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The 8 Elements Dara Eden The 8 Elements Dara Eden

What's Your Element?

The 8 Elements™ is just one of many personal typing systems. So, if you don't resonate with your personal feng shui element, you can find a personality typing system that does. Even though most of them are based on Western philosophies, if you resonate more with the holistic Eastern philosophies, you still have quite a few options to explore.

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Feng Shui for Business Dara Eden Feng Shui for Business Dara Eden

Finding Your Ideal Customer

One of the first things we do when we're creating a conscious business model that works for our life and personal energy is to determine who we'd like to contribute to. This is not just about finding our niche to differentiate ourselves from similar businesses and stand out from the crowd. It's also about finding our people.

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House Guests | June 2022

Each month a new energy moves into your personal element's house. This energy is represented by one of The 8 Elements. Since your energy is currently visiting your own house all year, 2022 is the perfect opportunity to really pay attention to how the energy of the personal elements affects you and the area of life your house governs.

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Feng Shui for YOU! Dara Eden Feng Shui for YOU! Dara Eden

Personal Element of Your House

Just like people, houses and buildings have a personal element. Instead of the birthdate and sex of a person, a building's personal element is determined by the sitting direction. It's the personal element of the building that influences the occupants' life while they are living there.

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Hard Metal, The 8 Elements, Water Dara Eden Hard Metal, The 8 Elements, Water Dara Eden

Bad Advice

Self help gurus are the worst offenders of bad advice. It's not necessarily that their advice itself is always bad. It's that what has worked for them, won't work for you, unless you are their same element. Even then, there are subtle nuances to your unique expression of your personal element that you should honor.

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