T8E Blog - Feng Shui for Birth
 So called "experts", who have designated the Water element as the archetype of "The Baby", don't understand the Five Elements and three cycles of energy, let alone the nuances of The 8 Elements. And it's disappointing to see people promote personality typing systems based on quizzes and guesswork instead of natal facts and geoscience.
I've written an entire weekend course on Feng Shui for Birth for birth workers. It's based on the Five Elements and their cycles and seasons, family members and representations in nature and The 8 Elements and their peace and power elements and best directions. 
Water is the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end in the cycle of death and rebirth. It's not the fetus or the infant - that's Spring. Water is the winter season of life, the hermit and hibernation, the wise elder and crone, the process of death, the limbo of the soul in the afterlife and if and when ready, circling back into the womb of creation. It's not labor or the act of giving birth. It's the holding pattern between lives and the act of holding sacred space for the process of conception and gestation. 
The Five Elements always begins with the Wood element. Hard Wood is represented by birth, the infant and early childhood. It's represented by the number 3, seen when the seed of the woman and seed of the man come together to create a third new human life. 
The next element in the productive cycle is Fire. Fire is represented by the divine spark of Source. It's only after the egg has been fertilized and the embryo is viable that the soul is embodied. 
Following Fire is the element of Earth. Earth is represented by the physical body and physical plane of existence. It's only after a baby has moved out of the womb, down into the birth canal and out into the world that it's considered Earthside. While, the baby is still completely dependent on its mother for loving care and nourishing sustenance, once the umbilical cord is cut, it begins to develop as a unique individual. 
After Earth comes the Metal element. Metal represents mental energy and the ability to communicate thoughts. By the time a child is 6 or 7 they have learned how to use their words to express their thoughts and feelings. They have become their own sovereign being and free-thinking person. 
The final element is Water. Water is represented by the cycle of death and rebirth. The womb is the prepared environment, the metaphysical portal and sacred space between the spiritual realm and physical plane. Wood is the seed implanted in the womb. Fire is the divine spark of the eternal soul embodied in the growing fetus. Earth is the physical body of the human being manifested on Earth. And Metal is mind of man that thinks and therefore is. 
And when it comes to The 8 Elements, one way to study birth is through the completion numbers. Water, represented by the number 1, is the amniotic fluid filled placenta in the womb. Mother Earth, represented by the number 2, is the woman's work of active labor. Hard Wood, represented by the number 3, is the euphoria of giving birth to the baby. Soft Wood, represented by the number 4, is the small welcoming party of the mother, father and birth team. Hard Metal, represented by the number 6, is the mother/child bonding time with the baby's head on mother's heart. Soft Metal, represented by the number 7, is the cutting of the umbilical cord after the pulsating of the blood stops and the severing of the physical attachment between mother and child is complete. Mountain Earth, represented by the number 8, is the introduction of the newest member of the tribe to the other members of the family and household. And Fire, represented by the number 9, is being the center of attention for a trip around the sun.
Read about the private Feng Shui for Birth coaching package.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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