The Power of Truth

POW Blog - The Power of Truth

To Set Us Free

To know or not to know is not the question. Not knowing the truth is no longer an option.

The question is: what are you going to do with what you know? Once you know better, are you going to do better? Once you know more, are you going to do more? Once you know, are you going to share what you know?

It’s been said that knowledge is power. But that is only half the truth because knowledge is only the first step. The truth is: power comes, not from having knowledge, but from what you do with that knowledge.

It’s been said that the truth will set you free. But that is only half the truth because knowing the truth only sets you free from the lies. The truth is: true freedom cannot exist until everyone knows the truth, and everyone is free.

I used to think that to know the truth for myself was enough. That the truth would set me free from the lies that bind people to false narratives and fictional world views. Lies that ultimately lead to the end of humanity. Lies that lay the track for the bullet train taking us all to an era of transhumanism at lightning speed. Lies that pad the holodeck, transporting humans from man + machine to man vs. machine with comforting lines about enlightenment and everlasting life. Lies that get humans to not just voluntarily, but enthusiastically fall on their own sword for life extending technologies and take themselves out to become superhuman, extinguish their own light at extinction level rates in exchange for the elusive eternal spring, sold as some inevitable evolutionary next step and offer themselves as tribute or eliminate themselves in service to the greater good.

At the time it was all I could do to research and process what I was learning. What I discovered was so disturbing, earth shattering and life altering that I had to take some breaks away from my own research. My perspectives were shifting, my world view was broadening, and my heart hurt as the truth sunk in.

That was before I realized that the New Age teaching about you creating your own reality was a lie. That the truth is: each of us are co-creators. That while our indivual lives might be heavily influenced by our own thoughts and chosen ways of being in the world, the world we live in is being created by the collection of souls in this realm we call Earth.

And unless we stop believing lies, tolerating the lies and participating in the lie, we won’t be able to overcome the lies that disempower us. Unless we stop telling ourselves and each other lies, our humanity will be stolen with or without our consent. Our sovereignty will be sold at auction to the highest bidder. And the precious being that is a human will go from being enslaved and exploited, abused and oppressed to being completely exterminated, annihilated, suicided, transhumanized beyond recognition and disappeared without a trace in a black magic trick.

You must come to grips with the fact that you have been lied to…about everything. And unless you take it upon yourself to search for and find the truth, you will continue to live a lie and participate in perpetuating the lie.

No one can tell you what the truth is. You have to come into an awareness, a knowing of it, for yourself.

And then, you must encourage others to ask better questions, stop believing the lies and search for the truth. Know the truth. Act on the truth.

There are different levels of awareness. You can be aware of all levels of truth at the same time. You can move through each level on your way to a broader and deeper awareness. You can get stuck somewhere along the way for lengthy periods of time. Or, you can believe what you’ve been told and carefully taught and chosen not to question until the propaganda arms of the elite controlled tyrannical governments are forced to begin giving you a peek behind their curtain.

I really appreciate listening to and learning from intelligent people. People who think critically. People who think for themselves. People with their brains turned to the ‘on’ position. But when they limit their analysis to the official story, I lose some respect for even the smartest people. Though brilliant on an intellectual level, they are disseminating propagandized truth at the commonsense level.

You see, there’s what’s true according to consensus and then there is what’s actually true. This level of truth lies just beneath the surface of common knowledge, a thin and shiny but superficial layer that few bother to scratch. Knowledge of this level of truth requires a commitment to knowing the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, even if it means giving up a false sense of security and risk losing the acceptance and approval of your family, friends and fellow humans. People who seek this truth, intuitively know that something isn’t quite right with the government endorsed stories. They are deprogramming themselves and discovering truth hidden within the lies at their sixth sense level.

But, beyond this level of truth, is a truth that is both true and false at the same time. This truth is multifaceted, multilayered, multidimensional. It requires a broader, bigger picture perspective, a suspension of beliefs and rejection of socially engineered ideologies, an ability to allow seemingly opposing points of view to co-exist and connect the dots in a holistic approach to solving this puzzle. People who trust the process of revealing these layers of truth, choose to be in allowance of the yin and yang of truth by letting go of taking a side and discontinuing the compartmentalization of information by trying to stuff everything into some box with a neat label. They realize that the “whole” truth was just a fire wall created to keep the truth forever inaccessible inside the maze of the matrix. They are decoding and hacking the gatekept truth at the nonsense level, the level beyond what our senses can comprehend or prove is possible and therefore come under attack from people who live only in the three-dimensional paradigm.

