The BIG 6

T8E BLOG - The BIG 6
 There is so much to share about the Hard Metal element this year.
In honor of its number, I will begin by sharing 6 of the BIG things you can look forward to and intend to find alignment with as the new energy settles in and begins to establish its presence in our lives.

1) BIG Daddy

The first thing to know about this Hard Metal energy is that it is represented by the Father.  This is a wonderful opportunity to reconcile with or heal the relationship with your father.  Or, manifest a loving relationship with a father figure for yourself or your children.
This energy also supports honoring the divine masculine energy within yourself and every soul.  Men and women both, can tap into and access their divine masculine, embody it and become a full expression of it.  It's the Return of the King.  The Christ consciousness that seeks divine union with his bride, the divine feminine counterpart, the Sophia consciousness.
In addition to the father and masculine energy, Hard Metal is also represented by the husband and man of the house.  Those who would like to be in a committed relationship, may be able to find affinity with their soulmate and the sexy man of their dreams.  This energy also supports the head of households, no matter what your family or home life looks like for you.
Hard Metal energy also represents leaders.  World leaders, CEOs, presidents and heads of state.  Thought leaders.  The boss.  If you are the leader in your family, community, organization, company or business, you will be supported in your efforts to lead the people who look to you for guidance.  If you would like to become a leader, you will be given opportunities to step up and utilize your leadership skills.  If you choose to be the leader in your own life and lead by example, you will inspire others to blaze their own new trails.

2) BIG Money

Hard Metal is represented by the number 6.  In feng shui, 6 is a very auspicious number that brings great wealth to those who activate this energy with their intention and presence.  All that is required is asking and receiving, expressing appreciation and acknowledging the giver.  
It's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  In 2021, look for the return to the gold standard.  Precious metal backed money.  The rainbow currency of the coming quantum global financial reset.
This energy though is not limited to gifts of money.  In fact, it can come in the form of valuable resources and hard assets, real estate property and home ownership. Some may come in the form of inheritances or loan and debt forgiveness.  Others may come in the form of reparations and restitution, rebates and refunds via universal basic income payments, retroactive compensation, large checks/automatic deposits and funding for humanitarian projects. 
There are five different kinds of wealth energies.  The 1 is focused on career sourced streams of income, cash flow and financial independence.  The 4 brings unexpected windfalls, personal wealth and asset accumulation and prosperity for the entire family.  The 8 generates wealth and manifests an abundance of good things in every area of life for the collective.  And the 9 brings opportunities to create future prosperity for the generations to come.  What's unique to the BIG Money energy of the 6 is that it comes with the power and authority to do copious amounts of good in the world.
Hard Metal is represented in nature by utilitarian metals used to build bridges, high rises and all modes of transportation from cars and boats to trains and planes.  It's also used to make tools and weapons of all types and sizes for everything from household purposes to manufacturing to military and self-defense.  Funds will be allocated for clean and sustainable, eco-friendly modernization of infrastructure, transportation and high tech development projects worldwide.
This BIG Money energy can show up in your life in two ways.  One as the giver.  And one as the receiver.  Eventually, everyone will have what they need to be both the generous giver and gracious receiver.  Until then, give what you have to give and receive what you need to be the best YOU and live your best life.
The measure of a human will change this year.  Gone are the days in which bragging about being a self-made millionaire or having 6 figure launches is the coveted norm and standard aspiration.  Publishing receipts, showing how much they paid in taxes to a corrupt government, as a badge of forced altruism, will never again be seen as something to take false pride in.  Going forward, people will not share how much money they've made, or how many books they've sold or courses they've filled.  The focus will shift away from the service to self, attention seeking entrepreneurs who press pain points, pour on the FOMO and create urgency with door closing countdown clocks.  No longer will they be admired for their success at getting people to go into debt by putting large amounts of fiat currency on a credit card.  Instead, a sense of service to others will reign and their reward will be the feeling that comes when you know you have truly helped another soul through the mastery of your work and expertise.
Make a habit of two things: to help or at least not to do harm.

