The 8 Elements Mastery

T8E BLOG - The 8 Elements Mastery
 I only started calling myself an expert 5 years ago.  After 20 years of observing and studying people, thousands of hours of creating and writing about The 8 Elements™ and hundreds of hours of private coaching, I finally felt like I could claim a level of expertise.  
It's only been in the last few years that I really dedicated myself to looking at the monthly energies consistently and seeing how they affect the personal elements and world events.
Now, after 25 years of practicing classical feng shui, studying the personal feng shui elements, teaching classes on the many applications of The 8 Elements™ and working with my monthly coaching clients, I feel I have reached a new level of mastery.

The Method to My Mastery

Learning feng shui from Chinese Feng Shui Masters was essential to my journey.  Without that foundation of ancient knowledge and modern wisdom, I wouldn't have been able to apply true classical feng shui principles to the personal energy of people. So, to my teachers and mentors who have passed on the power and beauty of feng shui from master to apprentice, I am deeply grateful.  
When it comes to The 8 Elements, like the lifelong practice of feng shui, it's an ongoing study.  A continuing education in the personal energy and relationship dynamics of people, based on their element.  And I'm obsessed. 
The method to my mastery? Quiet observation. And daily study. Recognizing patterns. And noticing everything.  How people dress and present themselves.  How they speak and what they communicate. What they most need and deeply value. 
Then, I gather all of that info and insights...and reflect. And write. And teach. And coach. And share. And receive feedback. And apply all of it to more and more areas of life from partnerships and parenting to health and leadership styles. Always learning something new. And, then creating even more, adding to this body of work everyday. 
There is so much I've discovered. So much I've learned and mastered. So much I know.  So much I would like to share. So much I know will benefit you and increase your personal wellbeing, improve your life experience and enjoyment of your relationships. 
Hard Metal years extend an invitation to carefully select the people who will be members of our inner circle. To be discerning in who we welcome into our sacred space and trust with our thoughts and ideas...and our innermost being.
The 8 Elements is for everyone who resonates with it. Everyone who honors it.  Everyone who has an intention to honor their personal energy. Everyone who has a desire to honor and support the work of the original creator.  Everyone who would like to learn from The 8 Elements Master.
The 8 Elements is not for the general public or for mass consumption. It's for YOU!
It's not for people who want to publish or profit from teaching my work or offer classes or coaching based on what they've learned from me. It's for personal use only.
I'm not doing this to make millions of dollars or write a bestseller or become famous. In fact, I won't ever participate in any of those games or popularity contests. And I don't measure my work by any of those metrics. I'm doing this to contribute to YOU! Not millions of people. YOU!
So, going forward, I will be creating exclusive content. And I will be offering and sharing it only with The 8 Elements Mastery members. People I can trust, who have honorable intentions and personal integrity.
In the past, I generously and indiscriminately shared with everyone who showed interest. I greatly contributed to people who've proven they don't have honor and have revealed their lack of integrity. I've overshared with people who are not a vibrational match to the frequency of my intentions for this work.
Intention is everything!
You cannot fake intention.
It is written on your frequency.
It is in the energy that you emit.
In everything you do, 
consciously or unconsciously, 
your intention is there.
JC Kay
So, I've created a monthly subscription - my own circle of trust.  So I can share freely, and generously and...masterfully. 
If you would like my expert, intuitive guidance on how to master your personal energy and navigate the energy shifts each month, I invite you to join The 8 Elements Mastery monthly subscription.  
Like I say to all of my energy healing clients, "The healing is a gift. What you are paying for is my time." 
The 8 Elements is a labor of love.  A gift to humanity. What you're paying for is my expertise, my mastery and my time.
Imagine having a monthly energy guide, customized for your personal element and delivered to your inbox! And monthly group coaching in which you can ask your questions, learn from other members' experiences and gain insights into how monthly energies affect world events. Monthly private coaching to get intuitive guidance for your more personal situations, goals and challenges.  Plus, lots of other bonuses like access to exclusive content, invitations to master classes and signed copies of my forthcoming books. 
Let's honor personal energy and each other. And master our inner chi together!
Read about The 8 Elements Mastery
Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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