2018 Feng Shui for the Family

T8E Blog - 2018 Feng Shui for the Family

Each of The 8 Elements is associated with a member of the family. Gender roles, age and the birth order of children/siblings are all factors that can be taken into consideration when looking at how the visiting energy might affect you and each member of your family this year. If the previous blogs about your personal element’s gua and number weren’t especially auspicious, looking at the energy affecting you as a member of the family might be more favorable.

The 8 Elements are also associated with a human stage of development. Adults will do better than children. So, in the second part of this blog, I will share more specific information about how parents can support their children. No matter what the energy’s potentials are, find something positive to focus your attention on and be very intentional about how you spend and express your personal energy.

Feng Shui for YOU!

This is a red-letter year for men and women, their relationships with each other and with themselves. It is a coming together of divine masculine and feminine energies in a beautiful and long-awaited consummation of pure love and mutual respect. It’s a year to end the battle of the sexes, tend to each other’s wounds, stop swapping war stories and hold space for ourselves and each other to heal. A year to recommit to our relationship with the whole other half of the population. Forgive each other. Love each other. Honor each other. Celebrate each other.  Acknowledge the common ground we have in our shared humanity. Recognize each other’s contributions to experiencing and enjoying a fulfilling and happy life.

2018 is also a year in which parents will be called to take better or especially good care of their children. Reclaim their responsibility to care for their children’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being. Make their children a priority, instead of an after thought or inconvenience. Recognize them as people and fellow human beings. Treat them with respect, love and tenderness. Listen to them. Talk with them. Care for them. BE with them. Read to them. Play with them. Advocate for them. Protect them. Provide better for them. Model the best of what it is to be human for them. Encourage them to be authentic as they become the very best they can be.


The NW represents men. The husband and father. The head of household. The sole or primary breadwinner.

With the cash flow energy in the NW, Water brings career success and increased income to all men, especially husbands and fathers who have families to financially support and provide for. In 2018, look forward to making great strides in your career or business. Promotions and raises in salary in your current job may already be in the works. It also allows for you to take some time and spend some money on the things that make your personal life path more pleasant and pleasurable. Do something, buy something for you!

Coming Home

Men, with the man of the house energy visiting the SW this year, it represents you coming home. Home to your wife or mother. Home to the love of your life. Home to the most important woman in your life. Making her your home. Providing her and your family with a home. Buying a house. Being home more. Enjoying a happy home life. Or, if you are single, getting married and settling down.

This masculine energy visiting the house of the woman also represents men coming into an affinity with their own divine feminine energy. Embracing the part of themselves that brings them into balance as a human being. Marrying themselves to their other half that expresses the feminine qualities of care and compassion, love and nurturing, and the miracle of life. Coming into a deeper appreciation for the great mystery that is the life-giving essence of the sacred feminine and connecting to embodiment of this feminine energy, the sacred space that brings the spiritual realm to the physical plane.


The SW represents women. The wife and mother. The matriarch of the family. The giver of life and heart of the home.

With the power energy in the SW, Hard Metal brings BIG money and helpful people to all women, not only at home but in their careers and businesses. Women should determine what their zone of genius is, create a business plan and invite benefactors to invest in them and their ideas. There is the potential to expand internationally and travel both for business and pleasure. It would be wise to use technology and widen your circle of influence to market and grow your business, promote your product or service, get funding for your project or share your message.

Who rules the world?

You’ve heard of being the queen for a day? Well, this year women are queen for the year! Give the girl a crown. Besides the royal treatment, women will also have the power and authority to make decisions for their family, company or organization. They will have all the help they need to accomplish their goals and fulfill their dreams. Mentors and benefactors. Investors and a circle of support in every way that’s required. Ask and it is given!

Women, with the woman of the house visiting the W this year, it represents you making mothering children a bigger part of your life. Fully embracing the role of mother. Being a motherly figure in the lives of other people’s children. Reclaiming your responsibility to take care of your children yourself. Strengthening the relationship you have with your children. Even mothering or healing your own inner child.

With the man/husband/father energy visiting the house of the woman, you will be given opportunities to see men in a new light and relate with them in a new way.  Reconcile with the men in your life. Forgive them. Love them. Form stronger bonds with them. Enjoy quality time with them. Contribute to them. Support them. Build them up. Hold space for them. Make their house a home. Celebrate them! Deepen the intimacy you have with your husband/partner. Make your husband a father for the first time or again.

Or, if you are single, you are likely to meet the man of your dreams. Start dating. Based on the tech energy, internet dating will be successful. Find the love of your life. Because of the travel energy, you might meet him on vacation or on a business trip. Get engaged or married, or enter into a monogamous committed relationship.

In addition to reconciling or reconnecting with men and meeting new men and letting them contribute to you, this energy brings an opportunity for you to tap into your own divine masculine energy. Be your own protector and provider. Stand up and speak up for yourself. Advocate for yourself. Negotiate salary and commission, terms and conditions, contracts and deals on your own behalf. Defend yourself. Initiate and go after it. Make plans and take action. Give generously and wholeheartedly. Commit to your goals. Put the work in. Honor your integrity, values and ethics. Get your needs met. Stay true to your highest ideals. Embody the strength and determination it takes to build something you have only ever seen in your dreams. Produce results. Make it happen!

Eldest Son

With the argumentative energy in the E, Soft Metal brings a combativeness to relationships between eldest sons and their parents and teachers, employer or supervisor.

