T8E Blog - Love Is In The Air
 They say "love is in the air". In Feng Shui, the "Peach Blossom" energy can be enhanced to attract new love and romance. This romantic energy, represented by the Soft Wood element, is known as the "Persistent Wind". So, yes, love is definitely in the air!
Soft Wood is also associated with the new beginnings of the Spring season. So, this energy tends to attract a new romance or new lover. Happily married couples can use this youthful and sexy energy to renew the love in their relationship. The shadow side is that it can also create marital infidelity when partners have fallen out of love or lack the loyalty to each other and commitment to their monogamous relationship.
Since Soft Wood is related to adolescence, this energy can set off a period of serial dating and evoke a feeling of falling in love for the first time, with all the infatuation butterflies. And it can also have this effect on couples who've been together for years, or even decades. 
You can feng shui for romance. One of my favorite ways is to enhance certain areas of the property surrounding a home. The Northwest is the House of Men, so this sector of your property can be enhanced to attract a husband and father for your children. Similarly, the Southwest is the House of Women, so this area is good for attracting a wife and the mother of your children. When enhancing this area, keep in mind that the Southwest also represents partnership and marriage. 
In my early twenties, I planted tulip (two lips) bulbs in the shape of a heart in the NW area outside the dining room windows of my mountain home. At the time, I didn't know about the NW being the "husband sector". Shortly after the pink tulips came up and bloomed, I met the Mother Earth man who would become my husband and father of my two children. 
Interestingly, both myself and my sister married Mother Earth men. The personal element of the house you're living in not only shapes your life, it also influences who you attract into your life. The home we were living in at the time we received our marriage proposals, years apart, was a Mother Earth element house. 
My marriage ended in his adultery and our divorce only three years later. Every partnership or marriage has a unique relationship dynamic and energetic equation. While all relationships serve a purpose and teach us important life lessons, some matches can be more challenging that others. Knowing the effect you have on each other's personal energy can support you in growing together, instead of apart. It can also help you choose a personal element that will be a good match for the intentions you've set for this next chapter of life.
In addition to the general areas for love and romance and partnership and marriage, men and women or husbands and wives, each personal element also has their own personal Relationship Harmony direction. To find your relationship direction, subscribe to The 8 Elements™ email list to receive your complimentary Feng Shui for YOU! guide. Then, set your intention for what you'd like to attract and enhance that area of your home and property. 
This year, the "Peach Blossom" energy is at home in the Southeast making it doubly strong. And this month, the "Peach Blossom" energy is being enhanced by the Water element through June 5th. In 2023, with Soft Wood taking the central position in the energy blueprint, we'll be offered opportunities to focus our energy on renewing the love in our relationship and centering our lives around romance. 
In addition to Feng Shui remedies and enhancements, there are other things you can do to be a vibrational match to your next lover or new romantic interest. To find out more about what you can do to attract more love and romance into your life, read about my newest offering, Feng Shui for Romance.

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me!  
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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