  • Past Locations
  • Travel Destinations
  • Best Locations
  • Desired Experience Locations
Required Information:
  • Full Name
  • Male/Female
  • Date of Birth
  • Time of Birth
  • Place of Birth
  • Current Location
  • Past Locations
  • Places of Interest
  • Intentions (a brief description of your desired experience for the next chapter of your life)
  • Desired Feelings

Life Story Map: $199

The Life Path Map is a digital product. A PDF will be emailed to you. A follow up video chat is included.
Your purchase of your Life Path Map makes you eligible to request your Life Purpose Map.

Life Purpose Map

The North Node, depicted on the AstroMap as the Moon’s Node reveals your inner intentions, present life path or purpose, dharma or destiny. It can help you plan for your future, find meaning in your life and fulfill your soul’s mission. This inner compass provides the guidance system that points you in the right direction, your True North. 
After completing your Saturn return (ages 27-29) at 30, this North Star inspires you to listen to your inner wisdom, heed the call, leave your comfort zone and go on your hero’s journey. Find your dharma and align with your soul’s intended trajectory this lifetime by moving to one of your present Life’s Purpose lines.
The other lunar node, the South Node is not shown on your AstroMap. It is located directly opposite your North Node and reveals your past life origin and patterns, challenges and gifts. It can help you make peace with your past, release any traumas and utilize the strengths you brought in with you. This astrological hometown is your comfort zone. And people born within your same lunar node group are likely members of your soul family, tribe or group who you incarnated with to learn the same life lessons or fulfill the same mission.
In your Life Purpose Map, you’ll be able to take a deeper look at yourself on a soul level. You'll receive guidance on what you may to need to clear or heal from your past and how to use the gifts from a past life in your current experience. You'll also receive guidance about where to move to find alignment with your present Life Purpose and what you can begin to choose to fulfill your soul’s purpose for being here this lifetime. 
Life Purpose Map includes:
  • North Node Sign & Present Life (Planetary Lines & Alignments)
  • South Node Sign & Past Life (Baggage & Gifts)
  • Guidance

Life Purpose Map: $150

The Life Path Map is a digital product. A PDF will be emailed to you. A follow up video chat is included.
NOTE: This offering is only available for clients who’ve purchased their Life Path Map or Life Story Map.

To request your astromap, contact me!