Not to Care

POW Blog - Not to Care

Recently, I was told that I care too much about things I have no control over. And that I should care less. Or, better yet, not to care at all.

Often people are told that the way to avoid being disappointed is to have no expectations. They’re advised to lower their expectations or at the very least, manage their expectations. Go through life without any ideas about what people will do or preconceived notions about what they should do. Then, when people demonstrate that they have little to no common sense or common courtesy, those who do have basic standards of decency and decorum are told not to care. Don’t expect too much of people. They’re only human.

You are one of the rare people who can separate your observation from your preconception. You see what is, where most people see what they expect.

~ John Steinbeck, East of Eden

People are under the influence of a variety of cognitive biases, which distort their thinking, influence their beliefs, arouse their feelings, impact their decisions, affect their judgment and mold their behavior. Those with confirmation bias look for and find the information that reinforces their existing beliefs, the things they already think or the ideas they want to be true. They see what they expect to see, not what is. Those plagued with the false consensus effect tend to overestimate the number of people who agree with their thoughts, opinions or beliefs. They think that the majority of the population shares their views and values.

The rarer you are, the rarer the people are you share your perspective with.

Most people are captured in the very narrow, but extremely crowded world view of consensus. Few ever venture out and choose the path less traveled that’s required to become an individual. Still fewer are able to release their attachment to their human life and live instead as if their soul’s mission depends on the choices they make. You’ll know when you’ve reached that level of embodied awareness, when there’s literally no one left.

That’s been my experience over the last few years. People stopped talking to me because they didn’t want to hear what I have to say. The last member of my family went to the dark side. Almost everyone I know cowered and conformed, complied and consented to global tyranny. They double masked up and covered their faces, rolled up their sleeve and took the shot to keep a job or cowardly lied about their poked status to appease the mob of woke millennials, medical industrial complex pows and middle aged coronaKarens.

People are either legitimately oblivious or they’re just too stupid to see what’s going on and recognize the complicity in their own demise. Or, they hate themselves, their life and humanity. Or maybe, they just don’t care.

Last year, I shared about my disappointment in humanity. Their consent to being governed by corrupt career criminals. Their compliance to medical tyranny. Their irrational fears based on obvious lies and blatant propaganda. Their beLIEf in false narratives designed to control their behavior. Their bullying of those who had not joined the Covidian cult and refused to wear the members’ religious garments of masks and gloves, bow before the temperature gun or perform the religious ceremonies of hand washing and chemical sanitization practices. Their worship of an evil entity posing as the creator of the universe. Their wait for the rapture or the second coming of their lord and savior.

I was told to stop being so judgmental. To accept everyone just as they are. Just let people do whatever they want. Have no opinion about what they’re doing or not doing. Just don’t care.

The truth is: there’s no such thing as being non-judgmental. If you think you are, you’re being dishonest with yourself. And you’re misrepresenting yourself to others.

Everyone has personal opinions about people and things. The only difference is: some of us share our opinions and others do not. The ones who don’t voice their opinions are engaged in soul crushing self censorship. It’s like they signed an NDA with their own egos. No hush money required. And those with this self-imposed gag order, get to self-righteously claim to be holier than thou and bear the badge of being non-judgmental. All while giving themselves a free pass not to care so that they never have to feel the responsibility for having to do anything.

But what they’re really saying is they don’t care. They don’t care about the truth. They don’t care about what’s really going on. They don’t care about anything or anyone else but themselves. They don’t care about what happens next. They don’t care about the children or the future of humanity. All they care about is themselves and the way they would like to be perceived by others.

When you want to help people, you tell them the truth.

When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.

~Thomas Sowell

As for me: I’d rather speak the truth and be called judgmental than stay silent and be called “nice”.

The woman who accused me of being judgmental was judging me. For expressing my opinions. For having the “wrong” opinions. For having opinions she didn’t like or agree with. For having opinions that she deemed mean and insulting. Her accusation was intended to silence me. And her unsolicited advice to be non-judgmental was to alleviate her own guilt that she feels for not caring about anyone but herself.

How willing people are to state facts, speak truth and share their interesting points of view reveal how much they care. What they say reveals what they care about. And who they say it to reveals who they think (and hope) might also care.

The degree to which people stay silent reveals how much they care only about themselves. To protect their livelihood, their platform, their reputation or their business. To blip through life under the radar hoping to hide in plain sight.

I’ve even had people tell me that as long as what’s going on in the world doesn’t affect them, they’re not going to bother concerning themselves. They only care about themselves and their own personal life. Not the world their children and grandchildren are growing up in and will eventually inherit. Not the Earth and its inhabitants. And not the future of humanity.

Que sera, sera

Whatever will be, will be.

The future’s not ours to see.

Que sera, sera.

~ Que Sera Sera from the film, The Man Who Knew Too Much

I’m an all in or all out person. I don’t do things by halves or percentages. I commit myself 100% to the things that are important to me. The things I value. The things I care about.

