Wellbeing Check for Women

T8E BLOG - Wellbeing Check for Women
 Check on your female friends and family members. They are not ok.
August was a tough month for women.  There were obstacles and delays. Financial struggles. Health crisis. And relationship turmoil. 
As with all energy, the Yellow 5 monthly energy will begin to release its hold on women, couples and Mother Earth elements. The blocked energy will be freed. Money will start flowing again. They will begin to feel better physically and fully recover their health. And relationships will be mended or ended.  
However, the incoming energy will bring up a lot of emotions to be processed, released or cleared. Anger, resentment, bitterness and rage may be set off by a need for seeking negative attention by being contrary, hysterical and inconsolable. They will need some emotional support in September and October. 
No matter what level of awareness people are at, most know something is not quite right and that massive change is coming. Women, especially those who are tuned into their intuition, have a sense that humanity is going through a death and rebirth.  The light at the end of the tunnel is Source and the beacons of light from the starseeds guide our way. 
In August, women experienced this death and during the next two months they will be lending their energy to the rebirth of those who are ready to expand beyond being only human. It will be a labor of love. This birth of a new earth will allow the amnesiacs, those who have yet to raise their consciousness and remember who they really are, more effortlessly choose to be sovereign and live in higher realms. 
The divine feminine has work to do - opening, surrendering and giving birth. This month her birth team arrives to provide the physical and emotional support she receives from their presence and wisdom. Then, in October after laboring she will transition before bringing forth a new level of human consciousness and the embodiment of their multidimensional being.
What YOU can do:
If you have female friends or family members, give them a call. Or, send them a text, letting them know you are thinking about them. Invite them to meet up for coffee or lunch, a walk in nature or a day at the beach before the weather turns. Plan something you can both look forward to, even if it's just having each over for tea once a week or a FaceTime chat. Start a mastermind or book club that connects once a month. Make an effort to stay connected or at least check in regularly.
What Women can do:
Sometimes women don't always have the connection and emotional support they need.  They are divorced or single and live far away from their families. Friendships fade. Or, with the state of the world, they just don't get out and socialize within their networks or community much anymore. 
There are always things you can do to provide safe spaces for yourself to express your feelings, even when you don't have people to connect with.


Women tend to talk to each other or their spouse and parents or siblings about what's going on in their lives and how they feel about it. But sometimes we don't always have people who are close enough to share our innermost thoughts or even care to listen without judgement or criticism. 
What YOU can do:
  • Journal
  • Meditate
  • Commune with your higher self or the divine (Source/God) 
  • Sing
  • Write
  • Walk or spend time in nature


One of the things that women who are about to give birth do is nest.  They clean and decorate their homes.  They make them comfy and cozy. They declutter and organize their stuff.
What YOU can do:
  • Deep Clean
  • Declutter
  • Organize
  • Decorate for Fall
  • Add some hygee coziness
  • Diffuse some fall essential oil blends


In September, the monthly romance energy can be employed not only to find or renew the love in your relationship, but to romanticize your life. Be the leading lady in your own life's story. Put your summer clothes away, go thrifting or online shopping and spend some time creating a capsule wardrobe for fall. Be camera ready! Get dressed everyday, even if you're not going out and no one else will see you. Be diligent about your morning and evening skin care routine. Invest in some botanical oils and master facial gua sha.
What YOU can do:
  • Dress in your unique style
  • Find a flattering hair style for your face
  • Get some new non-toxic makeup and try some new looks
  • Do fascia blasting or practice face yoga
  • Create a signature scent with essential oils
  • Make some seasonal tonics and hot beverages to sip on and savor
  • Write out a Fall bucket list of things you'd like to enjoy
  • Spend an afternoon in book store browsing your favorite genres
  • Read a novel or rewatch a beloved movie


In October, the monthly health energy can shift the focus to creating more wellness in the most important areas of your life. Research fasting and select one that will work for you. Try rebounding to help move the lymph. Determine how much water YOU need and create a system that will support you in honoring your need for proper hydration. Spend quality time with your family. Do more of the things that provide your desired feelings.
What YOU can do:
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Fast from something, even if it's just refined sugar
  • Take a social media break
  • Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables
  • Research herbal medicine
  • Supplement with whole food vitamins and minerals
  • Find ways to include short intervals of movement throughout the day
  • Plan a family activity or outing
Do a wellbeing check on yourself daily.  Check in with yourself - your body, your heart, your soul. Ask yourself what you need to feel better. Listen. Honor your needs. Trust your intuition. Make your health and how you feel a higher priority. Be well!

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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