Not a Conservative

POW Blog - Not a Conservative

Honoring Your Values in a Compromised World

It would be easy to assume, based on my upbringing and personal views that I’m ultra conservative. I’m not. At least not politically.

I’m not a conservative because the Left is anti-human. Just because one side is morally wrong and unforgivably bad, doesn’t make the other side any better or automatically the good alternative. Being on the right doesn’t make you right or on the right side of history. It just makes you in opposition to the radical Left’s death cult, which I am. But there’s far more nuance to this discussion than just two opposing sides.

I’m not a conservative for the same reason I’m not a Judeo-Christian. I don’t worship entities posing as the creator of the universe or acting like an evil overlord condoning rape, murder, war, burnt offerings and human sex trafficking. (Ever read the Old Testament?) I don’t believe in original sin or the need for salvation through martyrdom and the Satanic ritual human sacrifice of crucifixion. I don’t look outside of myself for a savior, nor am I waiting for a Messiah to come or to come back.

Government is slavery and people who vote, under the illusion that they get to choose their new master every few years, are slaves. The truth is: no one is coming to save you. The second coming is not the re-election of Trump or the return of Christ. It’s standing in your own sovereignty and fully embodying Christ consciousness within yourself.

I’m not a conservative for the same reason I’m not a feminist. Like feminism, conservatism has too many connotations that I don’t want to be associated with. While I’m conservative in my own life and personal views, there are many aspects of political conservatism that I don’t resonate with, particularly statism.

Conservatism is enmeshed with smaller government. lower taxes, school choice, Republicanism, American exceptionalism, patriotism, secure borders and illegal immigration, constitutional rights like the 2A, pro-life, pro-death penalty, capitalism, the Judeo-Christian religion, monogamy, traditional marriage and family values, individual freedom and personal responsibility, and more recently, the polarizing figure of Trump and his American First agenda.

Instead of sharing my interesting and controversial pov on each of the above topics, I’ll limit my comments in this blog to the following: political party, organized religion and the license to wed.

I was a registered Republican from the age of 18. I regret every vote I cast for the red team and their evil band of warmongers and perpetrators of crimes against humanity. I voted against socialism in 2008 and have never voted again since. By 2012, I knew too much about a great many things to vote for a leader of a religious cult.

I was raised by Christians, an ordained non-denominational pastor and an overseas Baptist missionary kid. At 16, I left organized religion and haven’t set foot in a church since. It took me nearly 20 more years to fully deprogrammed myself from my parent’s god-fearing religion.

I was married to a man I loved for three years. That experience didn’t go well for me or our two children. I was always taught that marriage was a protection for children. While traditional marriage can be a strong foundation for children, that piece of paper didn’t protect me from broken vows or a broken heart or my children from fatherlessness. I never remarried. And I will never again invite the state to be a third party in my monogamous committed relationship, if there is one in my future. Would I be a loving and faithful trad wife? Yes, but without the state license and marriage certificate.

I’m not a conservative because the ideology has become tolerant and inclusive of the very things it used to be stand against. It used to be that marriage was a sacred union between a man and a woman. Abortion was murder of the innocent. And children needed both a father and a mother.

Recently, a gay man, who for years held on to his identity as a classical liberal, finally decided to start calling himself a conservative. He’s married to a man. He’s still pro-abortion. He knows homosexuality is an anti-human lifestyle that produces no life. But they would not be denied the legacy of progeny that heterosexual couples have.

So, they turned to the medical industrial complex to give them the biological children they couldn’t have without the evils of playing god through egg harvesting and freezing, in vitro fertilization and surrogacy. Even though he’s joked about having fun “trying” with his husband, after deciding against adoption, they eventually chose to utilize the resources of their rich privilege to buy eggs, rent wombs, pay surrogates to carry and give birth to two children and hire night nurses to take care of the infants so they can get a good night’s sleep. All this effort and expense with the conscious intention of denying their sons the maternal bond and benefits of breastfeeding and the nurturing and love of a mother.

Such great conservative values, don’t you think?! He acknowledges that his choices have been less than the conservative “ideal”of marriage and family. But for such “conservative” choices and trying to do the “right” thing, he claims conservatives should view him as a hero! WTF? I know all of this has been successfully normalized over the last two decades, but it doesn’t make bringing children into the world like this any less despicable.

I’m not a conservative because the movement’s top thought leaders have become greedy fame whores, prioritizing money and doing whatever it takes to win the popularity contest via likes and subscribes, clicks and views. They carefully keep their highly intelligent commentary of current events to the fact checked, official narrative. Recently, the conservative movement, that claims to be in the media space to win the culture war, were exposed as bed fellows of Big Tech and enforcers of self-censorship to keep their ads running and channels monetized on social media. What a bunch of sellouts!

I’m not a conservative because I am apolitical. I’m no longer affiliated with any party. I don’t vote; not for the red team or against the blue team. I don’t subvert my sovereignty by consenting to being governed by a bunch of corrupt career criminals, claiming to represent me. I don’t vote to put compromised and bought, blackmailed and bribed politicians into positions of power over my fellow citizens. And I certainly don’t pretend to think that we live in a constitutional republic or that a democratic majority of “mob” rule is a fair system of governance. Collectivism in any form, violates individual rights and personal freedom.

I’m not a conservative for the same reason I’m not a liberal. The left and the right are two seemingly opposing sides of the political divide, but in reality, they’re just controlled opposition holding up the illusion of choice. Both sides are part of the deep state control system, seeking the power and control to get their way, by force if necessary. I don’t participate in the political system of government mind control that pits one side against the other while allowing each side to take turns being in power, for entertainment purposes only, in a farcical and satirical political theater that rivals any Gilbert & Sullivan operetta.

