The Dark Horse

POW Blog - The Dark Horse

Excerpt from the 2014 Annual Feng Shui Report.

The Four Horsemen

Other infamous horses, this time from a book of prophecy instead of poetry, are the four horsemen of the apocalypse mentioned in the Book of Revelation which enter the scene upon the eve of destruction. They are a sign of end times, the beginning of the tribulation ending in the great Day of Judgment. These horses and their riders are the first four of seven seals which are opened and unleashed upon the earth. These seals summon first a white horse with a rider carrying a bow and wearing a crown bent on Conquest; then a red horse with a rider carrying a sword who was given the power to take away peace from the Earth and cause men to slay each other in War; followed by a black horse whose rider was carrying a pair of scales to weigh out wheat and barley for a day’s wages during Famine; and lastly a pale horse whose rider’s name was Death followed closely by Hell and was “given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine, plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.” (Revelation 6)

Could it be that we are in the “end times” and have been for quite a while? And if so, which of the horsemen have been unleashed upon humanity bringing Conquest, War, Famine and Death? 

It’s said that the United Kingdom, the British Empire and its ruling class, the monarchy of the British crown, sent arrows in a wide arc over the earth, conquering lands all over the globe and becoming the largest empire in history, an “empire on which the sun never sets” due to imperialist expansion and its conquest of a considerable number of countries resulting in a vast commonwealth of colonies, territories and protectorates, including the “New World” (USA).

The world has certainly seen its fair share of war throughout history, but the 20th century brought two horrific and lengthy World Wars finally ending in, to the shock and awe of the constellations in the heavens, annihilating atomic warfare. With harmful and unwholesome genetically modified food that cannot reproduce; a funeral at sea and aquatic life in the death throes of a radioactive Pacific Ocean and the Black Rain from radiation fallout that leaves fine black dust on beaches and fields and gardens alike and is carried on the jet stream and further spread throughout the world through precipitation-all due to a mismanaged nuclear meltdown and cover up at Fukushima; severe drought, the frozen Polar Vortex, slow melting and carcinogenic burning metallic and toxic chemical snowfall and other extreme weather conditions manipulated by geo-engineering; a financial crisis that has been on life support for years now, and the rapidly increasing exposure of greed and corruption and, dare I say, evil agendas, it would seem that the Black Horse of Famine has arrived bringing with it an expected financial collapse and reset and the tipping of the scales of justice for the unjust and unrighteous. 

We know that the depopulation of the planet and a centralized global government (New World Order) is the ultimate goal of the “powers that (want to) be”, so it seems reasonable to assume that the prophetic Book of Revelation is their playbook and that the pale horse of Death is the next to be summoned.

The Dark Horse

The Grammys, like any awards show, as well as, the Superb Owl (intentional improper capitalization) half time show are always interesting to watch if you know what to look for, although none of their telegraphed messages, masonic symbolism and satanic rituals are subtle anymore and even the dumbed down American populace can now recognize their blatant spell casting practices.

Just as in previous years, the 2014 Grammys did not disappoint. Katy Perry performed a song from her new album, Prism (a reference to the NSA surveillance data mining program, PRISM) called “Dark Horse”. 

Of the four horses discussed above, a dark horse is closest in description to the Black Horse of Famine. The introductory recitative mentions a crystal ball, invoking spirits, and a trance. The scene that followed on stage featured among other satanic worship themes, multiple Baphomets and a satanic ritual called the Witches Sabbath wherein a group of witches gather in a circle at the witching hour and summon Satan followed by an orgy in which they feast on human flesh. 

By the end of the Middle Ages, witches were burned at the stake for this aquelarre ritual as depicted by Ms. Perry at the end of her self-proclaimed “spooky” performance. 

You can read the entire lyrics including an interjected portion spoken by Juicy J with references to the beast, cannibalism, drugs, a coma, and addictions, on the Internet. Here is an excerpt from Katy Perry’s song, Dark Horse:

“So you wanna play with magik? (intentional misspelling)

Boy, you should know what you're fallin' forBaby, do you dare to do this?‘

Cause I'm comin' at you like a dark horse.

Are you ready for

A perfect storm?

