T8E BLOG - 2020 Review & Release
 The Sovereignty energy is coming in like a lion!  Whether the sheeple energy goes out like a lamb (to slaughter), remains to be seen.  
The time for waking the sleeping masses is past.  Stop counting sheep and allow this powerful energy to awaken the lion within you! 
As we move closer and closer to the official date in February marking the beginning of the Return of the King and a Hard Metal Year, we will be asked to become a leader, in our own lives, in our inner circles, in our businesses, as well as, in the world and the golden era before us.  Gone are the days when we look to others for leadership.  We will lead ourselves toward our own greatness, enlightenment and the evolution of humanity.
March 2020 2.0 is here.
The doubled energy we had this Spring is being revisited upon us this month.  And this time, because energy is always strongest as it comes in and as it goes out, it’s really intense.  It will feel as though the energy that has been affecting your personal element all year is being repeatedly underscored and punctuated with an exclamation mark.  It's jumping up and down and waving at us to get our attention.  
This month we will be given opportunities to learn the life lessons 2020 presented us with for our soul's growth and personal development.  Beginning on December 7th, the energy visiting each house this month is the same energy visiting each house this year, doubling its strength and effects.  Earlier in the year, when we had this energy in March, I called it, "Double Trouble".  
Remember "15 days to slow the spread" and "Two weeks to flatten the curve"?  Well, that was a lie. And a psyop.  And a "problem, reaction, solution" planned scenario to get the world to conform and consent to the dark agenda's global reset.  
Whatever changes and challenges March ushered in for us, individually and collectively, are being presented to us again for review and release.  It's our final opportunity to look at what we have learned about ourselves and life, take all the goodness with us into our future and leave all the sadness behind.  Cut our losses and move into a new year standing in our own personal Sovereignty.
But first, let's review 2020 and release it...


Hard Wood energy visited the House of Water in the North this year.  This energy asks us to work on improving our health and work things out with our family.  Release anger, resentment and bitterness and forgive without waiting for an apology or amends.  Choose not to indulge in whining and complaining and instead ask for what we need...like help!  Process and express our emotions in a healthy way and become more emotionally intelligent.  Build enough intimacy to drop the hard stoic exterior that protects our tender core.  Genuinely care, be kind and make thoughtful gestures.  Collaborate with others and strengthen the connections with our community.
3/3  Ho'oponopono the low vibe emotions out of your energy body.  Let the tears fall.  Heal your trusting heart.  Clear karmic ties.  Reconcile with an estranged family member.  Ask your body every morning what it needs to feel well and be healthy.  Do a random act of kindness and tell no one.  Hire a third party to resolve a legal issue on your behalf.   
NOTE: This energy is extremely draining for Water elements.  It sucks all the life force out of your energy body.  Honor your need for rest.  Go to bed early.  Take naps as needed.
Water visited the House of Mountain Earth in the Northeast this year.  This energy asks us to establish, reinforce and honor our boundaries.  Be a safe space for others.  Take the road less traveled and gain a new perspective.  Achieve great things and pause to take in the view from the top.  Be guided by spiritual masters and experience moments of pure ecstasy along our life's path. 
1/1  Go to the mountain.  Let it direct your flow.  Meditate or reflect on personal wins and claim victory over an internal struggle.  Gain clarity.  Make peace with the NOW moment.  Create space and receive an abundance of good things into your life.  Free fall and let your higher self catch you.

Mother Earth

Soft Wood energy visited the House of Mother Earth in the Southwest this year.  This energy asks us to heal the relationships between women, especially mothers and daughters.  Learn to be more flexible and resilient.  Value loyalty and longevity in relationships and the importance of leaving a legacy for our children.  Face addictions to mood altering substances and learn how to cope with extreme emotional highs and lows.  Be feisty without being contrary, just to evoke emotions in others or contradictory in attempts at attention seeking.  Experience the rooted elevation of being evergreen and always thriving.  Know what is feels like to live well and prosper. 
4/4  Look at how the opportunistic tendencies of this energy have affected your personal wellbeing and created karmic debts that now need to be paid.  Write your partner a love note expressing how much you appreciate their love and loyalty.  Recognize your team's most valuable players for everything they have contributed to your entrepreneurial endeavors and business success.  Share the wealth and pay it forward.
NOTE:  This energy can arouse lust, resulting in extramarital affairs and promiscuity in both Mother Earth elements and women.  Don't be shady.  If you cheat, tell your partner.  If you are single, practice safe sex and use at least two types of birth control.
Mother Earth visited the House of Fire in the South this year.  This energy asks us to be a star, the leading man or woman in our own lives and shine bright!  Don't worry, be happy!  Gather with our loved ones for the celebrations of life.  Use the fire in your belly to settle on a passion the week and create future prosperity for ourselves and children.  Seek fame and fortune.
2/2  Curb your appetite and your enthusiasm.  Don't overeat seasonal treats or overindulge in holiday festivities.  Obey laws to avoid incidents with police officers or even, the military.  As you prepare to step out of the spotlight, revel in the afterglow of being the center of the Universe before settling back into orbit.  Count your blessings.  Connect with your future self and ask for guidance on the next chapter of your life.