I’m not a conservative because I don’t believe the government should base legislation on whoever is in power at the moment and push through either woke ideology and social justice or conservative and religious belief systems. The Judeo-Christian moral code of conduct that many of the religious right like to claim is the foundation of America, is not an appropriate standard for a now secular country. Nor should the government have the authority to give the Left’s morally bankrupt death cult, the stamp of approval and make their certifiable insanity the new normal and law of the land.

The only role government should have is to uphold natural law and constitutional rights, protect the human rights and individual freedoms of people at the local level and remove sex offenders and violent criminals from society so they can no longer do harm. Since we live in a crazy world, most sane people would also make a case to maintain the military at the federal level, even though having a standing army is unconstitutional. All other government programs and social safety nets should be abolished. We should abolish taxes immediately and phase out big government as quickly as possible. Then, we need to create a local, community centered way of life that honors human sovereignty and the personal liberties of people to live their life any way they want as long as it does no harm to anyone or violates the human rights and individual freedoms of their fellow citizens.

I’m not a conservative because forcing people to accept your world view through the passing of laws doesn’t work. And making something legal, doesn’t make it right. It just makes crimes not punishable under the law. For example, if Roe vs. Wade were ever to get overturned, women would find ways to get their abortions. Because, you don’t change hearts and minds at the legislative level. And you can’t change minds that have been programmed to beLIEve lies. We don’t have a legislative problem. We have a morals and ethics, virtues and values problem. By the time a woman is considering killing her unborn child, her own moral compass, her partner and parents, family and community have already failed her.

I’m not a conservative because I have no interest or desire to change people’s minds. It’s not my responsibility, nor is it any of my business what people think and believe or how they choose to live their lives. And the truth is: no can change your mind. Self-righteous people who think they are right and must prove that other people are wrong or think they have the power to change hearts and minds, have an egotistical and tyrannical streak.

No one can change my mind, except me. No one ever has and no one ever will. They don’t have that power. And it’s arrogant of people, both conservative and liberal, to assume they can change people’s minds in a debate or with facts and logic, shaming tactics and bullying, name calling or guilt trips. All we can do is encourage people to ask better questions, seek truth, re-examine their beliefs and think for themselves. Let them change their own minds!

There is the truth, and then there is what people think is true. You cannot talk people out of what is true for them. It’s true for them as long as they think it is true. And even when you point out their pathetic yet desperate excuses and explanations for pure evil or their incomprehensible rationalization and hypocrisy, their faith in their beLIEfs remains steadfast.

This is why belief systems are so dangerous. They make lies true for huge percentages of the easily manipulated and mind controlled population. Anyone on the other side of deconstructing their religion, knows this.

People have to come in to a new awareness when they’re ready. They have to come to their own conclusions themselves. You can encourage people to deprogram themselves from their state indoctrination and religious belief systems, but you can’t do the work or go through that process for them. You can model the three Rs: reading, research and reason but you cannot coerce them into doing the inner work required to know the truth.

I’m not a conservative because I’m not trying to conserve a certain way of life through voting in someone claiming to be on my side or the “right” team. It’s not the government’s job to conserve a certain value system based on the heteronormative family unit. It’s our responsibility. Yours and mine. It’s everyone’s responsibility who knows that transhumanism means mass extinction of the human race.

I’m not a conservative because I don’t think I know better than you about what is best for you. And I don’t respect people who claim they know better than me, what is best for me and my family. Nor do I respect people who work diligently to normalize their world view in society and promote their personal agenda, especially to children. People should have the freedom to do and say whatever they want to and take full personal responsibility for their decisions and the action they take in their own lives. It’s only when they try to tell other people what they should think and how they should behave that I become hypercritical of their belief system and evangelism.

I will continue to be critical of group think and the “greater good” mentality of collectivism, social justice and identity politics that violate individual rights in order to provide special treatment to certain groups, feminism and socialism and all of the paths that have led us to the Transhuman Era we now find ourselves in.

I will continue to offer my interesting point of view, stating facts and speaking truth. I draw the line at indoctrinating and harming children. And I will keep offering alternatives to the two party political system, starting with not voting and opting out of the control system at every level from the medical system to the public school system.

When I am criticized for speaking, I will ignore the attempts to silence me and censor my free speech. When I am challenged on what I say, I will consider the source before considering the accusations and arguments. When I am called names, I will lose respect for the people who lack the intellectual ability to articulate their thoughts without resorting to personal attacks.

And along the way, I will continue to honor my values in my own life. I will respect people’s right to have a different point of view. Trust their higher selves to create the experiences they need to see the truth. Honor people’s individual rights and personal freedoms. And raise two awesome human beings who know how to think for themselves and speak their mind, in a world gone mad.

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Pearls of Wisdom is a personal blog of the wisdom writings of Dara Eden that fall outside the realms of feng shui, The 8 Elements and her other personal energy work. Established in 2014, the blog is an expression of her highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom & Inner Peace. It’s devoted to increasing awareness, expanding consciousness, bringing knowledge, sharing innerstandings and offering wisdom to the sovereign souls inhabiting the Earth.

Dara Eden is a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant, like a grain of sand, embeds itself within the soft tissue of a shelled mollusk. To protect itself, the oyster or clam covers the invading gritty particle with concentric layers of iridescent crystalline calcium to form treasures, pearls of great beauty and worth. Gifts of the sea, pearls are the oldest known gem and the only gem that does not need to be cut, shaped or polished. Pearls are associated with elegance and luxury and are a symbol of mystery and purity. Pearls represent priceless knowledge, the rare wisdom that begins as a tiny, random, common irritant.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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