T8E Blog - 2018 Feng Shui for The 8 Elements

In this second part of the blog series on 2018 Personal Feng Shui, you will learn more about what this year holds for you based on your personal element. In addition to the energy visiting your personal element’s gua, your personal element’s number is also visiting a certain area, or Life Center, for the entire year ahead. Unlike the energy of the number visiting your gua that brings potentials, where your personal element’s number lands and sets up housekeeping contributes to helping you set intentions about where your energy will be spent and expressed.

To determine or double check your feng shui personal element consult the Personal Element Chart.


Your number 1 visits the NW (Helpful People & Travel)

The NW represents men, especially those serving their family in the role of husband and father. So, if you are looking for a man or wanting to get married and start a family, this may be your year. Be open to meeting someone and letting them in.

The NW is also about being a leader – of your family, in your community, company or industry, even the world! It also represents being the primary or sole breadwinner for your family and benefactor in the lives of people you love. So, if you need to step up as the head of state, head of your department or head of the household, the energy supports you in those endeavors. Or, if you want to do a better job at providing for your family, you are supported in those responsibilities.

Because the NW is the home of kings and queens, Water people can expect the royal treatment wherever they go. First class flights, five-star hotels and room service, chauffeured limousine rides and the kind of personal attendance that make royalty a way of life, not just a title. With this upgrade in lifestyle comes the responsibility to give back and pay it forward by being a helpful person in other people’s lives.

Because the NW is also associated with travel, 2018 may include a lot of travel for both business and pleasure. Road trips to world travel may on the agenda this year. Make sure to plan a special trip or vacation for yourself and family.

Because the NW is represented by Hard Metal, Water elements could attract or manifest large sums of money through financial gifts, an inheritance, lottery winnings, even big-ticket items like houses and cars. Also, since metal supports water in the productive cycle, you will have more energy, be more productive and enjoy more financial support.

Because the NW is associated with the head and heart, it’s important to pay more attention to these areas of your health. Wear a helmet when engaging in activities and sports that require it. Eat heart healthy foods. Do some high intensity interval training. Stay hydrated.

Mother Earth

Your number 2 visits the W (Creativity & Children)

The W represents children, especially those between the ages of 7-12. It also represents childlike joy and wonder. The imagination and creativity of children. Fun and friendship. So, if you are looking to connect with your children on a deeper level or spend more time with them, this is an excellent year! Cultivate your relationship with them. Offer them your partnership in making their dreams come true!

The W also represents your inner child. The playfulness. The positive expectation. The pure joy. So, if you need to heal childhood trauma, connect with your inner child or just rediscover the child’s enjoyment of life, take this opportunity to have more fun and spend more time with friends.

Because the W is associated with creativity, 2018 may be the year you take up an interest in art or music or other creative endeavor. Visit art galleries and museums. Take a creative writing class or learn to play a music instrument.

Because the W is represented by Soft Metal, Mother Earth elements could feel more relaxed. Peaceful at home, calm at work and comfortable in relationships. Or, since metal reduces earth in the reductive cycle, along with less stress in your life, you may feel less energy to set goals and accomplish them.  Just chill!

Because the W is associated with the mouth and chest, it’s important to pay more attention to these areas of your health. If you smoke, stop. Get regular dental check ups and cleanings. Remove any amalgam fillings. Avoid root canals. Take extra good care of your oral and respiratory health.

Hard Wood

Your number 3 visits the NE (Spirituality & Self-Cultivation)

The NE represents boys and young men. So, if you have something to contribute to the young men in your life or community, the energy supports you in having a positive impact on their lives. Reach out and offer them some emotional support through listening and encouragement.

The NE also represents great heights of achievement. Reaching the top of the mountain and taking a moment to enjoy the view before making your way back down to the valley. So, no matter where you are on your journey, know that you will accomplish something that you have been working on. Make sure to enjoy the journey and take pride in it when you reach your destination.

Because the NE is associated with Spirituality & Self-cultivation, set an intention about learning something new. Come into a new awareness. Learn a new skill. Read. Take a yoga or dance class.

Because the NE is represented by Mountain Earth, Hard Wood elements will feel more stable and grounded this year. And powerful! Since wood pierces earth in the transformative cycle, you may feel empowered to take inspired action in the pursuit of fulfilling your intentions for the year.

