The Human Mosaic

POW Blog - The Human Mosaic

The Diversity of the Inhabitants of Earth

It’s common among various spiritual groups to hear people talk about the idea that we are all one, everyone is you, that we’re all part of the Cosmic Creator, that each soul is a divine spark of Source. That’s all true. The “I Am in me recognizes and honors and I Am in you”.

And also, not everyone here is human, or has a soul, or has enough light to be sovereign. Some of the people have lost their minds, sold their soul or diminished their inner light. Some never had an eternal soul or need to restore their soul. Some were never in control of their own mind or need to deprogram themselves and reclaim it. Some don’t have access to their own light, consciousness or connection to Source and need to remember and embody who they really are so they can reclaim their sovereignty.

The following is not a complete or comprehensive list. It’s just a brief overview of the souls and beings who have come together to facilitate and be a part of this next chapter for humanity. And there are of course overlaps between categories of people. For example, you can be from any generation and be a “normie” or involved in organized religion.

The NPCs

These are what Dolores Canon called “backdrop people”. They walk around like extras in the movie. They’re the walking dead. These non-playing characters have no soul or life force energy. When you look into their eyes, nobody’s home. They’re kind of like digital bots but in real life. You’d be surprised how many of these NPCs there actually are in this holographic game called life.

The Minions

These are the people who work for the deep state government or mainstream media, in the public schools or medical hospitals. They’re the low level foot soldiers who take orders and keep the status quo in place. They might work in academia at accredited institutions or conduct bought and paid for predetermined “studies”. They don’t just participate in the system, they hold it up as the gold standard, so that anyone who questions the corruption, indoctrination and malfeasance is considered conspiracy theorists or “alternative” kook.

The Sleepers

These are the people who have soul contracts to never wake up from their amnesia. They literally sleepwalk their way through life until they’re dead. They don’t question anything. They just go along with whatever is being presented as the reality. You might have some in your family or know some in your life.

The Normies

These are the mind controlled and programmed people who watch government propaganda known as the mainstream news. They believe the official narratives and are part of an organized religion. They go to allopathic doctors for diagnosis and medical treatment with drugs and surgery. They go to accredited schools to get super expensive pieces of paper that certifies them as fully state indoctrinated. They get jobs just to pay the bills and self-medicate with drugs and alcohol to cope with their miserable life. They eat convention food and get their annual flu shot. They’re completely plugged into the system.

The Ostriches

These are the people who stop talking to you because they don’t want to hear about what’s going on in the world. They don’t want to see, so they hide their head in the sand. They don’t want to know, so they ask you not to tell them anything, unless it’s “positive”.

The Allies

These are the people who aren’t members of a special interest group or the alphabet community. But they do support them, take up an offense for them and defend them. They work to help normalize the unnatural, the certifiably insane, the anti-human and pure evil.

The Wokesters

These are the SJW libtards who support whatever “the current thing” is. Abortion is reproductive rights or reproductive justice, not murder of the innocent life of their unborn children. Orange man bad. Love is love, even with children. Gender is a social construct. Biological sex can be changed with drugs and surgery. Transwomen are women. Men can get pregnant. “Gender affirming care” is the protection of children. Black Lives Matter. They want to defund the police and chant, “No Justice, No Peace”. They march and protest, vandalize and loot, block off streets and create autonomous zones in cities, as long as Soros pays them for their violent “mostly peaceful” activism. They follow the “days of girlhood” and applaud every degree and presentation of mental illness. They post the black square and use the hashtags like metoo. They cancel and dox people they don’t agree with. They’re Woke AF.

The Victims

These are the millennials who have nothing but student loan debt, know nothing except how to complain and do nothing but sit around being a keyboard warrior or playing video games all day. Everything wrong with the world and their life is someone else’s fault. They’re a bunch of special snowflakes who are oppressed, offended and outraged by everything.

The Boomers

This aging generation that was born after WWII. They went to school and got a good job that funded a good life for themselves and their families. The birth control pill entered the market just in time for the sexual revolution as they were coming of age. Most of them believe all the lies like, Armstrong being the first man to step on the moon or that JFK was assassinated by a patsy.

The Xers

This bridge between the Boomers and the Millennials was the last generation to have a “normal” childhood. They played outside with friends in real life, instead of online. Many were products of feminist, working mothers and fatherlessness and became “latch key kids” because no one was home when they got out of being indoctrinated by the state. They came from dysfunctional, broken or blended families. Because they didn’t have good role models for being a husband or wife, father or mother, they became afraid to get married or have children themselves. So, they delayed marriage and starting a family indefinitely, missing that window of opportunity that a woman’s biological clock limits to her most reproductive years.

