2018: A Fire Year

T8E BLOG - 2018: A Fire Year

Whether you had smooth sailing or a tumultuous ride in 2017, the energy is once again shifting, this time into high gear! After a year of emotional outpourings and an acceleration of progress along life’s path, the Water energy year is coming to an end. Water is ebbing its flow. Water channels are being drained. Water pools are being dried up. Water drops are evaporating under the heat of the incoming Fire energy.

You have seen my descent.  Now watch my rising.

~ Rumi

Fire is the yang to Water’s yin. The fiery light to its watery dark. The heights to its depths. Watch as the energy moves from negative to positive. Let your energy shift with it. Let your heart be glad. Let your smile light your up your face. Let it lift your spirits. And bring you joy and happiness.

Home is Where the Heart Is

With Fire entering the center of every home and space, everyone has the potential to find a home they love or return to a home where they know they are loved. Get famous and seek their fortunes in 2018. Build a good reputation in their community or industry. Receive blessings already on their way, sometimes in disguise. Spend quality time with their family and friends. Entertain and be entertained. Celebrate the joys of life. Enjoy career advancement and scholastic achievement. Experience the divine within and see it in others. Have dynamic spiritual experiences with others in large gatherings and sacred spaces.

Here Comes the Sun

After what could have been a dark night of the soul or a depressing 2017, the sun is breaking through the clouds! The Fire element is represented by stars. Our sun is the star shinning the light that charges our souls and provides solar energy to every living thing. It’s time to rise and shine, wake up with the sun, be warmed by its radiant heat and let it shine light on everything that has been hidden from view.

Feel the Burn

Besides the sun, the Fire element is also represented in nature by…fire! Fire is a purifier. It burns away everything we don’t need or has been getting in our way. So, instead of putting out fires, let the fire sweep through your life and incinerate all the stuff that no longer serves you, leaving a clean slate and creating a new beginning. Let it move all of the impurities to the top of the melting pot so we can scrape them off, discard them and be more pure of heart and intent, or at least more refined.

Get Lit Up

In addition to burning through problems and burning up whatever has been hindering our forward movement, fire is an intensifier. Fire years can be very intense or give rise to very intense experiences and emotions. Situations, especially with people could become highly volatile. Set intentions for this intense energy to affect you in positive ways, making you ecstatically happy, euphorically overjoyed, rapturously in love and exultantly successful!

Happy Days Are Here Again

Fire years are full of joy and happiness, fame and fortune, family and friends, blessings and bonuses. It’s a year to do things that bring you joy, happiness and fulfillment. A year to realize your dreams or put them to bed. A year to finish projects or retire them forever. It’s a year to celebrate achievements and accomplishments! A year to be acknowledged and appreciated, recognized and rewarded. Look forward to a year full of happy days!

Celebrations of Life

Fire element years bring opportunities to enjoy more fun and have more exciting experiences, especially with lots of close friends and extended family. Do more of the things that make you happy and spend more time with people who make you happy. Turn up the music and just dance. Fire energy inspires you to be more spontaneous and add a little more variety to your life. Socialize, entertain, host parties, meet new people. Plan a family reunion. Gather together and celebrate life! Celebrate each other and everyone’s special days. Celebrate the little wins and the big wins.

Ignite Your Passion

This is the year to find your passion. Do what you love. Make your heart’s desire a reality. Finish a passion project. Turn your passion into profits. Do whatever you do with passion or quit what you are doing if it doesn’t feed your soul. Work with passion. Love with passion. Live with passion.

A Bright Future

Fire years can get people all fired up.  It can light a fire that motivates people to take inspired action. This positive, forward and upward energy can attract promotions and advancements in careers or success in businesses. Long term contracts or royalties, lottery winnings and inheritances may ensure financial security, both now and well into the future. This success allows people to get out of survivor mode and into a place where they can have more of a wealth consciousness. This in turn leads to people having more choices, more opportunities and more freedom to save and invest their money for their future. It provides the favorable energy to live well, share the wealth and create future prosperity for themselves and others, especially their children and employees.