Cause once you're mine

There's no goin' back.”

A Black Horse with glowing red eyes appeared on stage with Ms. Perry during the performance. This apocalyptic prophecy of the four horsemen in Revelation and the Grammys' satanic ritualistic performance featuring a dark horse reminded me of the “Mustang” commissioned in 1993 and unveiled on February 11, 2008 at the Denver International Airport (DIA). This is the same airport that prominently displays some very disturbing apocalyptic murals. The "Mustang" is a blue cast-fiberglass sculpture of a horse standing 32 feet tall on its hind legs with “fiery” glowing red eyes. The large scale sculpture was highly criticized and some even attempted to have it taken down.

As I began editing and polishing this annual feng shui report, the results of the “BIG Game” came in.  What has become, in effect, a national holiday in America, celebrates a publically accepted and sanctioned symbolic representation of war. It’s a day dedicated to watching two opposing teams defend their territory (their half of the field) made up of defensive and offensive players who are drafted and traded and then face off on a battlefield of artificial turf, decorated with war paint, sidelined by coaches, cheerleaders and cameramen. The action is watched from the stands by spectators much like the gladiators who fought to the death in Roman amphitheaters, where grown men in tights don their helmets for battle and fight for possession of the coveted pigskin. First, huddling to strategize on their game plan and decide on their next play they line up in formation for “mortal” combat. “Ten Hut!” and then blitzing, blocking and bombing in the neutral zone, in the trenches or between the lines of scrimmage, throwing and passing the ball, without fumbling or fouling, going out of bounds or earning a penalty for unnecessary roughness. Running around to avoid taking a direct hit or ending up at the bottom of a pile up, tackling each other in play after play to make their opponent retreat as they move en rank down by down and yard line by yard line to the end zone in an attempt to score as many touchdowns as possible before the clock runs out, at which time the ball carrier proceeds to take great pride and pleasure in performing a gleeful victory dance. 

Just take a look at the game’s terminology, if you have any doubts of the purpose behind promoting professional football as “America’s game” to such a degree that frenzied fans in the stadium and at home gather around and excitedly yell at big black boxes in the corners of their living rooms and make it the not to be missed live televised event of the year for sports fans across the country. 

And then there are the multi-million dollar commercials and the entertaining half-time show that draw people of all ages to tune in and captures the rest of the TV watching populace who turn this Sunday into an excuse to get drunk on cheap mood altering beer and consume large amounts of genetically modified, MSG laden addicting junk food.

BTW:  I lived in Denver, CO as a young girl during the ‘80’s when John Elway of the Broncos was in his heyday. Although I don’t follow the sport anymore and do not consider myself a fan, I don’t hate football. In fact, because I watched Monday Night football and the Super Bowl to bond with my dad, if ever there was a team to route for, it would be the Denver Broncos!

The teams this year, were six time Superb Owl qualifier and two time winner, the Denver Broncos and an old rival and past Superb Owl winner, the Seattle Seahawks. I cannot help but wonder about the significance, if any, of this match up at Superb Owl XLVIII.

Use of this phrase, Superb Owl is to respect NFL proprietary restrictions and shed light on the fact that the sport is a modern day secular religion and that athletes are viewed as gods to be worshipped and role models to be emulated. The number forty-eight, in numerology, holds the energetic signature of the number 3.  In numerology, numbers are added together and then any remaining two digit numbers are added until you are left with a single digit or master number.  [48:  4 + 8 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3] 

The BIG Game was played on the 33rd day of 2014. The number three represents the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit), the ménage a trois in the Garden of Eden (between Adam, Eve and the serpent), and the Holy Family (Joseph, Mary and Jesus) and is a favorite number of freemasonry.

Even sports enthusiasts might deem my investigation into something as superfluous as a football game and its symbology and numerology as ludicrous.  My avid reading, dedicated research and continuous study have shown me that nothing is random and that, as the Peaceful Warrior says,“there is never nothing going on”.

