Listen to Learn

T8E Blog - Listen to Learn
 A popular YouTuber who makes "cleaning motivation" videos recently published a video behind the pay wall about the value of traveling, on her subscription website. If you know who she is, you know. If not, it doesn't matter. 
If you've been reading my blogs, you know I've stopped studying celebrities. They lie about both their date of birth and sex. I need an accurate DOB and male or female SEX to determine their personal feng shui element. Social media, especially YouTube is full of real people who like to share a lot about their lives, including how old they are.
I don't provide commentary. What I do is study people and then share my observations with YOU! That way you too can continue your study of The 8 Elements™.
This YouTuber has a group of relentless critics who judge her for emasculating her husband, showing her children on videos, receiving PPP loans while other brick and mortar businesses with employees went out of business and had to close and becoming more and more "un-relatable" the wealthier she gets, among other things, not the least of which is her personal decor style. The latest criticism comes in response to her unsolicited advice to prioritize travel, even when you don't have the money and would have to go into debt to do it. Like the Nike tagline, "Just do it!" 
For the people who have commentary channels and who know nothing about personal energy, this looks like really bad financial advice. They jump into judging her motives. (Her husband has a travel planning business.)  They call her out for the irresponsible use of her platform. And they condemn her for encouraging people to live beyond their means. 
Something I learned from Alison Armstrong of PAX Program, was to listen to learn. Not to judge. Not to agree or disagree. But to listen to discover what a person values. What they care about. What's most important to them. 
Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
~ Stephen R. Covey
When you listen to learn and you know what their personal element is, you can seek first to understand. It shifts the energy from wondering if you like this person or agree with this person or respect this person to innerstanding who this person really is. You may indeed decide you don't like, agree or respect them. But until you've let them show you who they are, reserve judgement. Be curious, not critical. 
When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.
~ Dr. Maya Angelou
As a personal energy and relationship dynamics coach I have a lot of practice with this. When people share what's going on in their hearts and lives, homes and families, I listen to learn. Then, I offer intuitive guidance from our higher selves. I don't let my own human experiences and personal opinions of their interesting points of view or life choices factor in. 
(If you want to know what I think, follow me on Instagram.)
As an intuitive energy healer I can see people's souls. When you see who someone is at a soul level, who they are being as a human is not always an energetic match. There's potential there, but many people never reach or live up to their full potential. Instead, they let their human self dominate their personal energy and override their soul self. 
As The 8 Elements™ Master, I know that this YouTuber is a Hard Metal queen. Part of her Life Center is Travel. She literally cannot enjoy personal wellbeing without traveling. It's a priority for her because of how much it contributes to her quality of life. It's something she values so much that she makes sure to bless her family with the enriching experiences of multiple domestic and international trips a year. And she thinks it's so essential to a full life, she encourages her subscribers to make the effort to just do it, no matter their financial situation. 
As a Sagittarius rising, I get it. My children have benefitted from my adventurous nature, traveling with me to other counties. Honestly, the traveling itself is a bit stressful and uncomfortable for me. But once I'm there I really enjoy whatever the country has to offer. I probably would never go somewhere for a week or so because the coming and going aren't worth the headaches and hassles of airports and car rentals for just a few days. And I don't like staying in hotels. That's what valid passports, 3 month visas and Airbnbs are for. 
As a Water element, listening is my default setting. It's how I've been able to silently observe people and study their ways of being in the world. I've recognized patterns and continue to discover all the aspects that make up the unique personal energy of The 8 Elements™.
So, in the case of this mommy vlogger, you can focus on what's wrong with her message. Or, you can listen to learn. And realize she is sharing her values. 
You don't have to agree or disagree. You don't have to judge or condemn. You don't have to respect people who are immoral, lack integrity, don't share your values or make poor life choices. Just let people show you who they are. And then believe them.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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