2021 Feng Shui for Children

T8E Blog - 2021 Feng Shui for Children

If you haven't already, please read the other two blogs in the 2021 Feng Shui for Family series, 2021 Feng Shui for Men and 2021 Feng Shui for Women.

The 8 Elements are represented by members of the family from the father and mother to the children, as well as, various ages of people.

In this blog, you will learn about how to support your children in the coming year. You will also discover how the annual energy might affect you, depending on your birth order.

In ancient China, people wouldn't know their date of birth. Date of birth is required to determine the personal element. So, instead of identifying people by their element, they would diagnose a feng shui problem and how it might affect someone in the family based on their gender, age and birth order.

For example: The unseen energy and environmental elements in the North of a property might affect middle aged men and the middle son of the family.


There are two main areas that we look at when we want to determine how the annual energy might affect children. The West is the house of children according to the Western bagua and the house of the the youngest daughter in traditional feng shui. The Northeast is the general area for children in compass school feng shui and the house of the youngest son in traditional feng shui.

In 2021, children have some very prosperous energy in both sectors. There is great potential for them to not only receive an abundance of opportunities and resources, but the promise of future prosperity, as well. The good news will benefit children, especially their education and personal wellbeing.

Unfortunately, there is a caveat. The energy in the West, this year, is particularly harmful to children's health and physical wellbeing. It brings the potential for increased sex trafficking of children and the possibility of broken bones. Keep your children with you and don't allow them to take any unnecessary risks or engage in any dangerous activities or contact sports. Have them wear safety helmets when biking and any other protective gear that is recommended.

Children will be given a voice to tell their story on the world's stage. You can create a safe place for your children to express what they think and how they feel. Provide creative ways for them to share whatever is on their heart and encourage them to get it off their chest.

In addition to stellar scholastic achievement, children will also be given the opportunity to explore their spirituality. In dreams or visions, meditation or astral travel or other out of body experiences, they may come into an awareness of who they really are on a soul level. They may raise their consciousness and connect with their life purpose or soul's mission on Earth. They may be contacted and start communicating with members of their soul family.

In addition to your personal feng shui element, you and your family may also be affected by other annual energies depending on that member's gender, age and birth order.

Please read the blogs about men and women. In those previously published blogs I include potential effects for middle aged men and middle aged women.

Please keep in mind that there are many applications of annual energies. Having this awareness of the effects on family members is just one. And I am only bringing attention to a few prominent aspects per person. If I wrote about all of them, it would be the length of a book.

Also, remember that you may identify with more than one of the family members. For example, I am a Water element, a woman, an eldest daughter and a middle aged woman. That means that in addition to the house associated with my personal element and the house my element's number is visiting, there are at least three other visiting energies that may affect my personal energy and life this year.

For more in depth and personalized information about what 2021 holds for YOU, I recommend scheduling a personal energy coaching session.

Eldest Daughter

Eldest daughters will be hosting the annual 5 Yellow this year. This is the most challenging energy, affecting health, relationships and finances.

Women, who are eldest daughters, should pay close attention to their health. Schedule thermography with your local naturopathic doctor or integrative medicine physician. I also recommend the quarterly Breast Detox protocol.

This energy will particularly affect the health of your skin. Throw out all of your toxic products containing preservatives and synthetic chemicals. Love the skin you're in!

Things you can do to support healthy skin:

  • Use CLEAN skincare, personal care and makeup.

  • Consider adding a Vitamin C serum to your skincare routine. I like the ones from Biossance and Volition.

  • Use a CLEAN sunscreen. Try the one from Biossance.

  • Get some natural sunlight everyday.

  • Drink plenty of pure, filtered water.

  • Have regular facials. Or, do weekly masks and other at home skin care treatments.

  • Get your skin checked if you see any changes.

  • Add some CPTG essential oils like Yarrow Pom & Frankincense to your collection and daily rituals.

  • Make an essential oil blend for "irregular cells".

  • Sweat. Exercise and use a sauna to release toxins.