The Denver Broncos’ mascot, of course, is a horse, a bucking bronco and the Seattle Seahawks’ mascot is a seaside-dwelling bird of prey. It’s the Year of the Horse, so many might have assumed that the Broncos would emerge as the victor.  As we all know, the Broncos were shut out for three of four quarters and got pummeled into the ground by the Seahawks. I mean, it wasn’t even close. The Seahawks demolished the Broncos with a final score of 43:8. The Broncos’ 8 points were scored in the third quarter after a half time show that began with a group of children holding hands and singing “the world had better prepare!” followed by Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers glorifying sex with their provocative songs and hip thrusting. 

Rape and plundering was a common practice among soldiers in war time as a reward for their bravery, to release built up tension and to celebrate a victory. Towards the end, a videotape was played of American soldiers dedicating Mr. Mars’ (whose name means the “God of War”) last song to their families. The irony of it all!

The performance was preluded by a drum solo by this God of War, which has been used in the past as a call to arms, a call to action, a call to fight the good fight. Then Mars sang a song entitled “Locked Out of Heaven” which includes a repetitive Kundalini rising crescendo that many songs released in the past few years hide in the background. This song is said to be about Lucifer, a beautifully luminescent androgynous angel who after defying God and declaring himself a god, lost a battle with Archangel Michael and his throng of angels and was cast down from the heavenly realms to a three dimensional planet called Earth. It’s said this fallen angel seduced Eve into partaking of the forbidden fruit and that “enmity was put between the serpent and the woman, and between the serpent’s seed and her seed.” (Genesis 3:15 paraphrase) 

It’s also said that Lucifer’s demons interbred with human women, “the daughters of Eve”, after The Fall and after the Great Flood. When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they lie with any of them they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created, and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground, for I regret that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. (Genesis 6:1-4)

Bruno Mars’ songs are about sex and the worship of women. Women like to be appreciated, adored and yes, even treasured! If you listen to his songs from the perspective of sympathizing with Lucifer’s plight (Locked Out of Heaven), how he used his beauty and sensuality in the seduction of women to establish his kingdom on Earth (Treasure), his warning about what his evil intentions are (Runaway Baby), what he tells his sex slaves, who have sold their soul to Satan, to do in order to proclaim their love and loyalty and what he does to them when they don’t perform or break their deal with the devil (Grenade), and his desperate attempt to keep the human race in a trance like state preoccupied with addictions, perversions and enslavement (It Will Rain), they will take on a whole new meaning.  Lucifer was indeed the first of many “mother fuckers”.  

BTW: Bruno Mars is obviously not his real name. Bruno means “shining armor” and Mars refers to the Roman “God of War” and the red planet, fourth in line from the Sun.

There is more to say, but in summary, here’s my understanding of possible meanings that can be surmised from this year’s Superb Owl. The Dark Horse is defeated, decidedly and definitively. There just is no contest and no question about who wins and who loses. It may try to make a play for some points and take some players out in the third quarter, commonly known as the fall season of the calendar year, but it cannot make a comeback from so far behind and it will fail to win the title, the trophy and the brass ring. The God of War is beating his drum.  Half way through the year, will soldiers from every major player in the global fight for the upper hand, fall for this Pied Piper’s hypnotic melody yet again and follow him into the sea? Sexual scandals and illicit sexual affairs among politicians, sex slaves and human trafficking, sexually contracted diseases, love triangles and sex tapes of celebrities will be daily fodder for mainstream media and entertainment news shows. Look up and take cover. Birds of prey have been passed the ball; any obstructions obediently step out of the way and any defenses are removed with a single command to “stand down”. These raptors of the air are going to run with their free reign of terror from the skies and straight into the Hall of Fame. Watch for the writing on the floor of heaven; black hawks and white drones, expanding white lines drawn in the blue firmament above and doodles scribbled overhead trailing behind unmarked jets, a radioactive mushroom cloud, plumes of volcanic smoke and ash and plane crashes. A fake alien invasion may be staged in order to turn our attention away from fighting amongst ourselves and toward defending ourselves from an attack of malevolent extra-terrestrials. “Problem. Reaction. Solution.” (David Icke) This crisis will create a seemingly legitimate reason and need to form a centralized global government, a New World Order.

