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The 8 Elements, Water Dara Eden The 8 Elements, Water Dara Eden

My Mission

While all of the energy work I do is centered around this intention, The 8 Elements™ is one of the avenues through which I can contribute the most, have the greatest influence and fulfill my soul's mission.

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The 8 Elements Dara Eden The 8 Elements Dara Eden

2022: A Yellow Earth Year

This Yellow Earth energy is at home in the center of every space, from homes and offices to countries and continents. It will influence world events, economies and environments. It will also affect the lives of people and influence each of The 8 Elements, and their health and relationships, finances and careers.

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Soft Metal Dara Eden Soft Metal Dara Eden

For the Children's Sake

Recently the commie governor of California decreed that all children attending both public and private school will be required to be needlecrafted. And today I saw a report about a family who visited their local drug store for their annual flu shot and later learned that their 4 and 5 year old children were given full adult doses of the jab instead. The resulting heart issues of these innocent children is what inspired this special emergency blog.

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Hard Metal Dara Eden Hard Metal Dara Eden

The Return of the King

August comes roaring in like a lion. A lion that has been patiently lying in wait to make its move. And now, the time to take a quantum leap has come. And the world as we know it will never be the same again.

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Elemental Influencers

These elemental influencers are like an Instagrammer on your daily feed that you can't unfollow or even mute. They are just visiting, but they are in your house for the entire year. Best to find ways to cohabitate peaceful, even if by now, you feel like they have overstayed their welcome. If you are curious to see what effect your house guest's energy is having on YOU this year, read on!

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Soft Wood, The 8 Elements Dara Eden Soft Wood, The 8 Elements Dara Eden

Love the Skin You're In!

Soft Wood elements really value having soft and smooth, healthy and beautiful skin. They like maintaining a youthful appearance, healing blemishes and erasing any scars, fine lines and wrinkles. The eternal spring and fountain of youth, they will invest in beauty treatments and anti-aging serums, make room in their budget and schedule for facials, and include am and pm skincare regimens in their daily self-care routines.

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Travel for The 8 Elements

So, this year when travel feels like something you'd like to invest in, you might consider discovering the Best Locations for YOU! Devote your energy to learning about the feng shui of place and finding out where in the world you might feel the happiest and healthiest, most successful and abundant. That way, you can focus on planning some trips, vacations or even extended stays in the parts of the world that support you, your personal energy and your soul's life purpose, the most.

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