Not an Ally

POW Blog - Not an Ally

NOTE: This blog is about the community, not individuals. I know gay and lesbian, “trans” and queer people. Those who are struggling with their sexuality or identity or suffering from mental illnesses or gender dysphoria should be shown compassion and encouraged to get the help they need. It’s when they form a group with the intention to normalize their lifestyle, require acceptance under threat of violence, demand special treatment, force people to tolerate their presence in single sex spaces, indoctrinate children, recruit allies, dismiss personal values or religious beliefs as “phobias” and expect the support from society at large and even be celebrated for their perversions, depravity and butchery of children, that is the inspiration for this article.

The left have adopted the term, “ally” to virtue signal their woke support of the alphabet community. They claim to support the civil rights and social freedoms of the LGBTQIA+, that now has as many letters as there are colors in a rainbow. They side with this “minority and marginalized” group to prove they are tolerant and inclusive. And they offer these homosexual and gender identity disordered people their help in winning the culture war against those with traditional marriage and family values.

The truth is: Allies are participating in normalizing anti-human agendas that if allowed to continue to indoctrinate and influence children, will result in the extinction of the human race.

Recently, I received a text from a client. She inquired about gifting a session to her dear friend who had suffered a miscarriage after spending a lot of time and money on IUI and IVF. This woman, a lesbian, was attempting to use medical interventions to intentionally bring a child into the world without a father.

While many children are raised by single parents, deciding that your children don’t need a father or a mother because you’re not married or in a a same sex relationship is not just selfish, it’s malevolent. Single women who go to the sperm bank or intentionally get knocked up so they can have a baby without being in a relationship are only thinking of meeting their own needs and fulfilling their own desires, not their child’s wellbeing. And this notion that having two mommies or two daddies is just as good, or better, than having a father and a mother, is a false belief that confirms what they want to be true.

The truth is: Children need a father and a mother.

There are lots of reasons people utilize the medical industrial complex to get a baby. Feminists who hate men or can’t get one to commit to them. Lesbians and single women who aren’t willing to get knocked up by a male friend. Women who squandered years during their most fertile window or are suffering from infertility due to other health issues. And gay couples who can’t make a baby no matter how much fun it is “trying”.

The truth is: Conception requires a man and a woman. That’s just a biological fact.

The medical industrial complex will play god by taking people’s money and offering their work-around solutions. Buying sperm, harvesting eggs, renting wombs, taking drugs and paying for procedures have been successfully normalized to the point that people don’t even question these “miracles” of modern medicine. These attempts at bypassing the natural order of baby-making and birth are in fact unethical and immoral.

The truth is: It takes a healthy man and woman to make a baby and carry it to full term.

Ideally, children should be consciously conceived in love by a man and a woman in a committed relationship through the sex act. When couples are not able to conceive, there are ways to support and improve fertility. Infertility is the body’s way of communicating that you or your partner are not healthy enough to have a child together. Trying to conceive through medical interventions and forcing a pregnancy to take violates natural law.

The truth is: Not being able to conceive naturally is a sign that you and your partner should not have children together.

Which brings us to adoption, a topic beyond the scope of this blog. All I will say is this: even children who are adopted deserve to have a mother and a father. Whether being adopted by single person or gay couple is better than living in a foster home or orphanage can only be evaluated and determined case by case.

Children without loving parents are sadly often abused, exploited and sex trafficked. While biological parents commit crimes against their own children, this mental, emotional, physical and sexual abuse tends to be common among foster and adoptive parents. There have been many incidences of gay men who are members of NAMBLA, adopting boys to rent out to pedophiles.

Pure evil. Let’s move on.

Homosexuals like to refer to heterosexuals as “breeders”. As if that’s a bad thing! I’m not sure what their point is. Do they want the human species not to continue? Because it won’t without men and women who are sexually attracted to each other.

Are they hoping for some transhumanist future which artificial wombs save humanity from extinction? If so, they are delusional and fail to take into consideration the importance of having a mother on the development of a fetus beyond just her womb.

When they try and succeed at normalizing their gay or lesbian lifestyle, are they saying it’s “normal” to have sexual relationships that don’t produce children? Or, are they trying to say they are just as normal as heterosexual couples who do procreate?

Or, does their use of the the term “breeders” refer to heterosexual people’s value like that of farm animals? Just the useful idiots who keep reproducing, so humanity won’t go extinct. Necessary, but subject to condemnation of the “heteronormative” culture.

The truth is: Homosexuality is just one of many death cults in society.

Gay people have been after other people’s children for decades. At first they lied about not having an agenda about normalizing gay sex and marriage by indoctrinating children so the next generations will be more accepting of their lifestyle. Now, they’re out and proud about sexualizing and grooming children in schools and on social media, on television programs and in books, at gay pride parades, drag queen library story hours and “drag your kids to pride” events.

The truth is: Adults who want to talk to children about their own sexuality or sexual behaviors or sex acts or parade or perform in front of children dressed in drag, stripper or bondage gear are groomers and should not be allowed to work with or ever have access to children.

Now that we’ve covered the Ls and the Gs, next up are the Bs and the Ts. Bisexual people claim to be sexually attracted to both males and females. Trans people claim to have been born in the “wrong” male or female body.

The word “transgender”, is honestly confusing and misleading because it’s biologically false. Millennials indoctrinated by Leftist teachers and professors, like to distinguish sex from gender. But when “trans” people get “gender re-assignment” surgeries, to look like the opposite sex, they call it gender affirming “care”. If gender is separate from your sex, why are they slicing off breasts and cutting off dicks? If there are dozens of genders, why are they “transitioning” people from one sex to the other sex, from male to female or female to male?

