T8E BLOG - The 8 Elements in Captivity
We've all had first hand experience now, with the imprisonment and isolation energy that the Soft Metal 7 can bring.  But how the "stay home, stay safe" orders statewide or nationwide affected The 8 Elements may have been very different.  
One of the many aspects of The 8 Elements that I share in my guides and classes is the Completion Number.  Your number is determined by your personal element's feng shui "flying stars" number.  What makes it your "completion number" is something I discovered through my personal experiences with the people in my life, my observations of coaching clients and my ongoing study of the personal energy of people.
My The 8 Elements Journey 
I am a very private person and seldom share about my life, children or family, to protect their privacy as well.  In this and upcoming blogs, I thought I would begin to share my journey through the decades of discovering and developing all of the many aspects of The 8 Elements.  
For more on what first inspired my study of the unique personal energy of people and their relationship dynamics, read My Story.
As a Water element, I tend to attract and have a lot of Hard Wood elements in my life.  In the productive cycle, Wood is fed by Water.  So, Wood people get the supportive energy they need from my presence in their life.  Because they are emotional elements, although they might prefer to see, hug and be with me in person, being a phone call away is sometimes enough.
Hard Wood elements are represented by the number 3.  It's their completion number.  A completion number represents the number of essential people you have in your life.  They are your "peeps".  And your completion number always includes yourself.  For Hard Wood elements, their completion number is almost always immediate family - themselves and two parents, a spouse and a child, a partner and a best friend, or two children.  
Hard Wood elements like to be a three and have at least two other people with them.  Because of this, spending time with just me doesn't make them feel complete.  When I plan to have lunch with a Hard Wood element, they always ask if they can invite a friend, or they just bring one.  So they can be complete!
Growing up, my mom Daisy, sister Danae and myself, Dara were called the 3 Ds.  My dad was an absentee father, so this energy of a being part of a threesome was my family dynamic.  It seemed very natural for my mom and sister to do everything together.  I always liked to go off on my own and write or read, research and study, or walk in nature...by myself.  Later, when I found out what our elements are, many of the things about our family dynamic made sense.  And one of them was what I started to call the "completion numbers".
Completion Numbers
How well The 8 Elements fared during the unconstitutional government mandated quarantining of healthy people was greatly contributed to by their personal element's completion number and whether the people in their family or home met that vital need for wellbeing.  
And it's not always about having all the people you need to feel complete.  Sometimes, having too many people and exceeding our completion number can also affect our personal wellbeing.  We like to think of these "extra" people as bonuses.  However, some elements do better than others with more people than they need to feel complete.  Certain elements will become out of balance when they have too many people in their family, inner circle or home environment.
For example: Mother Earth people are a 2.  They need just one other person in their life to feel happy, content...and complete.  This feeling of needing your "other half" or "better half" is specific to this element and women, since Mother Earth is represented by the woman, wife and mother.  For Mother Earth, partnership is their forte and they like to be and stay coupled up.  Seldom single, when relationships end, they often have someone waiting in the wings or they jump into a new relationship immediately or they have two relationships that overlap with some form of cheating or even a double life.  If they are not in a relationship, they will take a lover to get their sexual needs met.  They do best with just a husband or wife, life or business partner, best friend or friend with benefits.  If or when children come along, they really have a hard time with losing their partner's single focus and resent having to direct their attention and energy to a family instead of just their romantic relationship.
So, a Mother Earth who had a partner living with them at the time of the "two weeks to slow the spread" and weren't stuck with a houseful of children or extended family, may have had a great year!  Their partner though, depending on their personal element might have had a different experience, trapped in a home with just one other person.
Each personal element's completion number is made up of a special group of people.  For example,  Mountain Earth's 8 must be people they get to interact with in their immediate physical environment while Fire's 9 can be made up of guides and ancestors, deceased loved ones and unborn children. 
Completion numbers are also connected to a relationship dynamic, unique to their personal element.  For example, Soft Metal's 7 is made up of friends in various social circles from school, work, church, blended families, etc.  And Hard Metal's 6 is always a trusted inner circle of both wise elders and younger family members.  
To learn about your personal feng shui element's completion number and relationship dynamics, read your Personal Energy Guide.  
To go deeper into how your completion number and relationship dynamic affect your personal wellbeing, schedule your initial coaching session.

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me! 
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
Learn about my other Inner Chi Mastery offerings
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Preparing for the New Year


Ending 2020 with No Regrets