Ghost Town

POW Blog - Ghost Town

How Not to Ghost Yourself


My intention for this blog post is threefold. Primarily, it is to encourage the New Age community to reconsider their beliefs, what they are teaching others and to recognize how their misinformed participation in this conversation and promotion of this ideology is contributing to the problem of false light and controlled opposition. Secondly, it is to inspire people to question their blind faith in deities posing as their god, creator, father, lord or savior. Finally, and most importantly, it is to shed some light on the process of fully embodying your eternal divine spark, elevating your human consciousness and occupying your own sacred heart space.

Reject all that you are about to read if it does not resonate with you. Research, investigate, receive confirmation or clarity or have a conversation with Source/Creator about the Truth. Whatever you do, don’t take my word for it! Keep asking better and better questions. Don’t just be a seeker. Find the Truth for yourself.

You’re a ghost, driving a meat covered skeleton made from stardust, riding a rock hurtling through space. Fear nothing.

~ Unknown

I’m not agnostic or an atheist or out to prove “God is dead”. I am the daughter of an ordained non-denominational pastor and a Baptist overseas missionary kid to Japan. I was raised in a very conservative Christian home in which we read, studied and memorized the Bible. Let’s just say, I am well versed and a product of my upbringing.

I was 15, when I opted out of organized religion. I attended my last church service on an Easter Sunday, where I took part in my last rites in this Satanic religion, known as Christianity. Communion, simulating cannibalism and blood drinking, is a flesh and blood ritual. “In remembrance of Me”, of course.

At the time, my reasons for leaving, were mostly centered around the hypocrisy of this religion. Sunday Christians who had God on their lips, but not in their hearts. Married ministers who were ministering a little too attentively to the women they were supposedly doing marriage counseling for, leading to adulterous affairs. Christian teens who were dressing and behaving no differently than the secular kids they went to public school with. The segregation of children and adults in church communities. Etcetera, etcetera.

Since then, many revelations about the true origin of humans, the true history of the world and the true purpose of life on Earth have been discovered, further researched and added to my knowledge and innerstanding of who I am, what I am and why I am here. As with many “spiritual, but not religious” identifiers I was introduced to another false religion that prides itself on being the alternative to worshipping and fearing the entity posing as the Creator of the Universe and the trinity of dogmatic and dead desert religions and their numerous variations, that are much like “31 flavors” to the power of 10.

I was welcomed into the New Age Movement with open arms. The New Age is receptacle of sorts for those who’ve rejected and deprogrammed themselves from their parents’ religion, but intuitively know that there is Truth and it is knowable. It’s controlled opposition to capture the hearts and minds of people who thought they had chosen the path less traveled but found instead that this route did not lead to hind’s feet on high places. Rather, it was an intentionally misleading, pre-meditated and carefully constructed labyrinth of detours that leads to a highway to heaven. This road to perdition is in fact, so crowded with such a multitude of sheeple that it looks like rush hour traffic.

As with many healers, during their learning and mastery of holistic fields or energy medicine modalities, I was exposed to many seemingly helpful, positive and enlightening ideas, philosophies and teachings. The paranormal, the supernatural; but with a twist. Near death and afterlife experiences, that are in actuality, inter-dimensional predictive programs that have been perfected for some time now. Out of body experiences, which come to find out, are designed to get people to believe in some utopia called “heaven”, so that they can control human behavior, suppress the knowledge of our sovereignty and create a need for a messianic middle man.

Ghost hunting and mediums are mainstreamed so that you can “be afraid, be very afraid” and entities can pose as deceased loved ones. The endorsed protocol of “going toward the light” upon the expiration of the physical body has been successfully installed, so that souls automatically and voluntarily go to the dark side of the reflective lunar recycling center, represented in poppy culture as the “Death Star”. There, disembodied souls complete a life review and their expected religious afterlife experience is delivered as promised. Then, they are debriefed and their memory wiped. They sign a new contract, are assigned their guardian angels and the recycling of their soul is processed through reincarnation.

Then, there are the teachings about inter-dimensional beings. The dark evil ones that you must shield yourself from and the light benevolent ones that you can pray to or call on for help. On the dark side, you have the “service to self” archons, the extra-terrestrials, the grays, the reptilians, the shape-shifting overlords, the djinn, the demons, the devil, Satan and the fairest of them all, Lucifer, the illuminated angel who had fallen to lower dimensions. On the light side, you have the various biblical and mythological gods and goddesses, deities, prophets, saints, ascended masters, star guides, galactic family members and the angelic realms.

What they don’t tell you is that Star Wars is real and still being fought “in the heavens”. That the battle for Earth and its most precious commodity, humanity, is not over. That this war for your mind, your heart and your soul is being waged in the fourth dimension. That the fourth dimension is not “somewhere out there”. It’s right here, right now, within your very midst and just outside your visible spectrum. That the dark side and the light side of the force are two sides of the same saber. That nothing posing as a light being from this dimension is of the true light.

