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Uncategorized Dara Eden Uncategorized Dara Eden

The Power of kNOW

Information. There is a mind boggling amount of it out there, flooding the information super highways, inundating the main stream media and saturating the Internet. This astronomical library of information increases exponentially every day and even though the voluminous quantity of it is enormous to the point of being completely incomprehensible, the quality, in many cases, leaves much to be desired.  It is a militant parade that marches past us in brigades, armed with as much fiction and fabrication as facts and figures, as many faked photos and staged footage as true to life photographic journalism and in the field embedded reporting, live in real time.

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Uncategorized Dara Eden Uncategorized Dara Eden

What to Know

Know that “All is well”! Your personal experience is shaped by what you think, fueled by your emotions about what you perceive to be your reality. Your sub-conscious does not know what is real. It gets its information from you; from your internal dialogue, from your own thought life; what you say aloud and what you expose your eyes and ears to.

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