How The Nest Was Won

POW Blog - How the Nest Was Won

Why the dissolution of marriage, destruction of the family and the damage to children is on YOU!

Recently, drag shows at millennial mommy and me events went viral on social media. Gay men dressed in spandex and lingerie prancing around and shaking what their mama didn’t give them in the faces, not just of minors, but innocent infants and their deplorable mothers.

People like to think that the silent majority and the allies of the woke radical Left activists are in opposition to each other. The reality is, they have more in common than people realize. They both support the normalization of all this nonsense by going along to get along. To prove they’re nice, not hateful. To demonstrate their non-judgmental tolerance in the name of kindness and compassion. To not be canceled.

The political right has declared war on woke culture. And they’ve recently adopted the same despicable tactics, including personal attacks, with all the bravado of counting coup. While getting personal can be effective at showing versus telling, the childish tit for tat, mano a mano combat of cancellation for cancellation only moves humanity closer to the brink of mutually assured destruction.

Conservatives say they want to change hearts and minds, all while insulting and alienating the very people who might voluntarily be willing to finally admit that liberalism is a mental illness, extremist at its roots, even evil to its core, and may be ready to declare they’ve left the Left, to adopt a more sane approach to the legitimately great injustices in our world.

Conservatives say they want to win the culture war, but what they really want is to force the change they want to see in the world by getting laws passed at the sate and federal level. The use of force violates free will, individual freedom and personal responsibility. Forcing your will on others, even when you think you’re in the right, is no better than the gender dysphoric trying to force you to use their pronouns, academia to compel speech on campus or the legal system to criminalize calling a biological man, a man.

Conservatives think they can win the war with logic, reason and common sense in a culture that thinks facts are up for debate and truth is subjective.

Conservatives think they can legislate morality. But they can’t. Morality is developed during a child’s formative years. Children learn right from wrong from their parents. Or, at least they used to, when women were the primary care givers of their infants and children and had the physical and financial support of their husbands.

And that brings us to the current extinction level calamity: the ritual mass slaughter of the unborn and the voluntary sacrifice of children to the woke gods by selfish, negligent and cowardly parents, who use their offspring as tokens to virtue signal their progressivism.

While conservative parents might have raised their kids right and with good values, they did so in a world that was being taken over and run by gangs of social justice warriors, the certifiably mentally ill and the Marxist ideologues ramming their agenda-driven theories down our throats and forcing polite society to swallow hard.

Nice people kept their heads down and mouths shut. They put their blinders on. And minded their own business.

They cared not about the world their children would inherit. They cared not about the future their children would have to live and try to raise their own children in. They cared not about the breakdown of society that would become barriers to their children building happy and productive lives.

Feminism told women to stop wanting what is natural to desire and aspire to have - love and a committed partnership, children and a family. To suppress their fertility with hormonal contraceptives. To squander their fertile years on the college experience, career advancement and casual sex. To kill their children when unwanted pregnancies occurred at inconvenient times. To avoid marriage at all costs and postpone having children indefinitely.

Women didn’t build a nest with their partner. If they did, it wasn’t structurally sound and their relationships and lives kept falling apart. Women didn’t lay eggs. If they did, they threw them out of the nest before they could hatch. Women didn’t have children, if they did they let predators steal them.

The women who did have children sold them to the state for the price of promised safety and personal freedom. They had medicalized births and subjected their precious children to the cult of cut, burn and poison from day 1. They left weeks old infants with strangers to go back to their “real” work. They dropped them off at government daycare centers, otherwise known as public schools, every weekday for twelve years to be brainwashed, traumatized, abused, bullied, confused and groomed. They gave them phones and unsupervised access to the Internet and social media. They sent them to higher levels of education to be fully state indoctrinated.

It’s all about letting your flags fly these days, especially the multi-colored ones. But the unconditional surrender to the woke mob was initiated, not by the rainbow flag, but by the white flag parents frantically waved from a distance in right field. Then, they sent their children to enemy territory as a peace offering.

"Here’s our children. Do with them what you will. Just leave us alone to live and let live.”

And that’s now the nest was won.

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Pearls of Wisdom is a personal blog of the wisdom writings of Dara Eden that fall outside the realms of feng shui, The 8 Elements and her other personal energy work. Established in 2014, the blog is an expression of her highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom & Inner Peace. It’s devoted to increasing awareness, expanding consciousness, bringing knowledge, sharing innerstandings and offering wisdom to the sovereign souls inhabiting the Earth.

Dara Eden is a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant, like a grain of sand, embeds itself within the soft tissue of a shelled mollusk. To protect itself, the oyster or clam covers the invading gritty particle with concentric layers of iridescent crystalline calcium to form treasures, pearls of great beauty and worth. Gifts of the sea, pearls are the oldest known gem and the only gem that does not need to be cut, shaped or polished. Pearls are associated with elegance and luxury and are a symbol of mystery and purity. Pearls represent priceless knowledge, the rare wisdom that begins as a tiny, random, common irritant.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Unplanned Childlessness


The Culture War