Because the NE is associated with the small bones of the spine and fingers, it’s important to pay more attention to these areas of your health. Get regular chiropractic adjustments. Don’t take any unnecessary risks that might lead to breaks. Be conscious of your surroundings to avoid tripping, painful sprains or stubbing your toes.

Soft Wood

Your number 4 visits the S (Fame & Fortune)

The S represents the light, heat and energy of the sun. Solar energy that powers everything and sustains all life on the planet. The divine spark of life that powers our soul-lar energy. So, if you need more energy, want to feel the warmth of the sun, see the light of the stars or desire to experience the divinity within your own cosmic being, this is the year. Hitch your wagon to a star!

The S also is represented by people and animals. It’s a great year to socialize with larger congregations of people. Go to a concert or festival. Attend a spiritual service or educate yourself about the religions of the world. Adopt a pet or volunteer at the local animal shelter.

Because the S is associated with adulthood, it’s a good year to get “adulting” handled, even mastered. Be fully responsible for every aspect of your life. Have mature relationships. Take care of business, like a boss!

Because the S is associated with Fame & Fortune, it’s a good time to get really good at receiving. Acknowledgment and accolades. Recognition and boosts to your reputation. Blessings and bonuses.

Because the S is represented by Fire, Soft Wood elements will feel more alive than ever. Although fire burns wood in the reductive cycle, fire activates Soft Wood instead of reducing its energy. Or, if you have so much energy that you do too much, this energy will cause you to transition to a slow burn.

Because the S is associated with the eyes and heart, it’s important to pay attention to these areas of your health. Get your eyesight checked. Take regular breaks from digital screens. Rest your eyes. Take care of your heart. Eat healthy foods, stay hydrated and exercise daily.

Hard Metal

Your number 6 visits the SW (Love & Partnership)

The SW represents women, especially those serving their family in the role of wife and mother. So, if you are looking for a woman or wanting to get married and start a family, this may be your year. Prepare your heart and mind and create space in your life for a life partner.

The SW represents the divine feminine energy. The virgin. The seductress. The goddess. The matriarch. The crone. So, if you are wanting to experience, embody or express the divine feminine, embrace the opportunity to enjoy this favorable energy.

Because the SW is represented by home, you may return home or find your way to a new home. Buy or build your dream home this year. Or, just make the house you are in now, more of a home. You may find yourself at home more, even working from home. You may enjoy the peace and beauty of your home or share it with others by entertaining more this year.

Because the SW is represented by Mother Earth, our home planet, you may feel more connected to her or conscious of her well-being. You may want to travel to see more of her beauty and grandeur. Or, you may take up or renew your energy saving and environmentally friendly efforts to keep the planet clean and safe, balanced and beautiful.

Because the SW is associated with Love & Partnership, 2018 may the year you find love or meet a romantic partner.  If you are already coupled up, it may the year for you to renew your love and bring back the romance in your relationship.

Because the SW is represented by Mother Earth, the element, Hard Metal elements could get inspired to get physical.  Exercise. Take up a sport. Have more or better sex. Also, since earth supports metal in the productive cycle, you will have more energy, be more productive and enjoy more physical support.

Because the SW is associated with the digestive and reproductive systems, its important to pay attention to these areas of your health. Be very careful about what you eat and how much you eat. Try digestive aids like enzymes and probiotics. Have your reproductive health checked, especially if you are wanting to conceive.

Soft Metal

Your number 7 visits the E (Health & Family)

The E is represented by Spring, the time of year everything is renewed, refreshed and revived after a long, cold, hard winter. So, if you need a reset button, a fresh start or a clean slate, this is your time to begin again. Imagine the life you have been dreaming of and watch it come into focus.

The E is associated with children between the ages of 0-6. You may find that you spend a lot more time this year with infants, toddlers and young children (or Hard Wood elements). Use this opportunity to be immersed in their innocence and see life through their eyes.

Because the E is associated with Health & Family, 2018 may bring some challenges with your health and relationships with family. You might even be separated from your family. Or, you might feel like expressing your upset feelings by putting other people down or gossiping about them. Take especially good care of your health, especially your oral health. Be extra careful when traveling in cars or working with knives, other sharp object and machinery, in order to avoid accidents.

Because the E is represented by Hard Wood, Soft Metal elements will be empowered to be more combative verbally. Since, metal chops wood in the transformative cycle, you will be tempted to have words with people. Exercise some restraint and mindfully mince your words instead of throwing daggers.

