Babies in 2023

Babies in 2023

Personal Feng Shui Elements of Newborns

The 8 Elements is the only personality typing system that takes male or female sex into consideration. Other systems determine your sign, element or zodiac animal based solely on your date of birth. To learn more, I recommend reading, Not Your Mother’s Personality Typing and What’s Your Element?
Each year when babies are born, it’s both their sex and date of birth that determines their personal feng shui element. Feng shui’s Eight Mansions trigrams honors both the yin and yang number orders. The yang number order of descending numbers, that establishes the element for the year, is also assigned to every male born that year. The yin number order the has its own column of ascending numbers, is used to assign a personal element to all females born that year.
Boys and girls who are born in the same year are never the same element except once every nine years when all children are Hard Wood elements.
There are eight personal feng shui elements. Year 5 is not skipped in either of the number orders, it’s just designated as one of the other two Earth elements. Children born during a 5 Yellow Earth year are either Mother Earth or Mountain Earth. In Yellow Earth years, like in 2022, boys are Mother Earth. In Water element years, the girls are Mountain Earth.
Last year, boys born in 2022 were Mother Earth elements and girls were Water elements. This is relevant to 2023 as well, because the energy doesn’t shift until February 4th of each year. So, any baby boys born between January 1st and February 3rd in 2023 are Mother Earth elements. And girls born during the first few weeks of this year are Water elements.
I saw a lot of mothers of newborn sons sharing about the digestive distress their babies were suffering. Everything from visible discomfort and crying, to gassiness and spitting up was reported. Breastfeeding mamas talked about changing their diets, even cutting out entire food groups, like dairy, to see if that would help their little one feel better. They did all the things: not overfeeding, burping, gentle massage and keeping their baby upright after feedings. But the spitting up continued.
Mother Earth elements are associated with the digestive and reproductive systems. They tend to have upset tummies, stomach aches, abdominal pain and other issues with their digestion. They also tend to have allergies, sensitivities and intolerances to foods, like gluten or dairy. Some are more severe than others. Sometimes they will grow out of them, like my daughter did. Sometimes they need digestive enzymes and probiotic support for life. And sometimes they will develop other digestive disorders or metabolic and blood sugar issues like acid reflux, hypoglycemia or insulin resistance.
All of this will continue to be relevant in 2023, because girls born after February 3rd of this year will be Mother Earth elements. So, parents of newborn girls may face the challenges that come with babies who may have difficulty properly digesting their milk and later, solid foods.
Boys born in 2023 are Soft Wood elements. Soft Wood is a highly emotional element, contrary, and prone to hysteria and inconsolable crying. Like the “persistent wind” that represents their element in nature, they like to be constantly on the move. Baby wearing is recommended so they can be on the go with their mothers as they go about their day.
Mother Earth elements are pure love and simply irresistible! But because they need partnership, they can be extremely needy. If I tried to get up after laying down with my Mother Earth daughter for a nap, she would immediately wake up. They are a 2. They NEED you!
Soft Wood elements are extremely emotional and high maintenance. Because they need attention to be content, they will cry hysterically to the point of being inconsolable. Best to be on high alert and anticipate their needs before they have to resort to those negative attention seeking methods.

To learn more read about Soft Wood and Mother Earth elements.
Read about the Feng Shui for Parents coaching package.
For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me! 
Or, read about my other coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


January Birthdays


2023: The Year of the Writer