Hard Wood

The Yellow 5 visited the House of Hard Wood in the East this year.  This energy asks us to be still.  Tune into the messages from our True Self, body's consciousness and home and work environments.  Let go of all the stuff we don't need through detoxing and decluttering.  See the obstacles and delays as blessings in disguise and ways the Universe is keeping us safe and well from serious accidents and disease.  Be in allowance of the disasters and death energy that sweeps through your life and removes everything that no longer serves your highest good and greatest wellbeing.   
5/5  Lay low.  Stay home.  Don't take any unnecessary risks.  Take care of yourself - body, mind and soul.  Let expired relationships die.  Make a list of everything you are done with and do a death ritual by burying the list in the ground and releasing your thoughts and beliefs, feelings and attachments to each item. 
NOTE: This energy is the most critical combination there is in feng shui.  Take it seriously.  Monitor your health and manage your finances carefully.
Hard Wood visited the House of Water in the North this year.  This energy asks us to be independent and single focused on our career.  Feel confident in our ability to be alone and take care ourselves and our finances.  Create multiple streams of income and consistent cash flow.  Pour our energy into a profession that is connected to our soul's purpose and life path.  Trust the process and go with the flow.
3/3  Drink water.  Listen to the messages your body is sending you thorough sensations and symptoms.  Get your blood work done to see where there are deficiencies and imbalances.  Schedule an acupuncture appointment to move the chi along the meridians of your body.  Practice qigong daily.  Express appreciation for the career and money "luck" this year.  Visualize yourself happy and healthy, wealthy and wise. 

Soft Wood

Hard Metal energy visited the House of Soft Wood in the Southeast this year.  This energy asks us to be a leader for ourselves and others.  Be resourceful and generous with our time and talents.  Mentor and counsel people and share wise advice with them.  Help people without them having to ask.  Bring a level of maturity to decision making and relationships, that comes with experience.  Balance what our heads think with what our hearts feel.  See everything happening on Earth affecting humanity from the heavenly realm's higher worldview.  Be a bridge that connects us with all the knowledge and wisdom of our eternal soul's past, present and future inter-dimensional iterations.
6/6  Allow for proper recovery time after working out, especially the lower body, to avoid injuries.  Avoid going head to head with your father or another authority figure.  Find a balance of power in your relationships.  Seek wise counsel and good advice.  Ask for and receive help.  Accept the monetary gift and express your sincere appreciation.  Be generous with your time and energy.
NOTE: This energy creates power struggles between fathers and daughters, couples and business partners.  Energetically, it cuts you off at the knees.  Don't negotiate from a place of disadvantage or feeling of disempowerment.
Soft Wood visited the House of Mother Earth in the Southwest this year.  This energy asks us to practice unconditional love.  Value our partner enough to get better at providing loving partnership.  Be fertile and receptive to the seeds being planted.  Follow our bliss and pursue a passion project.  Express ourselves through song and dance, music and art.
4/4  Flirt with new love or renew the love in your life. Write a love letter or leave love notes for your romantic partner to express your appreciation for their loyalty. Value longevity in your relationships. Be persistent and resilient and thrive no matter what season of life you are in.  Make choices that will allow you to live long and prosper. Share the wealth with your family.  And build a business that will leave a legacy for your children and future generations.

Hard Metal

Mountain Earth energy visited the House of Hard Metal in the Northwest this year.  This energy brings an abundance of good things when in balance and lots of life lessons when out of balance.  It challenges us to set goals and reach them.  Enjoy the journey...and the destination.  Be a guide for others on their personal development and spiritual path.  Find our soul tribe and accept them just the way they are. 
8/8  You have the money to spend and invest.  Buy gold and silver, even platinum.  Purchase a house, land or investment property.  Own assets.  Welcome the good news.  Say "Yes!" to the great opportunities.  Be ecstatic!  Live your best life.      
NOTE: This is as good as it gets!  Enjoy this abundant energy all month.
Hard Metal visited the House of Soft Wood in the Southeast this year.  This energy asks us to team up with colleagues who have something valuable to contribute to our business or entrepreneurial endeavors.  Get rich quick.  Happy dance when the windfalls land at your door.  Cherish your family.
6/6  Share the wealth.  Consider profit sharing in your company or give large end-of-the-year bonuses.  Recognize your team's most valuable players.  Offer apprenticeships and mentor young people who would like to learn a skill or trade.  