Because the E is associated with the liver and gallbladder, its important to pay attention to these areas of your health. Consider doing a gentle liver detox and gallbladder flush under a health professional’s supervision. Eat clean or at least include a lot more organic fruits and veggies. Buy a juicer or high-speed blender and make green juice or smoothies regularly.

Mountain Earth

Your number 8 visits the SE (Wealth & Prosperity)

The SE represents resilience, the quality of being able to bend but never break. Whatever life brings into your experience and awareness, you can bounce back. It also represents persistence. So, persevere in all things.

The SE is associated with adolescence, the ages between 13-18. It’s the time of life in which you are no longer a child and do not yet have the responsibilities of being an adult. This year you might contribute to teens or volunteer at the local high school. Or, you might recreate what some people consider their golden years, fueled with the hope and optimism of youth.

The SE is also associated with love and romance, academics and creative writing, entrepreneurial success and travel for both business and pleasure. If you want to fall in love or enjoy more romance in your relationship, go back to school or publish a book, start or grow a business or go on more trips and vacations, this is your year!

Because the SE is associated with wealth and prosperity, 2018 may be a very auspicious year for you. A windfall or other financial gain may find its way to you. You may create more wealth or become more wealth conscious. You may for the first time ever, be in such a good place that you have more than you need. You may use your wealth to create a prosperous life for yourself and family and have enough to share the wealth with others, so you can all live a rich and prosperous life.

Because the SE is represented by Soft Wood, Mountain Earth elements may feel very giving and generous or taken from depending on how much they have already allowed their energy to be depleted. Since wood pierces earth in the transformative cycle, you may feel happy to provide a foundation for life. Or, you may feel taken advantage of. Build up your energetic resources so you can enjoy having purposeful work without becoming exhausted by it.

Because the SE is associated with colds and flus, it’s important to build up your immune system so your body can defend itself from viruses. The parts of the body associated with the SE are the hips, thighs and buttocks and the large muscles located in those parts of the body. Make sure you stretch and properly warm up before doing any exercise to avoid injuries or pulled muscles.


Your number 9 visits the center. The center represents balance, harmony and well-being. 2017 might have been a difficult year, so if you need to regain some balance, create some harmony in your relationships and enjoy some personal well-being, this is your year!

The center also represents the home. Having a place to go home to. A place where you know you are welcome. A home that makes you feel safe, secure and supported. So, if you need a home or want to go home, if you are planning a homecoming or plan to make your house a home, you are energetically supported in those efforts.

Each year the number that visits the center, determines the energy of the year.  2018 is a Fire year. When the element for the year and your personal element are the same, the energy has two possible effects. It shows you who you are currently being in the world by providing opportunities to see yourself in different lights, from other people’s point of view. Or, if you are in a good place, you could harness all of the auspicious energy associated with your fire energy and enjoy the happiest year of your life.

Because the center is associated with obstacles and delays, 2018 may include some disappointments, frustrations and road blocks. Fire can avoid such headaches and jump over such hindrances with ease. Bring some awareness to your observation of such obstructions and determine if they are just prudent checks and balances or if they are can be easily overcome.

Because the center is represented by Earth, Fire elements may be more calm and carefree. Since earth smothers fire in the reductive cycle, you might feel a little more content to just keep the home fires burning instead of starting wild land fires in the landscape of your life. You might choose to be a little less chaotic and erratic and focus your energy on bringing warmth and light to the world instead of raging out of control and burning buildings and bridges to the ground.

Because the center is associated with disease, disasters and death, it’s important to take really good care of yourself. Practice good personal hygiene and food safety. If you tend to be accident prone, slow down and take more time to do things conscientiously and carefully. Don’t try to keep things alive or in your life. Let go of anything that no longer serves you.

Fire energy is an intensifier. It increases the effect of any energy it is with. It activates any dormant energy. It strengthens inauspicious energy and enhances auspicious energy. What that means is, wherever you put your focus and whatever you give your energy to will expand. How this year goes for you is entirely within your control because you make conscious choices about who and what you give your energy to, how you spend your energy, when you expend your energy and for how long. I hope you choose joy and happiness and continue to shine bright, because you are the light of the world!

This year, focus your attention and energy on the area of life your personal element’s number is visiting. Set some intentions about the Life Center associated with that gua. Let the house hosting your energy contribute to your life.

May you be abundantly blessed indeed!

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2018: A Fire Year


2018 Annual Personal Feng Shui