Both dark and false light beings are energy vampires. The dark ones feed off extremely low vibrational emotions like guilt and shame, fear and terror, greed and envy, anger and rage. They feed off sadness and suffering, sickness and death, disease and disasters, famine and war. What is not widely known is that, the ones who choose to pose as the light ones also feed off humans’ energy. Humanity’s collective or individual beLIEfs, subservience, prayers, worship, devotion and evangelism is the “food of the gods”. These false light beings feed off their followers’ attention and devotees’ worship, dependency on their “help”, answers to prayer and salvation from eternal damnation in a bottomless pit of hellfire.

These non-human entities are parasites and cannot survive without our energy. The human soul is a renewable energy source, much like a battery. Once it has been drained, it can recharge itself and be repeatedly used. The holographic constructs in the third and fourth dimensions are powered by your fear of these gods and your love for them. They have given you your religions, re-written, edited and abridged HIStory, hidden the truth of who you really are – all to trick you into giving up your sovereignty and giving them your energy so they can live another day.

So what are these non-human souls? They are inter-dimensional beings who have lost their HUmanity, lost their God consciousness, lost their divine spark of light. Non-physical beings who have lost their own connection to Source, lost their ability to connect with their God-self, lost their ability to create. Tortured souls who have forgotten who they really are. Psychopaths who have completely lost their minds. Lost souls who lack empathy, love and compassion and who have lost their ability to feel anything. Survivors, living on borrowed time, who have managed to artificially extend their sorry lives by hijacking plan-NET Earth and hacking humanity. Masterful con-artists who have constructed a scripted reality show on Earth that they’ve been writing, directing and producing from the fourth dimensional Mission Control for a multi-millennial long con.

These disembodied beings are masters of deception. They have to be! Earth is a free will zone. They cannot take anything from you without your permission. But what they can do is trap you here, fool you into returning again and again and trick you into giving them your life energy. The lies and dishonesty, the layers of deceit, the levels of deception are vast and wide and deep. If they cannot control your spiritual connection to Source through religion, they are only too happy to provide you with a pseudo religion that promotes communication with a plethora of false light beings. If they cannot control your egoic mind with fear and loathing, they are only too happy to compartmentalized your thinking with five sense based specialized fields of scientific study. If they cannot control your emotions through terror and trauma based mind control programs, they will set up what is essentially border patrol through gatekeeping apparatus like psyops, conformity, social engineering and conditioning, self-censorship and sensitivity training.

These fallen light beings are masters of disguise. They can phase in and out of the third and fourth dimensions, making it look like they appear and disappear at will. They can take on any form or shape; be an angel or a demon, a spirit or a ghost, a guide or a ghoul. They can give you nightmares, recruit you into their astral projection programs, possess your body, torture your mind and prey upon your soul. They can enter your dreams, appear in out of body experiences, speak to you through mediums, send messages through channelers or introduce themselves as your star guides or galactic family members from galaxies far, far away.

Now, if some of these Biblical references are unfamiliar or these New Agey concepts are foreign to you. Good! That means that you may have far less deprogramming to do than many of us and with the insights I am about to share, your spiritual journey may have far fewer pitfalls.

The fourth dimension is not a place in Deep Space 9. It is space/time that cannot be perceived or observed and that vibrates only at a slightly faster rate than the material world, a world that we experience and enjoy with the five physical senses. When people “wake up” from their amnesia and begin to raise their personal energy vibration, they begin to develop and trust their sixth sense, intuition. This allows them to increase their awareness of things not seen and expand their consciousness outside the borders of the mind, see with their inner sight and access the seventh sense, pure knowing.

But this elevated frequency doesn’t just free minds, alter world views or shift paradigms. It also allows your spirit, that has been occupying a cell with an open door, to leave your body and to come and go as intended and desired. This slight but sustained increase in personal energy frequency gives you access to a new domain, the lower levels of the fourth dimension, occupied by angels and demons. This is not necessarily a “higher” realm, but one in which the energy frequencies oscillate at a faster rate. And when you match that frequency with your vibration, you can leave your body and go to the fourth dimension.

Astral projection can be life altering. Many healers who identify as “Light Workers” feel called to work in the fourth dimension, to help heal the broken and bruised souls there. Other conscious beings, who resonate more with the job description of a “Light Warrior”, are recruited to help false light beings fight against the dark beings in never-ending star wars for dominance of the fourth (force) dimension.

If you have opted out of society, if you live in the world but are not of the world. If you have recognized the illusion for what it is, the computer generated reality program of the matrix. Then, they can trick you into escaping that 3D horror show for their hellish fourth dimensional one, where with your love and light, you can help defeat the dark side of the force. Align yourself with the false light beings and use your Jedi mind tricks to assist them in beating the phantom menaces before the empire strikes back and the fight between good and evil, light and dark, can continue for as long as the force is with you.