I'm waking up to ash and dust
I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust
I'm breathing in the chemicals
I'm breaking in, shaping up
Then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse
I'm waking up! 
I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
~ from Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

This planet is in the process of being transformed for occupation by non-human beings who are looking to create a more hospitable environment for their unique biological design and chemical makeup. Terraforming is a process of deliberately modifying a moon’s or planet’s atmosphere, temperature, surface topography and/or ecology. It’s basically planetary engineering done by heating the planet and altering its atmosphere. “Global warming”, anyone? Geo-engineering, chemtrails, radiation emitting wireless technology and nuclear power plants, over mining practices, oil drilling and fracking, the continued use of fossil fuels, Co2 emissions, smog, ozone depletion, the contamination of waterways and oceans, the deforestation in tropical climates and the resulting extinction of animal life and other projects not commonly known or disclosed to the public, are changing the Earth’s environment forever. “Natural” disasters can be covertly manufactured by energy weapons like HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) and scalar technology and have been used to cause earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes and super storms.  

It’s not an upgrade to your phone.  Its an upgrade to yourself.
~ Droid 2012 commercial

Additionally, humanity has entered the Age of Trans Humanism and there’s no going back.  Our DNA or genetic code is being artificially altered or “upgraded” to morph into a model Human 2.0 or be exterminated. What has been set into motion is a purge, a process of elimination, an evolutionary “survival of the fittest” method of eradication of the weaker members of the human species. This is being done through genetically modified food, synthetic pharmaceuticals, fluoridated water, toxic personal care and household products, vaccinations and flu shots, auto-immune diseases, chemtrails, nano and wireless technology and the excessive exposure to high levels of electromagnetic radiation. Our world is, in a sense, a huge laboratory where scientific experiments are being conducted without the oblivious subject’s knowledge or consent. We are being conditioned to accept this new humanism through main stream media programming, the hypnotic entertainment industry, the indoctrinating liberal public educational system, socialism, advanced technological devices, digital information exchange and non-disclosure policies. We are so addicted to electronic technology, so conditioned to feel our life is over without a charged up cell phone and so strongly connected to this virtual reality and digital world, that the jump from electronic money, Bluetooth ear pieces and hand held devices to a tattooed or implanted chip no longer seems like such an impossible leap. Humans seldom ever connect with people face to face anymore or take time away from their facebook feed to connect directly with their Higher Self, God or Source.

All this talk of end times and the apocalypse brings us to the question of the Antichrist. As with most of the metaphors and allegories in the Bible, the Book of Revelation’s imagery and descriptions of beasts and dragons, the lion and the lamb, the scrolls and the seals, the four living creatures and the four horsemen are all symbolic representations of a possible future timeline. The Antichrist is not a person. The Antichrist is the opposite of Christ consciousness; just as yang is the other half of yin energy and matter exists only because of the existence of anti-matter. 

Fear not the coming of the Antichrist who many will attempt to personify; nor look to the skies for the second coming of a man they called Jesus. The Anti-Christ consciousness and Christ consciousness are already present here on Earth.

The human race does not suffer from captivity, enslavement and mistreatment by its captors. Human kind suffers from a serious case of amnesia.

Wake up! Refuse the mark of the Beast. Embody the consciousness of Christ. Overcome. Be in the world, but not of the world.

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Pearls of Wisdom is a personal blog of the wisdom writings of Dara Eden that fall outside the realms of feng shui, The 8 Elements and her other personal energy work. Established in 2014, the blog is an expression of her highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom & Inner Peace. It’s devoted to increasing awareness, expanding consciousness, bringing knowledge, sharing innerstandings and offering wisdom to the sovereign souls inhabiting the Earth.

Dara Eden is a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant, like a grain of sand, embeds itself within the soft tissue of a shelled mollusk. To protect itself, the oyster or clam covers the invading gritty particle with concentric layers of iridescent crystalline calcium to form treasures, pearls of great beauty and worth. Gifts of the sea, pearls are the oldest known gem and the only gem that does not need to be cut, shaped or polished. Pearls are associated with elegance and luxury and are a symbol of mystery and purity. Pearls represent priceless knowledge, the rare wisdom that begins as a tiny, random, common irritant.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


The Power of kNOW


The Trojan Horse