Upstream from Culture

POW Blog - Upstream from Culture

On BEing the Change

Conservatives like to talk a lot about politics being downstream from culture. While true, what’s more important is what’s upstream from culture. Because to change the culture, you first have to change the people.

What’s greatly contributed to the culture war we’re in today is the breakdown of the family. Divorce and single parenting, absentee fathers and working mothers have destroyed the intact family unit that was the norm until fifty years ago. Instead, children have been and are being raised by the state instead of their parents. They’re being indoctrinated by leftists and woke millennials in government schools instead being brought up by their own mothers and fathers.

Politics is downstream from culture.

~ Andrew Breitbart

The Breitbart Doctrine states that if you want to change politics you first have to change culture, because politics flows from culture. And if you want to change culture, you have to change people. So, if you want to change politics, you first have to change the people so they can change the culture.

And that’s what the liberal academics and leftist ideologues have done. People have voluntarily given state institutions their children, trusting communists and open socialists or at least social justice warriors to educate them. Instead, they’ve been indoctrinated with false beliefs, factually incorrect theories and fictionalized history.

Conservatives and liberals alike tend to focus on getting laws passed to enforce their religious beliefs and personal values or Marxist ideologies and special interest group agendas. And while laws can help to protect people from harm and abuse, especially the innocent, laws don't change hearts and minds. Values do.

And moral values are taught to developing humans during their formative years at home by their parents. But if they’re in public schools all day or scrolling on social media apps for hours, they’re being instructed by the government, informed by the mentally ill and influenced by the morally depraved.

When you value the truth, you no longer believe the lies you’ve been told. When you value freedom, you no longer submit to economic slavery. When you value sovereignty, you no longer subject yourself to “authority”.

When you cherish humanity you don’t kill your own children, sacrificing them on the altar of your own selfishness. You don’t feed infants with toxic formula or poke them with poisons. You don’t leave babies with the nanny, drop toddlers off at daycare or take children to indoctrination camps. You don’t give them a phone or access to social media apps. You place parental controls on entertainment streaming services and supervise their use of the Internet. You raise them yourself, teach them yourself, guide them yourself. And if you can’t be bothered to be a responsible parent you take full responsibility for your fertility and prevent pregnancy instead of having kids you don’t want or aborting them in the womb.

What’s upstream from culture is YOU! The change you want to see in the world starts in your heart and mind, in your life and home, in your marriage and family, in your business or vocation. Stop waiting for someone else to change the culture. YOU be the change.

What you know, think and do in your everyday life has power. Stop supporting the corporations that hate you. Stop voting for the politicians that lie to you. Stop participating the control system that enslaves you. Stop consenting to the things that insult your soul.

Like the mountain spring that’s the source of the streams and rivers, culture originates with YOU!

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Pearls of Wisdom is a personal blog of the wisdom writings of Dara Eden that fall outside the realms of feng shui, The 8 Elements and her other personal energy work. Established in 2014, the blog is an expression of her highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom & Inner Peace. It’s devoted to increasing awareness, expanding consciousness, bringing knowledge, sharing innerstandings and offering wisdom to the sovereign souls inhabiting the Earth.

Dara Eden is a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant, like a grain of sand, embeds itself within the soft tissue of a shelled mollusk. To protect itself, the oyster or clam covers the invading gritty particle with concentric layers of iridescent crystalline calcium to form treasures, pearls of great beauty and worth. Gifts of the sea, pearls are the oldest known gem and the only gem that does not need to be cut, shaped or polished. Pearls are associated with elegance and luxury and are a symbol of mystery and purity. Pearls represent priceless knowledge, the rare wisdom that begins as a tiny, random, common irritant.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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