Judge More, Not Less

POW Blog - Judge More Not Less

Telling the Truth in a Fucked Up World

Recently, I shared in a private group about my disappointment in how humanity is coping with the interesting times we live in. Falling for psyops, believing the official narratives and government propaganda, broadcasted into millions of homes every night on the mainstream news. Worshipping the satanic god of the Hebrew canon and participating in a religion organized around Christ’s message of “the way, the truth and the life”. Voting for their next rulers and consenting to being governed by corrupt, career criminals. Submitting to the “authority” of totalitarian dictators and complying with their globalist tyrannical decrees. Voluntarily injecting themselves with poisons and wishing death on the humans who don’t get poked. Groomers sexualizing children and liberals subjecting them to gender confusing messages. Actively participating in the system of control, complicit in their own demise.

I was accused of being judgmental by the woman leading the meditation circle. Guilty as charged. I’m an INTJ. Introverted. Intuitive. Thinking. Judging.

It was more important for her to come to the defense of the very people I was criticizing than to hold space for me to express my feelings and be vulnerable enough to cry on the call. The protective mechanism of invalidating my feelings automatically kicked in with a swift knee-jerk reaction. She needed to squash anything I was saying; distance herself from me to make sure the other left-leaning people knew she disagreed with me. She needed to keep the peace in the group of easily offended people by telling me I was wrong to feel what I was feeling.

The unsolicited advice I was given next was: stop being judgmental. Don’t be you; be more like me, non-judgmental, accepting, or at least tolerant. Don’t share observations or opinions; you might offend or insult people. Don’t have an opinion about the choices people are making; they’re just doing the best they can. Or, at least accept everyone the way they are. Let them need what they need and do what they do.

Because, anything and everything goes these days. And anything less than full acceptance of people and their behaviors is judgmental. And being judgmental is worse than the global tyranny people have consented to. Which is kind of why we are at a place in the world where an adult man, pretending to be a girl, is invited to speak at a women’s conference and the medical mafia has the authority to perform double mastectomies on 15 year old girls and give vaccinated blood to an infant before surgery against the parents’ wishes.

The globalists have so successfully normalized the fear of breathing air that when someone wears a mask in the privacy of their own home or car or on a run in the great outdoors, their mental illness is not crazy, it’s preventative medicine. And when the fully vaxxed and yet still fearful, intend ill will and wish death on the people who choose not to poison themselves, that’s not self-righteous, it’s just self-preservation.

If you want to wear a mask in your own home, fine. But when you show up on the video chat with it on, your mind control programming is showing.

Identify as anything you’d like. But when you try to pass laws to compel speech, your socialist, Marxist, communist ideology is showing.

If you don’t want to be insulted, then be the kind of person who if someone were to state just the facts about you, you’d take pride in or at least own and acknowledge the truth of each descriptive adjective.

But she didn’t stop there. In a follow up email, she also said being judgmental blocks manifestation. This from a woman, close to fifty, who is obsessed with energy clearing, but rents a room in someone else’s house because she doesn’t make enough to honor her need to have a sacred space of her own.

I get it. Being a single woman living on one income is challenging these days. And rent is outrageous. I’ve been raising two children for eighteen years as a single mom, working for myself and we’ve always had a home. As an intuitive energy healer and feng shui consultant, I know how important it is to have your own home. Personally, it’s essential to my inner peace.

Needless to say I’m no longer a member of that meditation circle. When I missed a bi-monthly call last month, I didn’t feel an ounce of regret. And when I didn’t make the effort to watch the recording, I knew I had outgrown the group. It was time to find conscious people who actively know and actually care about what’s going on in the world, instead of being legitimately oblivious or intentionally hiding their heads in the sand, purposely participating in the control system or knowingly normalizing pure evil.

With intention you can receive valuable contributions from any experience or situation, even among normies. Moments of clarity. Insights. Interesting povs. Guidance. And I do, even when they’re “not my people”. But sometimes the massive amounts of bs outweighs the value and return on my investment of time, money and energy.

The thing with Mountain Earth people is that you never know what they really think. Because they never openly share. They self-censored because they don’t want to be found out and judged. They have room for everyone just the way they are because they’re the ones who need everyone’s acceptance just the way they are.

This lack of honesty, hiding behind a mask of kindness and inclusivity, makes them inauthentic and your relationships with them superficial, if not completely fake. You don’t know who they really are, because they don’t stand for anything except tolerance for everything and acceptance for everyone. These are your coexist people who say they want “peace of Earth, goodwill toward men”, all while being tolerant of the very things that are killing humans and destroying the planet.

If you’re afraid of what people might think if they knew the truth about you, that’s probably a sign to re-examine your life, your values, your beliefs, your choices and your views.

Better to be honest with people. Provide the quality information they need upfront to make a decision about their level of involvement with you. Don’t make them guess or find out later you’re opposed to the very things they’re in support of.

