2018: Fire Energy Dynamics & The 8 Elements

T8E BLOG - 2018: Fire Energy Dynamics & The 8 Elements

The spark of fire that will burn brightly and cheerfully through 2018 has been kindled.  How fast it burns and how wildly the flames blaze through your life, will depend on the energy dynamics that are created between your personal element and the Fire element. In this blog, you will learn about the potential effect fire energy will have on you during this very auspicious Fire year.

Although Fire has a different effect on each of The Five Elements, the one effect it will have on every one of The 8 Elements is intensifying life experiences. Like water, fire increases the energy of whatever is happening in your life and health, career and business, finance and wealth creation, and relationships with family and friends, children and lovers. Any negative news or circumstances, events or feelings will be amplified – and not in a good way! It’s up to you to keep a positive outlook and attitude about yourself and your life this year. In the same way, anything positive, favorable and fortunate will also be enhanced. Take full advantage of this amazingly good energy.

In The Five Elements Relationship Dynamics, there are three cycles of energy. In the productive cycle: wood fuels fire, fire produces earth, earth sources metal, metal creates water and water feeds wood. In the reductive cycle: wood drains water, water corrodes metal, metal depletes earth, earth smothers fire and fire burns wood. In the transformative cycle: wood pierces earth, earth dams water, water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal and metal chops wood. Because of these dynamics, each element has a Support, Peace, Power, Control and Comfort element.

Fire Energy Dynamics & The 8 Elements


Energy Dynamic: Water extinguishes Fire

Water elements, Fire is your Power element. Because your energy extinguishes fire, you will feel powerful this year. Your energy can put out fires wherever they are started. You will also be empowered to use your energy to advance in your career, upgrade your lifestyle and accomplish personal goals and complete passion projects. You will be unstoppable!

Feng Shui for YOU!

Wearing red, white and gold this year will allow you to increase this power even more and give you the energy to excel, especially in your career or business.

Mother Earth

Energy Dynamic: Fire produces Earth / Earth smothers Fire

Mother Earth elements, Fire is your Support element. Because your energy is produced by fire, you will be energetically supported all year. Your personal energy will know no bounds. You will be able to accomplish a lot and achieve whatever your heart desires. Make a plan and create a schedule that you follow to get you there.

Feng Shui for YOU!

Wear some white, gray and metallics to help you rest and relax after long days of highly productive and profitable work.

Hard Wood

Energy Dynamic: Wood fuels Fire / Fire burns Wood

Hard Wood elements, Fire is your Peace element. Because your energy is reduced by fire, you will experience some more peace and tranquility this year. Enjoy the calming effect fire has you on and your life. Your personal energy may need to be supported.

Feng Shui for YOU!

Wearing some blue will feed your soul and keep your energy level high enough to get things done. Spend time near large bodies of water.

Soft Wood

Energy Dynamic: Wood fuels Fire / Fire burns Wood

Soft Wood elements, Fire activates your energy. Unlike Hard Wood, fire gives Soft Wood elements a boost of energy and makes them come alive. Be ready to be inspired to do more, take more action and be a leader in your family and company. Excess energy can be sent to Mother Earth by spending time in nature, especially barefoot in the grass. Enjoy a prosperous year!

Feng Shui for YOU!

Wear some red, green and your happy color lavender in 2018.

Hard Metal

Energy Dynamic: Fire melts Metal

Hard Metal elements, Fire transforms your energy. Your energy is transformed by fire from raw materials into utilitarian metals that can be forged into buildings and bridges, tools and weapons and all modes of transportation from cars and trains to boats and airplanes. This means your mettle will tested and measured this year.  You will be transformed into something that be utilized to help people and add value to their lives.  You become the benefactor you've always aspired to be

Feng Shui for YOU!

Wear gold and other metal jewelry and accessories, white, gray and metallic clothing and crystals to support your energy.

Soft Metal

Energy Dynamic: Fire melts Metal

Soft Metal elements, Fire refines your energy. Because your energy is refined by fire, all of the dross is carried to the top of the cauldron to be scraped off and discarded leaving you purified. It may be a year of trial by fire. You are up to the challenge and know that your heart of gold will revealed in the process.

Feng Shui for YOU!

Wear silver and gold jewelry and accessories, white, gray and metallic clothing and crystals to support your energy.

Mountain Earth

Energy Dynamic: Fire produces Earth / Earth smothers Fire

Mountain Earth elements, Fire is your Support element. Like volcanic lava and ash that creates more mountainous regions, you will cover and gain more ground this year, although your reach may exceed your grasp. Make sure to let off steam every so often instead of keeping it in and holding onto everything and then exploding in a volcanic eruption.

Feng Shui for YOU!

Wear white this year to keep calm. Go barefoot and ground your energy every day. Wear crystals on your person and keep a Himalayan salt lamp on in your bedroom and office or living space.


Energy Dynamic: Fire comforts Fire

Fire elements, Fire is your Comfort element. This year’s energy resonates with you.  You will find satisfying affinity with it and be comforted by its presence in your life. It’s your year to reach for the stars. Shine bright. When the year’s energy is the same as your personal energy, you get to see who you are being in the world. May you see the light of the world that you are!

Feng Shui for YOU!

Wear as much red as you like! Spend time in green spaces and fill your house with healthy green plants. Go to the mountains or reach out to Earth element people if you feel like you have too much energy.

Enjoy a fortunate year full of joy and happiness, family and friends, recognition and celebrations of life!

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2018 Annual Personal Feng Shui


Feng Shui for YOU! in 2018