  • Invest in infrared and micro current devices.

  • Dry brush daily before your morning shower to exfoliate and improve lymph drainage.

  • Gua Sha. Body and Facial gua sha can be very supportive of lymphatic drainage.

  • Take weekly detox baths with Epsom salt, baking soda and essential oils.

A full list of recommendations and the recipe for the Breast Detox blend is included with your copy of my Self Care Guide for Women.

Eldest Son

Last year, the eldest son hosted the Yellow 5. This year, if you haven't already, you may need to take the time to recover from its effects on your health, relationships and finances.

This year, the "Peach Blossom" energy visiting this house, brings the potential for new love and romance. It's very likely, that men who are eldest sons will start dating and meet a new romantic interest. Relationships may become serious fast and result in starting a family sooner than later. A whirlwind romance could also become quite dramatic and end just as fast as it started with a break up and a good story about a "crazy" ex.

This energy also brings the potential for windfalls. Unexpected checks in the mail. Gifts of money. Personal prosperity. Wealth and the rapid accumulation of assets.

Middle Daughter

Middle daughters and middle aged women will come in first this year. You will win at the game of life and be recognized for your expertise and accomplishments. Look for opportunities to advance in your career and ways to create multiple streams of income.

Because Water extinguishes Fire, the energy in this house clashes and may create a bit of a power struggle, especially between couples who are both going through mid-life experiences. Placing a plant in the South or keeping a vase of fresh cut flowers in this area of your home will help to balance this energy.

Supplementing with nutrients and herbs that support eye health and getting your eyes checked is highly recommended. If you need corrective lenses you may need to give your eyes a break from contacts or get new glasses, prescription sunglasses or blue light blocking glasses for screen time and computer work.

Middle Son

Middle sons and middle aged men will be heavily influenced by their mother's presence this year. Middle sons may benefit from some talk time with their mother or enjoy going on some monthly mother-son dates to strengthen their relationship and make memories. Middle-aged men who are separated, may move in with their mother for a time. And married middle-aged men might be visited by their mother or mother-in-law.

Proper digestion can be supported with digestive enzymes, probiotics and healthy foods. Middle aged men may need to get their prostate checked or improve their fertility.

Men who are middle sons or middle aged, will be single focused on establishing partnership. Finding a partner in life or in business. Coupling up and having someone to do things with.

Youngest Daughter

Youngest daughters will enjoy receiving an abundance of good things this year. Lots of amazing offers, life-changing opportunities and wonderful news. An exciting social life, full of good friends and great fun!

Women who are the youngest daughter, may be distracted by a sexual relationship and overindulge in sex. Practice safe sex and guard your heart. Balance this abundant energy with some alone time devoted to gratitude journaling, creative projects and a meditation practice.

Young girls should be carefully watched in public places, protected from sexual predators in their neighborhoods and communities and chaperoned by an adult at events.

Supplementing with whole food vitamins and minerals that support strong bones and teeth is recommended. Regular chiropractic adjustments will also support good overall health and wellbeing. Avoid doing any kind of physical activity that might result in broken bones...like night skiing.

Youngest Son

Youngest sons will become more of who they are already being. This energy exponentially increases both good qualities and character flaws. Any personal success or shortcomings will be highlighted and put on full display.

Men who are the youngest son will have a spotlight on them all year. Or, at least get their 15 minutes of fame. It's their time in the sun. What they become famous (or infamous) for is up to them. They could make their name or have their reputation ruined.

Young boys should avoid taking any unnecessary risks with their bodies to avoid breaking any bones. Remind them to wear helmets and any other required protective gear while engaging in physical activities or sports.

Heart health may become a focus this year. Any changes in eyesight should also be noticed and addressed. Proper absorption of nutrients may also become a factor. Leaky gut syndrome may need to healed.

For more specific guidance, read the 2021 Annual Personal Energy Guide for your personal feng shui element.

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me! 
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


The BIG 6


2021 Feng Shui for Women