Reach for the Stars

Fire years can provide opportunities to shine bright and be recognized for your gifts and talents, hard work and expertise. Being in the spotlight or being the center of attention, having the world revolve around you and creating an audience for your message, offering or contribution. (You might even get your 15 minutes of fame!) This is especially favorable energy for anyone who wants to be a celebrity or rise to fame like actors, writers, musicians, performers, dancers – anyone in the entertainment business. Hitch your wagon to a star. Catch a falling star. Become a star! Or, at least be the star, the leading man or woman, in your own life’s story!

A Series of FORTUNATE Events

Fire years can bring a fortunate turn of events. A plot twist that you could never have imagined. A resolution to what have been considerable challenges for you and your family. An unexpected windfall. If you have been struggling for years or felt stuck in a rut, this is the year everything could turn around for you.

Count Your Blessings

You’ve heard of a Gratitude Jar. Well, because the Fire element brings blessings, it’s time to start counting your blessings. Find a beautiful large glass or crystal bowl. (It could be red!) You could also use a wooden or metal box. Place it in the center of your home or living room. Select some lovely papers and fun pens. Write down whatever blessings you receive every day or each week, throughout the year. Place them in your Blessing Bowl as you say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you”. Encourage everyone in the family to count their blessings, write them down one by one and put them in the Blessing Bowl.


During Fire energy years we may see more wild land and forest fires, as well as house and commercial building fires. Volcanic eruptions may be more likely. Falling stars, comet fly bys and meteor showers may provide some celestial entertainment. Weather changes due to the sun may become headline news. Explosive disasters may be more common. Strange lights may appear in the sky.


Fire energy exudes enthusiasm. For life! In interactions with people. For careers and businesses. It’s an energy everyone has access to and can tap into this year. Infuse your personal energy with some enthusiasm in 2018. Get enthusiastic about your own life!

ExperienceLike Water, Fire is a being element. It inspires people to be who they really are. However, with Fire, this beingness becomes an outward expression, instead an inner knowingness. Fire energy arouses the desire to live out loud. To actually experience what it is to be a spiritual being in a body. To be a living, breathing expression of the divine spark of Source.


Fire is one of two spiritual elements. Spiritual experiences leading to more consciousness, awareness and even enlightenment can be expected. Unembodied and disembodied, spiritual and energy beings may play a role in your life this year. You may meet your guides or have an encounter with an angel. Paranormal activity is more likely to be experienced by everyone, not just Fire elements. You may see more of the unseen. Your eyes may be opened, your awareness expanded to allow you to see interdimensional and multidimensional things. Keep your spiritual eyes open. See what you see.


Fire shines light on everything. It highlights what is visible and reveals what is invisible. Take advantage of this quality of Fire energy by looking at what works about your life and what doesn’t make you happy. Make some lists. Write down everything you are grateful for and put it somewhere where you can see it every day. Add to it every week. Make another list of all the things you are ready to release. Then, burn it and energetically let it go.


In the 2017 Water year, we began to see some more truth telling and transparency.  Because Fire illuminates that which is kept in the dark, 2018 may bring even more revelations. Partial disclosure and more lies promoted as the truth may begin to become more public. Regardless of what is revealed, each person will be given the opportunity to see the truth for themselves, beyond the illusion.

The Eyes Have It

In feng shui, Fire is associated with the eyes. What we see has an effect on our personal energy because where the eyes go, energy flows. Tour your home and notice where your eyes go as you enter each room. What greets you when you come through the front door? What is the first thing you see when you open your eyes in the morning? What is your view from your favorite seat in the living room? What do you look at from your desk while working? Are you surrounded by beauty or clutter? Create some visual space by removing or putting out of sight everything you don’t need. Add some visual interest by placing some beautiful items that represent your dream lifestyle by following the guidelines below.

Auspicious Corners

Activate the auspicious corners in each room of your home to lift the energy in your space. The most auspicious area in any room is the corner that your eye is drawn to upon entering that space. Place a large plant, tall tree with string lights, a lamp or other decorative lighting, sculpture, art piece or wall art, large geode/crystal or decorative vase in that corner. If the entry/door is on the right or in the center, the auspicious corner is the far left. If the entry/door is on the left, the auspicious corner is the far right.