The Millennials

For the most part, these are a bunch of overgrown children who will never mature. They’re the Lost Generation that was raised by their peers instead of their parents. They aren’t getting married or having children either. They just sleep around with people they meet on Tinder and think of abortion as a form of birth control. They serial date and shack up, but not with the intention of committing to being a lifelong partner or parents. Many have infertility issues due to poor health, vegan diets, extreme exercise regimens, body image issues, being underweight and vaccine damage. Many think of their pets as children while others are so self-absorbed they can’t be bothered to take care of or be responsible for anyone or anything besides themselves. They were told to prioritize their “career” over all else, which is really just a corporate JOB (just over broke), working for the man they say they hate. Maybe their job will keep them warm at night and take care of them in their old age.

Gen Z

These are the children who grew up “chronically online”. In fact, they were born Internet-ready and were raised with an addiction to technology. Posting selfies on social media and creating monetized content has become their full time job. They’re gender confused and have succumbed to the social contagion of transgenderism and all that comes with that anti-science, anti-reality dysphoria being shoved down our throats as the next civil rights activist movement.

The Religious

These are the people who need a savior. They’re waiting for a messiah or the second coming of Christ. They think humans are the only sentient life form in the Universe and that the god of the Hebrew canon is the Creator. They they think original sin is the problem and look outside of themselves for the answer to the question of where their soul will be sentenced to, heaven or hell, for eternity.

The New Agers

These are the “spiritual, not religious” people who think they’re gurus and goddesses. They worship or “work with” entities and archons posing as ascended masters and advanced beings of light. They have “guides”, get downloads and channel messages. They don’t believe in evil because that’s negative and even considering the reality of that would kick them out of their toxic positivity “love and light” only vibes. They practice all of these pseudo spiritual rituals and obsessively protect and clear their energy, instead of fully embodying their True Self. They think of themselves as more spiritual than everybody else because they stay in the neutral zone of non-judgment, instead of taking a stand for truth and against evil. These cowards are unwilling to be hot or cold or authentically self-expressed for fear of being the villain in someone else’s story.

The Earthlings

These are the people indigenous to this planet. They’re connected to Terra and honor the cycles and season of the natural habitat and ecosystem that is Mother Earth. They remember the beginnings, the wars in heaven, the hijacking of the planet, the invasions and colonization, the enslavement and genetic manipulations. Their ancestral stories are not myths and legends, but the true history of this plane and its inhabitants.

The Elite

These people think they’re some kind of bloodline royalty, descendants of the “gods”. They think of themselves as kings or rulers over the peasants and “useless eaters” of Earth. They feel entitled to control and manipulate, lie to and steal from people, intentionally poison them and terraform the planet.

The Bad Actors

According to the dictionary, a bad actor is a person or organization responsible for actions that are harmful, illegal, or morally wrong. This is every politician and government official and all of their clones and doubles. Every institution that gets federal funding and evil corporations that lobby for special treatment to operate above the law. Every government agency and all of their agents and assets, domestic and international. Every judge and police chief who gets blackmailed or takes bribes to do the elite’s dirty work.

The Truthers

These are the people who know something isn’t quite right about what’s going on here. They question everything. They do their own research. They think critically. They deprogram themselves from history, religion and politics. The seek and find the truth. And then they speak the truth.

The Starseeds

These are the volunteer souls who chose to come and help raise the consciousness of the people of Earth. They’re first timers. Not of this world. They’ve never been a human before or experienced the human condition or human emotions.

What are some other categories of beings? Share in the comments below.


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Pearls of Wisdom is a personal blog of the wisdom writings of Dara Eden that fall outside the realms of feng shui, The 8 Elements and her other personal energy work. Established in 2014, the blog is an expression of her highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom & Inner Peace. It’s devoted to increasing awareness, expanding consciousness, bringing knowledge, sharing innerstandings and offering wisdom to the sovereign souls inhabiting the Earth.

Dara Eden is a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant, like a grain of sand, embeds itself within the soft tissue of a shelled mollusk. To protect itself, the oyster or clam covers the invading gritty particle with concentric layers of iridescent crystalline calcium to form treasures, pearls of great beauty and worth. Gifts of the sea, pearls are the oldest known gem and the only gem that does not need to be cut, shaped or polished. Pearls are associated with elegance and luxury and are a symbol of mystery and purity. Pearls represent priceless knowledge, the rare wisdom that begins as a tiny, random, common irritant.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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