Parents, be more patient with your eldest son. Show him some compassion. Listen to him without interrupting to correct him. Let him say what he needs to say. Hug him. Ask him what he needs. Encourage him to communicate with truthfulness and kindness. Help him develop some more EQ. Let him know you are a safe place for him. Love him with all your heart. Get any dental work he might need done. Teach him how to take really good care of his oral health. Keep him away from sharp metal blades and objects or supervise his work in the kitchen, garage and wood shop. Invest in some steel toed boots and other safety gear. Delay learning how to drive for a year or limit his driving. Make sure you have sufficient auto and health insurance in the event of an accident.

Eldest sons, be cognizant of your interactions with people in person and on social media, at home and especially at school or your place of work. Think before you speak. Count to ten before you react. Don’t resort to name calling or any kind of verbal abuse. Learn how to communicate in a healthy and mature way that takes people’s feelings into consideration. Be honest and self-expressed without intentionally hurting people. Don’t fight. Walk away before it comes to that. Avoid conflict, especially at work to reduce the potential for job loss and lawsuits. See a holistic dentist. Get any amalgam fillings removed.

Eldest Daughter

With the abundance energy in the SE, Mountain Earth brings a mountain of wealth and abundance of good things.

Eldest daughters, the potential is there to see the universe show you the money! You can look forward to acquiring personal wealth and accumulating assets. You will be able to easily create passive income and multiple streams of income from both a career and business opportunity. You will not only be able to provide for yourself and family and pay your bills in full and on time but have extra money to save, invest and spend on things that bring enjoyment and enrich everyone’s quality of life. Homeownership, maybe for the first time, and other big-ticket purchases or expenses like a car or vacation will be possible as well!

Middle Son

With the obstacle energy in the N, Yellow Earth brings a delays, disasters, disease and death.

Parents, be very mindful of your middle son and his health and well-being. Make sure he wears his seat belt in the car, helmet when riding his bike and protective gear while engaging in sports. Don’t allow him to take any unnecessary risks. Caution him to make “Safety first” his mantra for the year.

Middle sons, take it easy this year. Don’t do too much. Rest. Honor your need for sleep. Eat healthy foods. Move your body. Stay hydrated. Master the art of self-care.

Middle Daughter

With the romance energy in the S, Soft Wood energy brings unexpected windfalls, new romance and opportunities to travel and succeed in business.

Middle daughters, if you have aspirations to get into acting or the performance arts, want to be invited to speak or get published, this is your year! If you want to fall in love or renew the love in your relationship, 2018 could be your year. If you are in public relations or sales, look forward to enjoying more success. If you are a student, enjoy a year that supports you in excelling in academics.

Youngest Son

With the complaining energy in the NE, Hard Wood energy brings gossip, whining and health problems.

Parents, be more sensitive to the needs of your youngest son this year. Anticipate anything that tends to upset him and try to minimize its impact. Pay close attention to his physical health and emotional well-being. Encourage him to avoid any reckless behavior or dangerous activities. This energy has the potential to cause breaks or injuries in the four limbs. Talk to him about bullying. Make sure he isn’t being bullied or being a bully at school.

Youngest sons, don’t spread rumors or participate in gossip to avoid any slanderous libel suits. Instead of complaining, ask for what you need. Work on expressing your feelings. Be aware of any changes in your health and see a health professional immediately if you notice any abnormalities. Do a gentle liver detox or cleanse. Eat more leafy green veggies even if you have to juice or make green smoothies.

Youngest Daughter

With the illness energy in the W, Mother Earth energy brings sickness and separation.

Parents, be proactive when it comes to the physical health of your youngest daughter. Pay close attention to her digestive and reproductive health. Keep her immune system strong. Stay connected to her. Take her on dates. Plan special events for you to do with her. Make sure she feels loved and well taken care of.

Youngest daughters, listen to your body. Honor its needs for good food and pure water, peaceful sleep and nutritional supplementation, exercise, fresh air and natural sunlight. Strengthen your immune system. There is the potential to become separated or even to get divorced. Write down what you are ready to let go of or be released from and burn it.

Stages of Development

Children will need a little extra tender loving care this year. Increase your awareness of their overall health and well-being. Take the time to prepare healthy meals and snacks. Make sure they get enough sleep and have lots of free time. Don’t over schedule their life with many extra-curricular activities. Ask them what they are interested in learning about and invest some time and energy in helping them learn a new skill or subject. Read to them. Spend quality time with them.

Girls will fare a little better than boys this year. All boys and young men, will need more support this year. If you have a son who is old enough to get his learner’s permit, wait until next year or if he is a new licensed driver, limit his driving privileges.

Ages 0-6

They will talk back. Argue with you. Be confrontational. Test their boundaries. Do dangerous things that scare you. Put all metallic and sharp objects out of reach. Be extra vigilant when caring for infants, toddlers and young children. Only leave them in the care of people you know well and trust completely. Vet their friends and their friends’ parents before allowing them to spend time with them. Supervise all play time and play dates, especially at other people’s houses, at parks or in other public places.

Ages 7-12

They will get sick. Get the stomach flu and frequent tummy aches. Get lost or separated from you in a public place. Maybe even run away from home or pull away from the family. Give them probiotics and digestive enzymes. Make sure they know you care about them and are interested in their thoughts and ideas. Find ways to communicate how much you love them with little notes, kind words and thoughtful gestures. Check in with them daily one on one to stay in the know about how they are feeling physically and emotionally.

Ages 13-18

They will have a great year! Have an abundance of friends.Do well in school. Accomplish their goals. Stay healthy and enjoy lots of personal well-being. Take advantage of this positive energy by helping your teen set some intentions for 2018. Create a team of people they can work with to help them reach their goals.

Go into the year with the knowledge you need to take good care of yourself and your family. Have a great 2018!

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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