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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not a Girl

Recently, the days of girlhood phenomenon has brought increased attention to a plethora of topics surrounding a variety of socially contagious trends related to sex and gender. The upside down world clowns cannot define a woman because they don’t have a degree in human biology from an accredited institution. Yet, the dictionary definition, “adult human female” and the biological fact of distinct male and female sex chromosomes, don’t seem to suffice.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Finding Your Way

Reflecting on your intentions. Knowing your why. Being honest with yourself about what’s in it for you is essential before pursuing a goal, interest or endeavor.

But starting with your why is only half the story. How you do what you do has to be carefully considered as well. Otherwise, you’re taking action on your goals without determining what you want to do or knowing how you want to do it.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Informed Consent

Much has been said about consent, especially in the last decade. Discussions have mainly been focussed on sex crimes, specifically rape. This has led to consensual adults, in some cases, becoming mischaracterized to serve a feminist agenda driven by the hatred of men. The regretful are given a victim status and her partner, a rapist label.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not a Conservative

It would be easy to assume, based on my upbringing and personal views that I’m ultra conservative. I’m not. At least not politically.

I’m not a conservative because the Left is anti-human. Just because one side is morally wrong and unforgivably bad, doesn’t make the other side any better or automatically the good alternative. Being on the right doesn’t make you right or on the right side of history. It just makes you in opposition to the radical Left’s death cult, which I am. But there’s far more nuance to this discussion than just two opposing sides.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Naughty or Nice?

We live in a society that values being nice above all else. And ironically, it also feels justified in judging and hating you if you’re not nice. Nice, of course, being defined by their standards of appropriate self-censorship and pc language.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

The Power of Truth

To know or not to know is not the question. Not knowing the truth is no longer an option.

The question is: what are you going to do with what you know? Once you know better, are you going to do better? Once you know more, are you going to do more? Once you know, are you going to share what you know?

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Ghost Town

I’m not agnostic or an atheist or out to prove “God is dead”. I am the daughter of an ordained non-denominational pastor and a Baptist overseas missionary kid to Japan. I was raised in a very conservative Christian home in which we read, studied and memorized the Bible. Let’s just say, I am well versed and a product of my upbringing.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Three Keys to Success

People might promise results and you might think you are buying results, but the quality of your life, your health, your relationships, your finances and your business success is the product of your energy, your thoughts and your own inspired actions.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Love Over Fear

To live from love or to live from fear? That’s the question people ask themselves every day.

The reminder to choose love over fear has become a socially accepted concept written about in self-help books. It’s a popular ideology talked about in blogs. It’s a trendy phrase frequently shared via social media. #loveoverfear even has its own hashtag. 

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Uncategorized Dara Eden Uncategorized Dara Eden

The Power of kNOW

Information. There is a mind boggling amount of it out there, flooding the information super highways, inundating the main stream media and saturating the Internet. This astronomical library of information increases exponentially every day and even though the voluminous quantity of it is enormous to the point of being completely incomprehensible, the quality, in many cases, leaves much to be desired.  It is a militant parade that marches past us in brigades, armed with as much fiction and fabrication as facts and figures, as many faked photos and staged footage as true to life photographic journalism and in the field embedded reporting, live in real time.

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Annual Energy Dara Eden Annual Energy Dara Eden

The Dark Horse

Other infamous horses, this time from a book of prophecy instead of poetry, are the four horsemen of the apocalypse mentioned in the Book of Revelation which enter the scene upon the eve of destruction. They are a sign of end times, the beginning of the tribulation ending in the great Day of Judgment. These horses and their riders are the first four of seven seals which are opened and unleashed upon the earth.

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Annual Energy Dara Eden Annual Energy Dara Eden

The Trojan Horse

2014 is the Year of the Green Wood Horse. The most infamous wooden horse in Greek mythology is the Trojan Horse of Homer’s fabled Iliad & the Odyssey. During the battle for Troy, a huge wooden horse was built by the Greeks and left as a sign of defeat. A select group of elite soldiers hid themselves inside the Trojan Horse and the Greek army left the island by sailing away on their ships out to sea. In celebration of what they thought was the end of the war, the people of Troy pulled their trophy, a truly tricked out pony, into the heart of their city. Later that night, the soldiers, hidden within the massive wooden structure, sneaked out and opened the gates of the city so that the army that had sailed back to the island under cover of darkness could enter and take the city with little resistance. The Greeks destroyed the city of Troy and proclaimed their victory.

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Uncategorized Dara Eden Uncategorized Dara Eden

What to Know

Know that “All is well”! Your personal experience is shaped by what you think, fueled by your emotions about what you perceive to be your reality. Your sub-conscious does not know what is real. It gets its information from you; from your internal dialogue, from your own thought life; what you say aloud and what you expose your eyes and ears to.

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