3) BIG Help

Hard Metal brings the potential for divine intervention.  Angelic assistance.  Protection and the extension of a helping hand from benevolent high beings of the light.
Hard Metal is the "The Benefactor" archetype.  It's represented in Western Feng Shui by the Life Center of Helpful People & Travel.  For Hard Metal elements, helping others and traveling, especially internationally, is the key to maintaining their personal wellbeing.  
Since this energy is visiting the center in 2021, this call to action to help others and travel abroad will be heard by every element.  You will be inspired to find ways to help your fellow humans, animals and the Earth.  You will feel the desire to travel to places you've never been before for both, business and pleasure, humanitarian projects and scenic stops on your own hero's journey.
Everyone will become a humanitarian.  Some will play the role of the rich benefactor, bestowing gifts of resources (like free energy) and money to the people.  Respected elders may choose to enrich people's lives with sage advice and wise counsel. Others will become a mentor to the younger generations who will seek out apprenticeships in order to gain valuable skills.  Still others will be free to end people's suffering from traumas and toxins and help those who need healing - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
You will pay it forward and pay it back in the infinite circle of giving and receiving. 

4) BIG Sky

Hard Metal is associated with heaven.  Father Sky.  Celestial bodies and beings.  God.  The Universe.  Angels.  The heavenly host.  The bridge from heaven to Earth.  The promise of a rainbow appearing in the sky after a storm.  Heavenly blessings. 
The sky is not the limit.  There is a "highway to heaven".  Space Force, the 6th branch of the military, may be used to reveal black budget projects, breakaway civilizations and disclose the secret programs that millions know about or were conscripted without compensation.
It's naive to think the military industrial complex will provide full disclosure and voluntarily implicate themselves in crimes against humanity, even though anything less than "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth", leaves humanity vulnerable to continued and future enslavement leading to depopulation, human slavery and transhumanism.
Infinite possibilities include: meeting your fellow starseeds here on Earth, connecting with members of your soul family in other densities or dimensions, an alien "invasion", "star wars", disclosure of "warp speed" capabilities, officially upgrading to a spacefaring planet, space travel and Star Trek type exploration.
As we look to the skies, evidence for the heavy metals in chemtrails, HAARP, weather modification and their effects on promoting "climate change" may be released, to reveal the dark forces' plan to usher in the UN's Agenda 21, the socialist's Green New Deal and the global cabal's Great Reset.  
They can no longer call the results of their weather manipulations "global warming" and threaten us with rising tides and melting polar ice caps.  Not two weeks into the new year, the weather warfare begins in Texas with an unnatural cold snap, black snow dump and power outages.  
Note: If you follow the annual feng shui, you know we have a 1 (Water element associated with Winter cold, snow and ice) in the South this year.  This is a clash of energies as water extinguishes fire and can cause flash flooding and create a black mold problem as temperatures begin to rise.  A recipe for disaster.
To bring out the big guns is to make use of a concealed plan to defeat an opponent in an argument or in a game, debate or competition.
American Idiom

5) BIG Guns

Hard Metal energy has the potential to bring out the big guns.  As dueling global resets fight to win the battle for Earth, big guns may be employed in more ways than one.  While mutually assured destruction will not be allowed to occur, other weapons, especially the ones aimed at human consciousness, are being used on the population and they are firing at will.
According to The Free Dictionary online, a BIG Gun is a very important and powerful person in an organization or area of activity.  Often, people use the plural the big guns, meaning a group of important and powerful people.  
Look for the emergence of BIG powerful people taking a leadership role for the people of their country and the world.  They may claim the authority to remove the powers of the tyrannical control systems of Big Government (including the monarchies and "royal" families), Big central Bank(sters), Big "death cult" Medicine, Big Pharma-cide, Big Agriculture, Big Energy, Big Tech & censoring Social Media Monopolies, Big (Hollywood) Entertainment and the 6 Big Mockingbird Media Corporations that control the information and push out the "official" false narratives through the MSM (Fake News).

6) BIG Dreams

Hard Metal is not only a kingmaker.  It's a dream maker.
2021 is a year in which you could see your dreams come true.  Make a list.  Or, journal about your dreams.  For yourself. Your life.  The world.  
What do you desire to be, do and have?  
What's your BIG dream?  
What's your dream for humanity and the Earth?
If money were a non-issue, how would you spend your time?  What would you create?  Who would you contribute to?  What would you choose to do with your life?

Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth.
Michael Jackson (Hard Metal element & King of Pop)

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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