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Soft Wood, Mother Earth, Water Dara Eden Soft Wood, Mother Earth, Water Dara Eden

Babies in 2023

Each year when babies are born, it’s both their sex and date of birth that determines their personal feng shui element. Feng shui’s Eight Mansions trigrams honors both the yin and yang number orders. The yang number order of descending numbers, that establishes the element for the year, is also assigned to every male born that year. The yin number order the has its own column of ascending numbers, is used to assign a personal element to all females born that year.

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Soft Wood's Colors of the Wind

The next two years promise to be extremely emotional ones. After back to back mental energy years followed by a year of physical rest, humans will be provoked to emote. Soft Wood next year will be followed by a Hard Wood year in 2024, providing the fuel for the new era of future prosperity to ignite, catch fire and slowly burn for the next 20 years.

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Feng Shui for Birth

I've written an entire weekend course on Feng Shui for Birth for birth workers. It's based on the Five Elements and their cycles and seasons, family members and representations in nature and The 8 Elements™ and their peace and power elements and best directions. Read about the private Feng Shui for Birth coaching package for women.

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House Guests | June 2022

Each month a new energy moves into your personal element's house. This energy is represented by one of The 8 Elements. Since your energy is currently visiting your own house all year, 2022 is the perfect opportunity to really pay attention to how the energy of the personal elements affects you and the area of life your house governs.

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Hard Metal, The 8 Elements, Water Dara Eden Hard Metal, The 8 Elements, Water Dara Eden

Bad Advice

Self help gurus are the worst offenders of bad advice. It's not necessarily that their advice itself is always bad. It's that what has worked for them, won't work for you, unless you are their same element. Even then, there are subtle nuances to your unique expression of your personal element that you should honor.

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The 8 Elements, Water Dara Eden The 8 Elements, Water Dara Eden

My Mission

While all of the energy work I do is centered around this intention, The 8 Elements™ is one of the avenues through which I can contribute the most, have the greatest influence and fulfill my soul's mission.

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Elemental Influencers

These elemental influencers are like an Instagrammer on your daily feed that you can't unfollow or even mute. They are just visiting, but they are in your house for the entire year. Best to find ways to cohabitate peaceful, even if by now, you feel like they have overstayed their welcome. If you are curious to see what effect your house guest's energy is having on YOU this year, read on!

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The 8 Elements in Captivity

We've all had first hand experience now, with the imprisonment and isolation energy that the Soft Metal 7 can bring. But how the "stay home, stay safe" orders statewide or nationwide affected The 8 Elements may have been very different.

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2020 Review & Release

This month we will be given opportunities to learn the life lessons 2020 presented us with for our soul's growth and personal development. Beginning on December 7th, the energy visiting each house this month is the same energy visiting each house this year, doubling its strengthen and effects. Earlier in the year, when we had this energy in March, I called it, "Double Trouble".

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2018 Feng Shui for The 8 Elements

In this second part of the blog series on 2018 Personal Feng Shui, you will learn more about what this year holds for you based on your personal element. In addition to the energy visiting your personal element’s gua, your personal element’s number is also visiting a certain area, or Life Center, for the entire year ahead. Unlike the energy of the number visiting your gua that brings potentials, where your personal element’s number lands and sets up housekeeping contributes to helping you set intentions about where your energy will be spent and expressed.

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2018 Annual Personal Feng Shui

In the first part of this blog series about personal feng shui in 2018, you will learn about the energy visiting your personal element’s gua. Each year as the energy shifts, a new dynamic is created between permanent personal energy and visiting annual energy. While understanding the five element dynamics of the Fire year energy on your person element is important, knowing what effect the annual energy has the potential to have on your personal energy is also essential. That way you can make it the best year yet or at least make the best of the year ahead.

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2018: Fire Energy Dynamics & The 8 Elements

The spark of fire that will burn brightly and cheerfully through 2018 has been kindled.  How fast it burns and how wildly the flames blaze through your life, will depend on the energy dynamics that are created between your personal element and the Fire element. In this blog, you will learn about the potential effect fire energy will have on you during this very auspicious Fire year.

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