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Soft Wood's Colors of the Wind
The next two years promise to be extremely emotional ones. After back to back mental energy years followed by a year of physical rest, humans will be provoked to emote. Soft Wood next year will be followed by a Hard Wood year in 2024, providing the fuel for the new era of future prosperity to ignite, catch fire and slowly burn for the next 20 years.
Annual Goals for The 8 Elements
Each of The 8 Elements have essential needs and highest values that are unique to their personal element. So, instead of copying other people's lists of goals into your journal or typing them into your Notes or Notion app, set goals that will actually meet your specific needs and honor your personal values. Set goals for YOU!
Just Like Me
It's common for people to begin articulating a thought with the statement, "If you're anything like me...". Or, they will speak about a topic leading with the assumption that everyone is like them. They think, if you're in their sphere of influence, you must be "just like me".
What Lies Beneath
There's a lot that lies beneath the cover of a book. A fellow human. A real life.
Fall Fun for The 8 Elements
The Fall season is associated with the Metal element. Hard Metal and Soft Metal personal elements thrive during this time of year. It's their season. The other elements can enjoy Autumn too, by celebrating the season with their own unique personal rituals.
The Art of Balanced Living
Spring and Fall Equinox are the only days of year when yin and yang are in perfect balance. Day and night are approximately the same length just twice a year. On these days in March and September, the sun appears to rise due East and set due West. And we get to celebrate a day of balanced energy between the dark and the light, before slowly rising into the most yang season or gradually descending into the most yin season.
Feng Shui for Birth
I've written an entire weekend course on Feng Shui for Birth for birth workers. It's based on the Five Elements and their cycles and seasons, family members and representations in nature and The 8 Elements™ and their peace and power elements and best directions. Read about the private Feng Shui for Birth coaching package for women.
A Labor of LOVE
Writing is a labor of love. With my process, it's slow and cyclical as I work my way along the spiral path. And with my commitment to embodying the elements it's all consuming and highly disruptive to my personal life.
What's Your Element?
The 8 Elements™ is just one of many personal typing systems. So, if you don't resonate with your personal feng shui element, you can find a personality typing system that does. Even though most of them are based on Western philosophies, if you resonate more with the holistic Eastern philosophies, you still have quite a few options to explore.
House Guests | June 2022
Each month a new energy moves into your personal element's house. This energy is represented by one of The 8 Elements. Since your energy is currently visiting your own house all year, 2022 is the perfect opportunity to really pay attention to how the energy of the personal elements affects you and the area of life your house governs.
Listen to Learn
A popular YouTuber who makes "cleaning motivation" videos recently published a video behind the pay wall about the value of traveling, on her subscription website. If you know who she is, you know. If not, it doesn't matter.
Love is in the Air
They say "love is in the air". In Feng Shui, the "Peach Blossom" energy can be enhanced to attract new love and romance. This romantic energy, represented by the Soft Wood element, is known as the "Persistent Wind". So, yes, love is definitely in the air!
The Echo Chamber
The echo chamber could also be called the ego chamber. It's a sounding board that reflects back only the words you give voice to. Everything you think and say is repeated back on a continuous loop, reverberating through the halls of the mountain.
The Measure of Success
This week has been intense! I'm experiencing the high highs and low lows of the many peaks and valleys of Mountain Earth. Not being a physical element myself, it's been interesting to experience awarenesses though messages from my body.
The Evolution of The 8 Elements
As I prepare to release the 2022 Annual Guides with excerpts from my series of unpublished books, I thought I would share my journey from feng shui enthusiast to The 8 Elements™ master and future published author of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU!