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Soft Wood's Colors of the Wind

The next two years promise to be extremely emotional ones. After back to back mental energy years followed by a year of physical rest, humans will be provoked to emote. Soft Wood next year will be followed by a Hard Wood year in 2024, providing the fuel for the new era of future prosperity to ignite, catch fire and slowly burn for the next 20 years.

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The 8 Elements Dara Eden The 8 Elements Dara Eden

Annual Goals for The 8 Elements

Each of The 8 Elements have essential needs and highest values that are unique to their personal element. So, instead of copying other people's lists of goals into your journal or typing them into your Notes or Notion app, set goals that will actually meet your specific needs and honor your personal values. Set goals for YOU!

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The 8 Elements Dara Eden The 8 Elements Dara Eden

The Art of Balanced Living

Spring and Fall Equinox are the only days of year when yin and yang are in perfect balance. Day and night are approximately the same length just twice a year. On these days in March and September, the sun appears to rise due East and set due West. And we get to celebrate a day of balanced energy between the dark and the light, before slowly rising into the most yang season or gradually descending into the most yin season.

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Feng Shui for Birth

I've written an entire weekend course on Feng Shui for Birth for birth workers. It's based on the Five Elements and their cycles and seasons, family members and representations in nature and The 8 Elements™ and their peace and power elements and best directions. Read about the private Feng Shui for Birth coaching package for women.

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The 8 Elements Dara Eden The 8 Elements Dara Eden

What's Your Element?

The 8 Elements™ is just one of many personal typing systems. So, if you don't resonate with your personal feng shui element, you can find a personality typing system that does. Even though most of them are based on Western philosophies, if you resonate more with the holistic Eastern philosophies, you still have quite a few options to explore.

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House Guests | June 2022

Each month a new energy moves into your personal element's house. This energy is represented by one of The 8 Elements. Since your energy is currently visiting your own house all year, 2022 is the perfect opportunity to really pay attention to how the energy of the personal elements affects you and the area of life your house governs.

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