Soft Metal

Fire energy visited the House of Soft Metal in the West this year.  This energy brings happiness to all.  It makes spirits merry and bright.  Shines light on all the good and the bad, the naughty and nice.  Adds sparkle to the life of the party, punctuated by a final display of colorful fireworks.  Heats things up in the bedroom. Brings people together to enjoy each other's company.  Keeps everyone warm and cozy around the campfire or in front of the crackling fireplace or surrounded by soft candlelight.  Makes fellowship great again.
9/9  Be of good cheer.  Celebrate life with your friends and family.  Be fruitful and multiply.  Conceive a soul baby.  Get your 15 minutes of fame.  Feel fortunate.  Make a list of all your favorite things!  Write in your gratitude journal every night.  
NOTE:  This energy combination multiples whatever energy is with it.  Be intentional everyday about choosing joy, happiness and success.
Soft Metal visited the center of all spaces this year.   This energy affects everyone's energetic balance, relationship harmony and personal wellbeing.  The calm center in the storm.  The oasis of respite, a moment of rest, a quiet stillness for meditation and contemplation.  The flatline that precedes the jumpstart.  The purge.  The release of attachment to outcomes.  Surrender.  Loving what is.  The suspension of an out of body experience and lIfe review.
7/7  Make a List.  Make that two lists: one of all of the things that would bring you joy this holiday season and another one for all the things you would like to do to bring joy to others this Christmas.  Clean and decorate your home.  Have a party!  Invite your friends over and have fun.  Get the board games out.  Play charades!  Read your favorite novel or fantasy story.  Watch your favorite holiday movies.  Make your favorite foods.  Be filled with joy.

Mountain Earth

Water energy visited the House of Mountain Earth in the Northeast this year.  This energy asks us to do the inner work.  The shadow work.  Remember who we really are and fully embody it.  Tap into the stream of consciousness and flow with it.  Find inner peace.  Access inner wisdom.  Balance the yin and yang within.  Be our own protective divine masculine and nurturing divine feline energy. Complete ourselves.
1/1  BE.  Be at peace.  Be quiet.  Be still.  Be an individual.  Be one with Source and all that is.  Be wise.  Trust yourself.  Trust the Universe.  Trust the process.  Trust.
NOTE:  This energy may cause you to want to drink more than you normally do.  Keep alcoholic beverages to 1 or 2.  And make sure you have a designated driver.
Mountain Earth visited the House of Hard Metal in the Northwest this year.  This energy can require us to mature beyond our years, plan for retirement and provide opportunities to travel for work and leisure.  Become a leader of leaders.  Reign and rule in all the areas of life you like to have the power and prestige.  Mentor others.  Be a benefactor of a deserving person.
8/8  Book the trip.  Buy the plane ticket.  Go on the adventure.  Take the vacation.  If you can't travel (for obvious reasons) plan a staycation.  Turn your master bedroom into a hotel suite (clean and minimal).  Buy yourself some crystal jewelry.  Or a house.  Or acres of land.  Get an astrogeography reading to help you determine the world the best places to live for this next phase of your life.


Mother Earth energy visited the House of Fire in the South this year.  This energy asks us to actively separate ourselves from everything and everyone that is not good for our health and wellbeing.  Be intentional about releasing attachments to people and outcomes.  Let go of the toxic energy and return it to sender with love and consciousness.  Mind our digestion and take care of our reproductive health.  Choose a romantic partner that provides what we need for that season of life.
2/2  Heal your gut. Balance your hormones. Make peace with your fertility. Do something fun with your partner.  Tell your mother you love her.  Show yourself some self-love.  Be the love you would like to see in the world.
NOTE:  This energy may create a need for law enforcement officers to get involved.  Obey traffic laws and don't speed.  Call 911 if you need help.  Of, if you like to role play in the bedroom with costumes, have fun! 
Fire visited the House of Soft Metal in the West this year.  This energy brings fun and friends, playfulness and role play games.  Don't be alone this holiday season.  Go to the party.  Or host one.  Participate in the festivities.  Make an effort to enjoy fellowship with like minded souls.
9/9  Be entertained.  Or be the star of your own show.  Revel in the applause.  Receive the recognition and accolades.  Acknowledge yourself for what you have accomplished, even during a dumpster fire of a year.  Bring happiness to someone, even if it's just with the smile we can see through your eyes.

The 8 Elements

With 7/7 in the center of all spaces this month, the end of 2020 may be quite volatile and chaotic, especially if people choose to activate the energy and escalate events with intense emotions and violent disturbances.
If you haven't already, read the previous blog about the light and dark sides of the Soft Metal energy to help you innerstand the element's default setting and choose instead better feeling thoughts and higher vibe emotions.
The wolf in sheep's clothing has been revealed for those with eyes to see, as all imposters are, but not before the predator preyed upon the feeble minds and docile naivety of the masses.
We have an opportunity to release the guilt and shame of our participation in our own enslavement and choose freedom and joy.
Oh...and Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Ending 2020 with No Regrets


Soft Metal: Light & Dark