Beneath the light and dark sides of the truth, are even greater depths of truth. This inner truth is occulted. It is hidden away from the consciousness of most people. People unwilling to take that leap off the leading edge and take the plunge into the vast depths of limitless awareness. People unwilling to become untethered from “reality” and become fully immersed in infinite pools of their own inner space. Awareness of this truth requires a knowing that the truth is knowable and confidence in our ability to expand our own awareness enough to know it. Awareness of this truth requires that we stop looking outside of ourselves and go within. People who go deep and swim wide at risk of being swallowed whole by the sea of mysteries and secrets, possibly never to emerge or break through the surface of its reflective waters, have remembered who they really are and understand that humans are far more than the sum of our parts. They have stopped believing the lies and are remembering the truth they’ve always known at the pure essence level, the level at the basis of all life in the universe. They have joined Rumi in their search for the truth when he said,

I have been a seeker and I still am. But I stopped asking the books and the stars and started listening to the teachings of my soul.

It is only when we have remembered and embodied who we really are that we can begin to know the cosmic truth. The truth that, like the Universe or Source or Eternity is unfathomable by the human mind and cannot be experienced in the human form. It is a consciousness that Rumi described and that we can all aspire to when he said,

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’ doesn’t make sense any more.

People who live in this field have not only become one within themselves. They have become one with all. They know truth at a pure awareness level, knowing everything and judging nothing.

Besides levels of awareness, there are many applications of true knowledge.

There are people who know nothing of the truth. Their entire life is based on a foundation of true sounding lies. Lies so big and so prevalent, it is their truth. These people live and die without any knowledge of the truth.

Then, there are the willfully ignorant. They know about the lies but they don’t want to know the truth. So, they keep their heads in the sand, slowly suffocating in an attempt to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. These people live only for themselves in a world carefully insulated from anything that might let the inconvenient truths slip through, cloud their sunshine and roses constructed life and burst their happy bubble.

Next, are the people who know the truth and do nothing. They pretend not to know the truth and don’t make any changes to the way they live their life. They live in denial of the truth and participate in keeping the lie alive by fitting in. They fear being found out and excommunicated from their tribe so they keep quiet. These people know the truth, but live an inauthentic life.

Fewer people know the truth but keep it to themselves. They make changes to their own lives but never talk about the true reasons for opting out of the control system. They build their ark and put their family on it and let the rain come, knowing the world is about to be destroyed and humanity wiped off the face of the Earth. Their primary concern is saving themselves. These people cannot articulate what they know or haven’t processed it well enough themselves to talk about it.

Lastly, are the people who know the truth and speak the truth. They apply the truth to their own lives and model it for others. They tell the truth to those who will listen. They encourage everyone to seek the truth, know the truth, act on the truth and join them in sharing the truth with others.

Gone are the days when we can live and let live.

It’s not our job to change hearts or minds or even lives. It is our job to speak the truth. Each person is responsible for their way of being in the world and the life they choose to live. What they do with the truth that we share is up to them.

When you see something that violates individual freedoms and human rights, you have an obligation to say something and take action to preserve human life, if you can.

Know what you know. If you know better, do better. Seek and find Truth. If you know the truth, speak the truth.

Because it is what we do with the Truth that has the power to set us ALL free.

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Pearls of Wisdom is a personal blog of the wisdom writings of Dara Eden that fall outside the realms of feng shui, The 8 Elements and her other personal energy work. Established in 2014, the blog is an expression of her highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom & Inner Peace. It’s devoted to increasing awareness, expanding consciousness, bringing knowledge, sharing innerstandings and offering wisdom to the sovereign souls inhabiting the Earth.

Dara Eden is a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant, like a grain of sand, embeds itself within the soft tissue of a shelled mollusk. To protect itself, the oyster or clam covers the invading gritty particle with concentric layers of iridescent crystalline calcium to form treasures, pearls of great beauty and worth. Gifts of the sea, pearls are the oldest known gem and the only gem that does not need to be cut, shaped or polished. Pearls are associated with elegance and luxury and are a symbol of mystery and purity. Pearls represent priceless knowledge, the rare wisdom that begins as a tiny, random, common irritant.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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