Love & Truth

On Loving What Is

Love and truth are the sacred union that allows us to be a full expression of the divine Love that we really are on a soul level and an expression of the universal Truth of what is. For more on LOVE being an expression of our True Selves, I recommend reading, Love Over Fear.

Love without truth is meaningless.

~ Steven Crowder

My critics would say that truth without love is also meaningless. And I would heartily agree. In fact, I would go further to say that speaking the truth without expressing love is ineffectual.

There has to be a full expression of both truth and love. But unfortunately, people think they have to pick one over the other. They can be loving or they can tell the truth, but not both.

And here’s why: most people’s identities are based in lies. So, when you state a fact or speak the truth, it feels like a personal attack. It lands like you are invalidating their very existence.

Another problem is, truth can be harsh. Is there a loving way to state that, for example, “there are two sexes, male and female”? Is there a kind way say, “abortion is murder”. If someone identifies as non-binary or trans or has killed their unborn child, the truth is not going to feel loving, no matter your delivery. It’s going to feel like an accusation. Either because, in these examples, they are pretending to be something they’re not and living a lie or they are guilty of crimes against children.

Also, truth is being censored. I’m not allowed to share the truth on social media. Official narrative lies only. Instagram notifies me of this on the daily.

Most Christians and conservatives have, in the past, chosen love over truth. They don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. But most importantly, they don’t want to be viewed as intolerant or mean. They don’t want their character to be assassinated or their small businesses to be boycotted. So, the silent majority smiles and nods. They keep their thoughts and opinions to themselves. If they have nothing nice to say, they say nothing at all.

The New Agers are still choosing love over everything, including the truth. All their “love and light” sounds like people’s “thoughts and prayers” after a tragedy. Or, even worse, condescending and patronizing.

I admit, I tend to lead with the truth most of the time. You could say I share unsolicited truth. (If that’s your experience, find the unsubscribe or unfollow button immediately!) I can show compassion and loving kindness. But I value the truth so much that in the cases where speaking the truth might offend people, I do it anyway.

Truth can be offensive. Speak it anyway.

But, where is the love? Well, you could say that speaking the Truth is the highest expression of love. I have never understood parents who lie to their children. Now we have two generations of people who act like children and expect us to lie to them by going along with whatever their current thing is and affirming whatever their mental illnesses of the day is.

Lying to people, affirming their dysphoria, protecting their fragile feelings, keeping them from the pain of experiencing cognitive dissonance and enabling their acts of self-hatred and self-harm, is not love, it’s abuse.

True love is being willing to be honest with ourselves and others. It’s having the integrity to tell the truth. It’s choosing not to lie, even by omission, to anyone, including ourselves. It’s having the courage to speak the truth, even when it’s unpopular or politically incorrect. It’s choosing not to self-censor, even when it could get us cancelled, de-platformed and banned for life.

Telling the truth is an act of love. You only lie to people you hate or want to control. You only keep the truth from people you don’t love or respect.

So, what comes first? The truth or the love? Telling the truth could be seen as the ultimate expression of love. Truth comes from a desire to embody and express love.

Here’s why: you can’t love what is until you seek and find the truth. In The Work, Byron Katie challenges us to question our beliefs, uncover the truth, explore the opposite of what you think is true and love what is. This Mother Earth element likes to think of herself as a lover of reality. She accurately states,

When you argue with reality, you lose, but only 100% of the time.
~ Byron Katie

The Work starts with noticing who or what is upsetting you. Then, you fill out a Judge Your Neighbor Worksheet. Next, you ask four questions.

The four questions are:

  • Is it true?

  • Can you absolutely know that it’s true?

  • What happens when you believe that thought?

  • Who would you be without that thought?

Finally, you turn the thought around and ask, “Is the opposite as true as or truer than the original thought?”

I am a lover of truth. I don’t always love the reality of what is going on in the world. Doing The Work has helped me to be at peace in a world gone mad, even when the truth of that hurts. But it only works if you value inner peace more than being right. If you’re attached to being right, you’ll always be out of step with reality. And that’s a recipe for suffering.

The lies people tell are hateful and evil. Telling people they inherited original sin by virtue of being human is a lie. Telling people they’re going to hell if they don’t believe what you believe is a lie. Telling children they can transition to the opposite gender is a lie. Telling parents that the medical transition of their children is completely reversible is a lie. Telling women that having a career is more important than having a family (if they want one) is a lie. Telling men that being masculine is toxic is a lie.

If your intention is love, then you have to tell the truth. Once you do, you can hold space for the people whose psyches and lives are affected by this truth. You can love them through the process of letting go of the lies they built an identity and life around. You can show them love and compassion as they begin to embody the truth of who they really are.

Love and truth are infinitely linked in a dance through the cosmos. You cannot have one without the other. You cannot be one without the other. They are perfectly paired partners in the eternity of life.

Love is the set of bookends that holds the space for Truth is be known. It’s the warm embrace that cradles you in its arms as you come to terms with the truth, the reality of what is.

Seek truth. Love what is. Embody love by speaking the truth. Live in alignment with the truth. And be the true love you want to see in the world.

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Pearls of Wisdom is a personal blog of the wisdom writings of Dara Eden that fall outside the realms of feng shui, The 8 Elements and her other personal energy work. Established in 2014, the blog is an expression of her highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom & Inner Peace. It’s devoted to increasing awareness, expanding consciousness, bringing knowledge, sharing innerstandings and offering wisdom to the sovereign souls inhabiting the Earth.

Dara Eden is a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant, like a grain of sand, embeds itself within the soft tissue of a shelled mollusk. To protect itself, the oyster or clam covers the invading gritty particle with concentric layers of iridescent crystalline calcium to form treasures, pearls of great beauty and worth. Gifts of the sea, pearls are the oldest known gem and the only gem that does not need to be cut, shaped or polished. Pearls are associated with elegance and luxury and are a symbol of mystery and purity. Pearls represent priceless knowledge, the rare wisdom that begins as a tiny, random, common irritant.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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