When you’re real and authentically self-expressed, instead of the nice and polite self-censoring edition, people will be confronted with the things they don’t want to see or hear or have to think about. Because critical thinking leads to new perspectives, expanded awareness, discernment…and yes, judgments. And honestly, we need good humans with good character to have more good judgment, not less.

Because, as a wise woman once said,

If we don’t judge, we have no moral compass.

But people don’t like honesty. They don’t like anything that questions their worldview or disrupts their life. They’d rather live a lie than seek and find, know and embody the truth.

Because the Truth is not positive…or negative. It’s not kind or cruel. It’s not comforting or confronting. It’s not accepting or judgmental. Truth just is. And it provides quality information, whether you like it or not. You’re the one who turns facts and truth into a criticism when you take something personally or take up an offense for other people.

Biological sex cannot be changed with drugs and surgeries. That’s a fact. And the people who lie to children, affirm gender dysphoria and treat this trending social contagion of mental illness with chemical castration, sterilization and genital mutilation, for some social justice agenda, are evil. If that makes me judgmental, then so be it!

The irony is that in accusing me of being judgmental for sharing my feelings about the state of the world and its inhabitants, she was judging me for having an opinion she didn’t like or agree with, and worse still, having the courage to say the quiet part out loud. That people are sick, stupid and insane.

Where are the sane people who seek truth, speak truth and stand in their sovereignty?

I was happy to leave the group. It was time. I knew it was time months ago when without even acknowledging the content of a text, she asked me not to text her. Email only, please. Mobile number immediately deleted from phone, per request.

My intention, for what turned out to be my last meditation with the “circle”, was for soul connection with conscious people. Often I am the only one who shows up live to the call. There’s little participation from other members. I’m not even sure any of them even have a meditation practice. And when no one else shows up, it’s certainly not a meditation circle. After almost two years of participating in a very small group of people I don’t resonate with and wouldn’t be friends with in real life, it became clear that for me to honor my need for soul connection I need to choose to be with people I actually know and like, trust and respect.

This recent event, however, reminded me of another experience I had three years ago on social media. I had been a silent observer for years in a Facebook group. One day, I decided to see if I could make some soul connections with truly conscious women.

The following is the post that got deleted and then me permanently removed from a “spiritual” group on Facebook.

Hi Ladies!

Over the past few years, I have become present to how important it is to have relationships with people who share, or at least honor our highest values. Quality connections with people who can provide mutual support and intuitive guidance and offer the wisdom that comes from our unique perspective, areas of expertise and lived experience.

Honestly, one the greatest disappointments for me has been the lack of visibility and therefore opportunities to connect with truly conscious women. The ones who have a lot to contribute and quietly observe but choose to stay silent in public forums because of the abusive way people use comment boxes on social media platforms, even in “spiritual” groups like this.

While I have commented a few times, this is my first time posting here.

My intention is to connect with other beautiful souls who might resonate with my energy and feel aligned with my mission on some level.

I came to raise the consciousness in this realm, end human slavery and help expose the various control systems, including: two party political theater and tyrannical government, state indoctrination, alphabet agency propaganda and organized religion.

I choose not to participate in the divisive conversations and destructive group think that has been normalized and deemed righteous under the guise of “social justice”, “wokeness” or “kindness”.

I choose to speak on my personal platforms about human rights, individual freedom, personal responsibility and sovereignty.

I choose to be on the timeline in which humanity reclaims their sovereignty, humans restore their own soul and people cherish their humanity.

All of my work is centered around honoring our unique personal energy.  All of my research hours are devoted to seeking and finding the truth that has been hidden.

If you have remembered who you really are and are remembering our true soul story, you might be my soul sister.  Let’s connect!

Super inappropriate and offensive, right?! Worthy of deletion and being banned for life, for sure.

Is there a kind way to speak truth? Maybe, and you can definitely try. But if people don’t like the truth, they’ll choose to be offended no matter how it’s presented. And like facts, truth doesn’t care about your feelings.

Remove people from your life who are judgmental and offensive and make insulting comments.

Better still, dismiss that which insults your soul. And to do that, you might have to judge more, not less.

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Pearls of Wisdom is a personal blog of the wisdom writings of Dara Eden that fall outside the realms of feng shui, The 8 Elements and her other personal energy work. Established in 2014, the blog is an expression of her highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom & Inner Peace. It’s devoted to increasing awareness, expanding consciousness, bringing knowledge, sharing innerstandings and offering wisdom to the sovereign souls inhabiting the Earth.

Dara Eden is a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant, like a grain of sand, embeds itself within the soft tissue of a shelled mollusk. To protect itself, the oyster or clam covers the invading gritty particle with concentric layers of iridescent crystalline calcium to form treasures, pearls of great beauty and worth. Gifts of the sea, pearls are the oldest known gem and the only gem that does not need to be cut, shaped or polished. Pearls are associated with elegance and luxury and are a symbol of mystery and purity. Pearls represent priceless knowledge, the rare wisdom that begins as a tiny, random, common irritant.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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