
ICM Offering - SoulStory
Inner Chi Mastery’s SoulStory combines an Akashic Records & Galactic Heritage reading with the intention to receive Source Messages and Intuitive Guidance.
Learn about your soul’s story, past lives and current life’s purpose and mission on Earth. Innerstand WHO you really are and gain the insight needed to embody your True Self.


  • Ask 1 – 3 questions per session
  • Provide your current full legal name
  • Provide your email address
  • Give permission for me to open your Akashic Records
  • Receive your Soulstory Session Notes via email
RE: Questions
  • Avoid Time Related Questions
  • Avoid Yes or No Questions
  • Ask What, Why or How Questions
Good Questions: 
  • What do I need to know about…?
  • Why am I…?
  • How can I better…?
  • SoulStory: $150

    This is a digital product. A customized reading will be prepared and the PDF will be emailed to you.

To request your soulstory, contact me!

galactic heritage readings

Galactic Heritage readings Readings

Discover your galactic heritage and star lineage. Find out what karmic challenges are holding you back and clear them. Receive guidance from your star family and soul tribe. Ask your True Self or future self a question.
Select one Personal Reading per session:
  • Star Lineage
  • Karmic Challenges
  • Higher Guidance
  • Personal Question

  • Galactic Heritage readings: $100

    This is a digital product. A customized reading will be prepared and the PDF will be emailed to you.

To request your galactic heritage reading, contact me!