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Soft Wood's Colors of the Wind

The next two years promise to be extremely emotional ones. After back to back mental energy years followed by a year of physical rest, humans will be provoked to emote. Soft Wood next year will be followed by a Hard Wood year in 2024, providing the fuel for the new era of future prosperity to ignite, catch fire and slowly burn for the next 20 years.

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House Guests | June 2022

Each month a new energy moves into your personal element's house. This energy is represented by one of The 8 Elements. Since your energy is currently visiting your own house all year, 2022 is the perfect opportunity to really pay attention to how the energy of the personal elements affects you and the area of life your house governs.

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Hard Metal, The 8 Elements, Water Dara Eden Hard Metal, The 8 Elements, Water Dara Eden

Bad Advice

Self help gurus are the worst offenders of bad advice. It's not necessarily that their advice itself is always bad. It's that what has worked for them, won't work for you, unless you are their same element. Even then, there are subtle nuances to your unique expression of your personal element that you should honor.

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Hard Metal Dara Eden Hard Metal Dara Eden

The Return of the King

August comes roaring in like a lion. A lion that has been patiently lying in wait to make its move. And now, the time to take a quantum leap has come. And the world as we know it will never be the same again.

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Elemental Influencers

These elemental influencers are like an Instagrammer on your daily feed that you can't unfollow or even mute. They are just visiting, but they are in your house for the entire year. Best to find ways to cohabitate peaceful, even if by now, you feel like they have overstayed their welcome. If you are curious to see what effect your house guest's energy is having on YOU this year, read on!

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2021 Feng Shui for Fashion

We can apply what we know about the 2021 annual energy to fashion and let it inform what we choose to wear this year.

In your Personal Element Energy Guide you learn about the Five Element's colors and their effect on your energy, based on your personal feng shui element.

In this blog, I will be sharing general information you can use to create, update or add to your capsule wardrobe.

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Hard Metal Dara Eden Hard Metal Dara Eden

The BIG 6

In this blog, I will be sharing 6 of the BIG things you can look forward to and intend to find alignment with as the energy settles in and begins to establish its presence in our lives.

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The 8 Elements in Captivity

We've all had first hand experience now, with the imprisonment and isolation energy that the Soft Metal 7 can bring. But how the "stay home, stay safe" orders statewide or nationwide affected The 8 Elements may have been very different.

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