The truth is: There is no such thing as transitioning.

Teachers can ask elementary children what their preferred pronouns are. Pediatricians can give puberty blockers to children. Parents can stop calling their children by their “dead” name. Gender dysphoric people can take cross sex hormones. Adolescents can come out as “trans” to their families and friends, peer groups and social media followers. Stores can sell “tuck-friendly” swimsuits for boys and prosthetics for girls. Surgeons can perform double mastectomies on teenage girls and mutilate genitals beyond repair. Mentally ill people can sterilize themselves with drugs and become lifelong customers of pharmaceutical companies.

But the truth is: Sex cannot be changed.

There are indeed people who have mental health issues like gender identity disorder or gender dysphoria. But there is no such thing as a transgender person. When you die and your dry bones are dug up in the future, they’ll be able to determine if you were male or female. Your feelings or degree of mental illness doesn’t change that fact.

This increase in gender dysphoria, especially among young women, is disturbing. The social contagion prevalent on apps like TikTok have been a huge contributing factor. The vulnerable state of pubescent girls who are physically maturing as they come of age and begin to attract unwanted attention from boys and men is another. And the desire to want to fit in may also make these girls want to go along with whatever is currently trending, to their detriment, eventual regret and attempt to de-transition.

So, in addition to having an identity that makes them feel special, if they bind their chests and cut their hair they will be less attractive to the boys at school and predators and they’ll be part of a community that celebrates their disorder instead of treating it with the truth and therapy.

The truth is: Trends fade but drugs and surgeries cause irreversible damage.

The Qs are the most deranged of them all. The same community that includes people attracted to both sexes, and lies about being able to change your sex from one to the other, has also decided that people questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation can be both sexes or neither sex. Talk about being a biological science denier! These “non-binary” people reject their biological sex but demand people use they/them pronouns, symbolizing both sexes.

There is a wide range of masculine and feminine energy and as many unique ways to express that energy as there are people. You don’t have to deny having a sex to be you. You don’t have to adopt the label of non-binary to be a full expression of your authentic self. You don’t have to call yourself “queer” if you don’t fit into the boxes society has created to categorize people. And you don’t get to call people who are not gender-fluid, gender-confused, gender-nonconforming, genderless or gender-bending, cis-gender.

The truth is: There is no such thing as non-binary.

Intersex is a biological reality for 0.02%–0.05% of the population. Sex assignment at birth usually aligns with the infant's anatomical sex. Sometimes they will undergo surgeries to remove ambiguous outer genitalia.

Asexuality is a weird one and I’m not sure why this non-sexual orientation needs to be part of this community. Many people throughout time have chosen not to be sexually active for a variety of personal and religious reasons. People who claim to have sexual desire but lack interest in having sex or lack any sexual attraction, represent less than 1% of the population. The ick factor is real! Normally, people who are in love are able to overcome the ick factor in order to have a satisfying sex life with their partner. In addition to sexual aversion, other contributing factors are low libido or no sex drive from hormonal imbalances, eating disorders and vegan diets, other sexual hang ups and shame from a fundamentalist religious upbringing, unhealed childhood or sexual traumas, body image issues and emotional problems, phobias and risk of pregnancy.

In conclusion…

Pride month hasn’t even started, but woke corporations are already enthusiastically gearing up to Bud Light themselves, get boycotted and go broke. The rainbow brigade has been enabled and empowered by their allies on the Left to invade private spaces, occupy the public square and dominate social media platforms. You can be sure they will be out and proud in full force in June.

Only recently have we seen some push back on this invasion and occupation by the unicorn glitter gang. Recent legislation banning drag queens from performing in front of children resulted in planned events being cancelled. And a beer brand’s attempt to “diversify their demographic” resulted in devastating losses in sales to the point of the company having to buy unsold stock back from retailers and the marketing directors who hired the influencer in woman face being put on leave. It remains to be seen if Target will suffer the same fate, as American women lack the backbone of American men and likely can’t to quit their obsessive love affair with the brand.

Having strong moral values and standards of conduct are not hateful or “phobic”. Most reasonable, even religious people, have opinions about alternative lifestyles but respect the freedom of consenting adults to behave however they’d like to in the privacy of their personal spaces and adult only gay bars and drag show clubs. Where conservatives draw the line is when this community targets our children...literally everywhere, all the time!

In a world of crazy and evil people, we are the last line of defense that stands between this community, hell bent on sexualizing, grooming, indoctrinating and “transing” the kids and our children. It’s up to us not to bow to or try to appease the angry mob. It’s up to us to be willing to be viewed as intolerant and non-inclusive in order to protect our precious children and their innocence. It’s up to us to be guided by our moral compass and stand firmly in our principles and be…not an ally.

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Pearls of Wisdom is a personal blog of the wisdom writings of Dara Eden that fall outside the realms of feng shui, The 8 Elements and her other personal energy work. Established in 2014, the blog is an expression of her highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom & Inner Peace. It’s devoted to increasing awareness, expanding consciousness, bringing knowledge, sharing innerstandings and offering wisdom to the sovereign souls inhabiting the Earth.

Dara Eden is a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant, like a grain of sand, embeds itself within the soft tissue of a shelled mollusk. To protect itself, the oyster or clam covers the invading gritty particle with concentric layers of iridescent crystalline calcium to form treasures, pearls of great beauty and worth. Gifts of the sea, pearls are the oldest known gem and the only gem that does not need to be cut, shaped or polished. Pearls are associated with elegance and luxury and are a symbol of mystery and purity. Pearls represent priceless knowledge, the rare wisdom that begins as a tiny, random, common irritant.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Upstream from Culture


Not to Care