And I care about humanity. If I didn’t, my soul wouldn’t have chosen to be here. Once embodied, despite the amnesia, I made a conscious decision to fulfill my life purpose and soul’s mission. I knew I hadn’t come just to have a human experience. I came because what happens here doesn’t stay here. It affects the future not just of Earth and the human race, but this entire galaxy and every sentient life form within it.

So, to care or not to care is not the question. The question is: does anybody care?

Is anybody there?

Does anybody care?

Does anybody see what I see?

~ Is Anybody There? from the musical, 1776

Apparently not.

The truth gets revealed and disclosed on the daily. And people just go about their lives as if they don’t care that they were lied to and put on house arrest, poisoned and killed in a great cull of the global population. Where’s the outrage? Where’s the demand for justice? Nowhere. Because they don’t care.

Immanuel Kant said, “If truth shall kill them, let the die”. But humanity has become so dumbed down, so demoralized, so dead inside, that when they hear the shocking truth, they don’t die. Because they’v been so conditioned to obey their masters, accept their enslavement and sacrifice their life (literally!) for the “greater good”, that they don’t care.

So, is humanity a lost cause? Comedian, George Carlin thought so. He talked about releasing his attachment to a positive outcome for humanity and the freedom that provided for him to be creative as an entertainer. He decided the coping strategy to employ was not to care. Because they way things were going didn’t look good for humanity and he knew he wouldn’t see any meaningful change in his lifetime. And he was right!

I sort of gave up on the human race…And decided that I didn’t care about the outcome. And that gave me a lot of freedom…to kind of watch the whole thing with a combination of wonder and pity. Not having an emotional stake in whether this experiment with human beings works. I really don’t care.

~ George Carlin

If you like, you can watch the full clip from the interview here.

But did he give up on humans? Did he really not care? Or, did the freedom he talked about come from not caring about what people would think of him for “going there” with the content of his comedy? Why drop truth bombs every time he opened his mouth if he didn’t care?

Because while he knew he had no control over the outcome and that the collectivist consensus and group mentality would not end well for humans, he could reach people on an individual level. In the same interview he talked about loving humans one by one but that “the public sucks”. The trick was to zoom out to gain a broader perspective and thereby detach himself from wishing for things to get better. And then from that point of view, far removed from the all the nonsense happening at the group level, he could focus on contributing to changing hearts and minds, one person at a time.

And so he did. By deliberately crossing lines and stretching out his hand to bring audience members with him across those lines. From there, what “we, the people” choose to do with the greater awareness he helped to facilitate, was indeed out of his control and ultimately up to us.

Humans are survivors. They will find a way to make it through this apocalyptic tribulation. For some, the great uncovering of truth shall set them free. And for the ones who are killed by the truth, death will come, and not so softly. Because as the saying goes, you’re either growing or you’re dying. And…

In order to grow you must betray their expectations.

~ Hayou Miyazaki

Humanity could surprise even the most cynical of doubters. Humans might still grow up and mature, wake up and become conscious. They might yet reclaim their sovereignty, stand up for themselves and consent no more. And yet, at this point, if they do, it might still be too little too late.

But I refuse to give up on them. I refuse to stop caring. I don’t love what’s happening here, but I’ve made peace with it. And I trust that there are enough of us who genuinely care about what happens next to give humans a chance.

We cannot save people from themselves. We can’t make sure they don't suffer the consequences of their own choices and actions. We can only help those who want help, ask for help and accept help.

So the question then becomes not if we should care, but what to care about and what not to care about.

Offer me money. Offer me power. I don’t care.

I’ll say what I want to say. If the consequence of that is losing money, so be it.

~ Elon Musk

Not to care is not an option. At least not for me. That would be dishonest and inauthentic. And for me, impossible.

But what to care about? That’s easy. Truth. Freedom. Sovereignty.

What not to care about? All the things that don’t matter to a sovereign eternal being. And the opinions of people who tell themselves and me, not to care.

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Pearls of Wisdom is a personal blog of the wisdom writings of Dara Eden that fall outside the realms of feng shui, The 8 Elements and her other personal energy work. Established in 2014, the blog is an expression of her highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom & Inner Peace. It’s devoted to increasing awareness, expanding consciousness, bringing knowledge, sharing innerstandings and offering wisdom to the sovereign souls inhabiting the Earth.

Dara Eden is a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant, like a grain of sand, embeds itself within the soft tissue of a shelled mollusk. To protect itself, the oyster or clam covers the invading gritty particle with concentric layers of iridescent crystalline calcium to form treasures, pearls of great beauty and worth. Gifts of the sea, pearls are the oldest known gem and the only gem that does not need to be cut, shaped or polished. Pearls are associated with elegance and luxury and are a symbol of mystery and purity. Pearls represent priceless knowledge, the rare wisdom that begins as a tiny, random, common irritant.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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