
T8E Blog - Directionless
 August is the mid-point of the year. This is when the annual energy peaks before slowly beginning to diminish and create space for the incremental arrival of new energy mid-November. This time of year, sometimes called Indian summer, is associated with the Earth element. 
More specifically this seasonal interlude is associated with the Mountain Earth element. Just as late summer follows summer, mid-life associated with Mountain Earth follows adulthood associated with Fire. And just as mountains have peaks, this time of year signals a peak in energy after the climb and before descending down to the flatlands in the valleys below. 
This fifth season is the transitional period between the Fire season of Summer and the Metal season of Fall. Providing respite, it's a moment of peace and stillness before the busyness of the back-to-school and autumnal holiday seasons begin. It's a climax to our ascent followed by a pause to revel in the ecstasy of reaching the top and taking in the panoramic view. 
At this time each year, the energy of the annual element can become the most intense. When the energy is auspicious, a lot of amazing things can shift and happen in our lives. Ambitious goals can be achieved. Things can be accomplished and checked off the to do list. Changes can take place that move our life forward, in a new direction and always, ever onward.
When the energy is inauspicious, life can become very, very challenging. Relationships can dissolve or expire. Health crises can occur. Businesses can close. Chapters of life can end. And people can be forced to change, shift their focus or pivot in their career or business.
Yellow Earth, home at the enter of the bagua, is directionless. It has no compass direction. No personal trigram. No associated family member. No Chinese zodiac animal. No age or stage of life. No dominant yin or yang energy. 
Yellow Earth is at the center of the The 8 Elements universe. It's a center point of stillness like the eye of a storm. It's the hub that holds the spokes of the wheel together. 
Balancing yin and yang, it's a neutral zone in the polarity of opposites. Holding sacred space, it provides the foundational support for harmonizing the relationship dynamics between the elements. And the pause it requires us to take asks us to honor our need for rest, allowing us to have more personal wellbeing. 
Feeling stuck? Don't worry. And don't struggle. Practice peacefulness. This too shall pass. 
Feeling accomplished? If you've reached the peak of your year, pause to acknowledge yourself. Practice stillness. And as you look out in all directions place a touchstone in your energy field that you can revisit when you need to access the memory of this feeling. 
Feeling directionless? Wait to take any action. Practice patience. See obstacles as the way and delays as blessings in disguise.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


The Year Cycles


What's Your Element?