Heart’s Desire

Fire is also associated with the heart. With Fire elements, you can see their heart through their eyes. The same idea applies to personalizing your feng shui, only in reverse. To create more of what your heart desires, you need to represent those things physically in your home or office, so you can see them every day. For more insight on setting intentions using the feng shui energy blueprint, read about the Vision Bagua Class.

On the Health Front

Everyone should get their eyes/vision checked. Limit digital screen time. Take really good care of your heart health. Go outside. Be with people. Exercise. Enjoy some natural sunlight every day.

All in the Family

During fire years, families can grow. For people who want to have more children, the energy is favorable for pregnancy and birth. For others, your family may expand in other ways. Older children may come home. Families may be reconciled. Marriages may create blended families. Family members may move closer to be together more. Cherished friends may move closer to you to share life experiences this year. Embrace this opportunity to be together and share your life with each other.

People Who Love People

Love on the people in your life. Bless them. Give to them. Express how much you love them. Let them know how much you care about them. Recognize and honor the divine spark within them. Embody Namaste in all your interactions with people.

Positive Energy

Fire is a Yang energy element. Yang energy is active, positive, expanding and ascending. Masculine, it is giving, productive, initiative, outwardly focused and aggressive. It is light, hot and bright. Lifting upward and moving outward. It is represented by the front side, right side and high side.

Look forward to enjoying more positive energy in 2018. More expansion in all areas of your life. More fun activities with more people. More gift receiving and gift giving. More personal initiative and produced results. More upward movement in careers and business and a big boost to your personal energy.

Red, White & Gold

Red is the color associated with the Fire element and the color for 2018. Wear red often to lift your spirits, shift your energy and change your outlook on life. Get a red purse or wallet to enhance wealth and increase cash flow. Buy some red heels and get a little red dress. Red is especially auspicious for women who want to attract a romantic partner this year. Dress up any outfit with a red sweater, scarf or belt. Men can wear red shirts and ties.

White is also a good color to magnetize wealth, good fortune, power and authority and help from benefactors. White is a metal element color and makes Fire energy feel powerful. Both men and women can tap into this auspicious energy by wearing more white this year. Ladies, even if you don’t normally wear white, wear it this year. Buy a flowing white cotton dress or skirt, pant suit or lovely silky blouse. Sleep in white satin or Egyptian cotton sheets. Invest in a luxuriously soft white bath robe. Get some sexy white lingerie. Wear a white cardigan with pearl buttons or get some white pumps. Wearing strings of white pearls, pearl earrings and pearl rings are also very auspicious. Men can enhance their careers and increase their income potential by wearing more white too!

Gold is an auspicious color and element this year. Metal empowers Fire and brings good fortune to those who wear metal and metallic colors, especially gold. Wear your gold watches and gold jewelry. Rose gold has even better energy. Don’t leave home without putting on all of your gold accessories! Dress to the nines in 2018.

The Magic Number 9

The completion number for the Fire element is 9. 9 is a magic number. Anyone who studies math knows how amazing the number nine is. In feng shui, it makes up the magic 9 square grid used in the flying stars school.

9 is also the number of completion. This year, finish projects or forget about them.  Put yourself out there or put your projects to bed.

Currently, we are in a 20-year cycle of 8 (Mountain Earth) energy. In 2024, we will enter a new 20-year cycle of 9 (Fire) energy. That’s just five years away! And the closer we get to 2024, the more we will feel the effects of the Fire energy as it makes its way into our energy field.

So, because the Fire cycle is in our future, the 9 in feng shui represents accumulating wealth, saving money and investing it for the future prosperity. Make wise decisions about money as it relates to retirement savings, investment properties, vacation homes and college funds. Don’t forget to plan for fun. Balance establishing financial security with financial planning that takes joy and happiness, pleasure and excitement into consideration. Put money toward creating future joyful experiences – celebratory parties, luxury vacations, special trips, longed for purchases, incremental upgrades and a first-class life!

Fire energy years can be quite intense. We might be in for a wild ride! Determine what you want to focus your energy on. Let the Fire energy shed light on what you want to bring attention to. Let it burn everything you no longer want or need in your life.

Have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2018!

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2018 Feng Shui for the Family


2018 Feng Shui for The 8 Elements