Finding Your Ideal Customer

One of the first things we do when we're creating a conscious business model that works for our life and personal energy is to determine who we'd like to contribute to. This is not just about finding our niche to differentiate ourselves from similar businesses and stand out from the crowd. It's also about finding our people. 
It's important to work with people who resonate with you and your work. People who you'd like to work with. People who'd benefit from your expertise and experience. People who, in return, show respect and express appreciation. 
Just like you, I have a finite number of days on Earth as a human. Every hour I give to someone is an hour I could have spent on my own projects, self care or family time. My coaching sessions, offerings and services have to provide some value for me as well. And, it has to be more than just my hourly rate. 
If we are in business for ourselves, (hopefully) we're no longer trading time for money. If we're self-employed to just pay the bills, our business becomes a more than full-time job. You might have a profitable business, but it won't create a life you love.
When I was considering doing Marie Forleo's B School, in addition to all of her other FOMO marketing tactics and tweetables, I was convicted by something she said about my customers. She said it was MY responsibility to find my customers. At the time, that was the part of my business I needed the most help with. Upon graduating from the program, I realized all of her ways to find my customers were out of alignment with my values. 
Still, I learned a lot. Mostly what not to do. And that I didn't want to do it her very yang way or the way all the boss babes of hustle culture have been doing it.
As with everything, I take what resonates, and leave the rest. And the things that are of value I customize for myself and my business. And that's what we do together in the 8 week Feng Shui for Business Package. 
Finding my ideal client is still challenging. But when I do find people with integrity and good intentions, the work I do for and with them is not only financially rewarding, it's personally fulfilling. Because it's the people that make our lives and our businesses something we love. 
When people ask me to do them "a favor", instead of asking what my hourly rate is or offering to pay me for my additional time and valuable expertise, I lose all respect for them. When people ask for my expert advice, customized for their home or personal element, that's not included in their purchase of a general digital product, I wonder why they feel entitled to take advantage of my generosity. When people ask me to consult on their project and then never hire me or pay my hourly rate for their preliminary consultation, I wonder how much karma they've created for themselves going through their lives like that. When people ask questions about my body of knowledge or ask for a well-being check or coaching without asking how they can express their appreciation, I feel weary. When people don't understand why I won't work for people or in fields that harm humans, I think to myself: they must not have many people in their lives who uphold personal standards or honor their own values. 
Recently, a random person on the Internet purchased her AstroMap. She opted to include her daughter. Before preparing her guide, I clarified what the sales page clearly states: that the immediate family member add-on is limited to the primary's best locations. It's not "buy one, get one" for a few extra dollars. Yet, instead of purchasing an AstroMap for her adult daughter, she asked for even more information. (Great opportunity for me to make some adjustments to my AstroMaps sales page.) 
Here's the thing: Life is short. Work with people who are well-intentioned and have integrity. Work with people you like, trust and respect. Work with people who can be honest. Work with people who are able and willing to express their appreciation. 
So, yes it's our responsibility to find our clients or customers. It's important though to shift our focus away from just finding more customers. Or, even "ideal customers", unless you have great clarity about what makes your client ideal. One audacious women said her ideal client was any woman with a high balance on her credit card. Just ewww! 
The 8 Elements™ is about honoring ourselves and each other. I work with people who honor me as the creator of The 8 Elements™. They resonate with their personal feng shui element. They are happy to pay me for my time and expertise. And they honor themselves by being an active participant in the exchange of energy in our business relationship. 
My ideal clients are great people who become good friends, that I love and genuinely care about. I work with people I know. I work with the referrals of my happy customers. I work with the public when they take the time to contact me, are willing to communicate what their intentions are, and give me the opportunity to share what I can (and cannot) provide. 
The 8 Elements™ is not for everyone. It's not for people who don't read. It's not for people who don't know what sex they are. It's not for people who can't follow simple instructions to read a chart properly. It's not for people who decide that after hundreds of hours of personal energy coaching that The 8 Elements™ works like cusp signs in astrology or that they can assign themselves the personal feng shui element they'd rather be. It's not for people who plagiarize or steal my intellectual property. It's not for people who feel entitled to teach and coach, publish and profit from my work. And it's not for people who ghost me after I respond to their requests for what I have to offer.
If you're launching or growing a business, spend some time thinking about what qualities your ideal customer or client has. Get really clear on who you're looking forward to working with and contributing to. Then, align your personal energy with that intention. 
Every experience provides valuable information about how you can more finely attune your frequency to be a vibration match to your ideal customer. Your soul family. Your people.
If you need help, I have two offerings that may serve you and your business. Read about the 8 week Feng Shui for Business Package and the Business Name Numerology Guide.

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me!  
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
Learn about my other Inner Chi Mastery offerings.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


What's Your Element?


House Guests | June 2022