A word to the wise. When you’re going through hell, keep on going. Don’t hang out in this pyramidal hierarchy of multi-layered “archonic” realms of warring factions, artificial heaven scapes and hell constructs, a literal purgatory for disembodied souls who have lost their way. Instead, drive straight through this ghost town. Don’t get stuck in some abandoned mine or lost on some dead end road. Don’t pass GO. Don’t collect $200. Keep raising your energetic vibration and expanding your consciousness. Get through this dimension and into the next one as quickly as you can. Or bypass this dimension altogether by opting out of astral projection until you have raised your energy high enough to avoid this realm of lies and deception completely.

So, who might meet you at these fake pearly gates? Welcoming you in like some oily used car salesman working on commission? Offering to be your cosmic tour guide and give you the grand tour of some promised land? Recruiting you into volunteering your time, talents and energy? Assigning you a calling and getting you to work, “being of service” in their thrilling realms of dark fantasy and horror?

There are many names for these entities who have taken on a persona, powered by your fear or love. I refer to them simply as “the posers”. There are of course, all the usual suspects. Satanic beings like the creator god, Jehovah, the red Devil and the horned Baphomet. Revelation characters like the Beast, the False Prophet and the Dragon. Then, there are biblical characters like Lucifer, the androgynous angel of light and Yahweh, the blood thirsty god of the Old Testament. On the false light side, we have the heavenly host of angelic beings and messianic figures. Your guardian angels assigned, not to protect you and help you in your life on Earth but to guard you, their prisoner serving a life sentence on Earth. Archangel Michael, the blond haired, blue eyed warrior with the body of a Greek god, blue flaming sword and huge ego. Then, there are the JC imposters: the (over)Lord Jesus, Christ Jesus, the Christ, Jesus Christ Superstar and numerous others that followers of Churchianity worship and adore, pray and tithe to…and worst of all invite into their hearts.

Some of that was uncomfortable, but most of you were with me until I brought Jesus up, right? First, let me say that there is a Christ consciousness that does incarnate and has come to Earth several times, in several different geographical locations, in several different time periods throughout human “history”. In fact, the reason any of us are awake at all is because of this embodiment of Christ consciousness on the planet. But, let me just say, Yeshua (Jesus’ real name) did not come to start a religion. His life, his ministry, his message, his parables and many of the allegories in the Bible are teachings about the expansion of HUman consciousness and the embodiment of who you really are “on Earth, as it is in heaven”.

If you’ve read the Bible you know how big a deal the HUman heart is. Depending on which translated version you read, the word, heart/hearts is used between 550 and close to 900 times. My favorite heart centered verse is: “Above all else, guard your heart, for out of it flow the issues of life.” [Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)]

Here’s why this is so important. The posers have found ways to steal our energy, recycle our souls and hack our bodies, our minds and even our emotional energy centers. Well, at least six of the seven chakras. They have failed at hacking the HUman heart, the seat of the HUman soul. They’ve tried but they don’t know the combination to the lock.

The heart chakra is the place from which you can connect to and access consciousness. It’s the center point from which you can send and receive Universal (agape) Love. The fourth chakra is represented by the color green. Ever notice how evil is portrayed by the sickly green ether, goo or poison or how many villains have a green skin tone, hair color or costume? That is their attempt to match the frequency of the heart chakra and sneak in. Ever wonder why people have been conditioned to say after a relationship ends or a lover dies that their heart is broken or that they will keep their beloved in their heart always? That is their attempt to break in through those cracks held open by your bleeding heart wounds and vows. Ever consider what it really means when Christians tell their children or potential converts to invite the Lord Jesus into their heart?

Please remember that Earth is a free will zone. No one can interfere with your world or insert themselves into your life, intrude on your path or trespass on the sacred space of your heart, without your consent. These entities, posing as deities, need you to invite them to be in your life and take up residence in your heart. Be an energetic no.

Whatever you do, don’t join the walking dead. Don’t ghost yourself. Fully embody your own soul. Occupy your own heart. And don’t let your heart become a ghost town.

NOTE The writing of this blog was inspired after listening to Ghost Town by Adam Lambert.

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Pearls of Wisdom is a personal blog of the wisdom writings of Dara Eden that fall outside the realms of feng shui, The 8 Elements and her other personal energy work. Established in 2014, the blog is an expression of her highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom & Inner Peace. It’s devoted to increasing awareness, expanding consciousness, bringing knowledge, sharing innerstandings and offering wisdom to the sovereign souls inhabiting the Earth.

Dara Eden is a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant, like a grain of sand, embeds itself within the soft tissue of a shelled mollusk. To protect itself, the oyster or clam covers the invading gritty particle with concentric layers of iridescent crystalline calcium to form treasures, pearls of great beauty and worth. Gifts of the sea, pearls are the oldest known gem and the only gem that does not need to be cut, shaped or polished. Pearls are associated with elegance and luxury and are a symbol of mystery and purity. Pearls represent priceless knowledge, the rare wisdom that begins as a tiny, random, common irritant.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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