The Return of the King

T8E BLOG - The Return of the King
August comes roaring in like a lion. A lion that has been patiently lying in wait to make its move. And now, the time to take a quantum leap has come.  And the world as we know it will never be the same again.
Beware the fury of a patient man.  
~ John Dryden
This month marks the mid-point in the year when the energy rises to its peak. All year the energy has been steadily building to a climax. This month, whatever energies have been affecting or influencing you will become their most intense.
In addition to the energy dynamics within your personal element's house, you will feel the effects of the central Hard Metal energy. One of the many aspects of this yang metal energy is sovereignty.  Hard Metal is represented by the King and Queen, as well as, Earth angels. It's also represented by the crown chakra and our connection with Source.
For many people, their belief in a savior and wait for the return of Christ is the central focus of their lives.  These infantile souls have still not remembered who they really are. They have chosen to give up their personal agency for the promise of salvation from their sins and hope of rescue from the evils of this world.
Others are waiting for the solar flash, another "light of the world" type of energy that will instantly raise the consciousness of everyone in this realm "in the flash of an eye". Help them remember who they are. And even wipe their memories of what they have participated in this life and all past lives. Forgiveness for the amnesiacs - for they knew not what they did when they were being human. 
Still others are waiting for the star ships to arrive. To beam them up, in a sort of new age rapture. Take them off this plane of existence in a rescue mission and reunite them with their star families and space brothers. 
In astrological terms, Leo season is known as the Return of the King. This constellation is represented by the regal lion. In a memorable scene from the Lion King movie, Mufasa comes to Simba in a dream and says, "You have forgotten who you are and so have forgotten me. Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have become. Remember who you are."
For the MAGA statists, their salvation comes in the form of the official reseating of a duly elected president. Trump is their savior. And they have put all their hopes for the future of their children in his hands.
For others, their savior is some messianic chosen one, like Neo. "The One" willing to take the red pill, leave the matrix, see how far the rabbit hole goes and go to battle in the simulation, the ultimate martyr.
It could be that people will be allowed to have the experience they most resonate with. Or, more likely, the light will clear all of the false beliefs, render all religious control systems null and void and dismantle all political systems from globalism and communism to totalitarian states and dystopian dictatorships. Shed light on the truth of who we are and what this collective space/time experience actually is.
But first, humanity, get off your knees! Stand in your sovereignty. Stop kneeling down to pray or worship or the kiss boots of our oppressors. Stand up! For us to take our place among the stars we need to change how we see ourselves. We are not only human. We are eternal souls, beings of light in a body.
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
~ Wayne Dyer
The time for waking the sheeple is over.  Their brainwashing from birth and mind control programming for life won't allow them to even hear you. Or, see the truth, even when you show it to them. They don't have the eyes to see or the ears to hear. And they're not a vibrational match to the frequency of truth, so it cannot come into their awareness, no matter how many attempts you make to share and show.
It's time instead to wake the sleeping lions. The souls who came for this. Who chose to be here now to raise the consciousness of the collective just by being here. The doulas and midwives holding space for the birth a new earth.
The return of the king is YOU! Placing the crown upon the head of a king is symbolic of opening the crown chakra and having direct access to Source. Sovereignty is remembering the Source within and embodying it fully. 
Stop looking outside of yourself for a savior. All of this ends as soon as YOU know the truth of who YOU are. And not only that, but all of the souls who agree to be liberated from the matrix will be unplugged. 
So, if you are waiting for the return of Christ, embody and express Christ consciousness within yourself. If you are waiting for the solar flash, be the light! If you are waiting for the ships, connect with members of your star family and soul tribe now. If you are waiting for Trump to be publicly reinstated, remember the power is with "YOU, the people!", not just one man. Or, if you are waiting for the simulation to end, unplug yourself! 
This upcoming Lion's Gate Portal on August 8 -12 is the perfect time for us to meditate and go within, open our crown and connect with Source. Remember who we are so we can embody it. And stand in our sovereignty. Because, the Return of the King is a return to sovereign YOU!

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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