Love the Skin You're In!

T8E BLOG - Love the Skin You're In
 Each year the Yellow Earth energy moves to a new house. Last year it was the unwelcome guest in the East, the general health area for everyone. Next year it will return to its home in the center of the energy blueprint, where it will affect our personal wellbeing, energy balance and relationship harmony with each other and with nature.
This stagnant energy brings "Obstacles & Delays". If activated, it can also bring on dis-ease, disasters and death. Depending on a variety of factors it can be extremely challenging for finances, relationships and especially, people's health. 
This year the "5" energy visits the Southeast. That means, this energy can affect everything and everyone associated with this compass direction. Soft Wood personal elements. The eldest daughters of every family. Our ancient forests in the natural world. Anyone living in the Southeast of any area - state, country, continent.
Based on classical feng shui associations, it can affect our financial gains and familial relationships, entrepreneurial endeavors and academic pursuits, creative writing projects and artistic self-expressions. With life savings depleted, feelings of insecurity and fears of living month to month may increase mental and emotional stress. Nuclear families may face emotional crises due to infidelity and extramarital affairs. Small businesses may struggle and eventually close. Students may weigh the value of an accredited diploma against the burden of student loan debt and decide not to mortgage their future. Writer's block may make daily pages or meeting deadlines a challenge. Accessing creativity and artistry may feel like a slow trudge through the mud, every step in the process an excruciating effort. 
Based on the Western Feng Shui, it has the potential to affect our Wealth & Prosperity, slowing the growth of our investment portfolios and accumulation of assets. Locking up our wealth and limiting or even denying our access to it. Stunting the growth of our personal wealth, that mythical money tree planted in our prosperity garden. 
What activates the 5? YOU! Your entry and exit through a Southeast entrance.  Your daily or active presence in the Southeast of your home or office. Fire and Water elements in the Southeast. For feng shui remedies for this energy, check out my 2021 Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
So, how can you protect your health?
If you've taken my classes or read some of my blogs or guides, you know all about the body parts, systems and health issues associated with The 8 Elements. Soft Wood is the only personal element that is not directly associated with a vital organ. But there are still many health conditions to be aware of, especially as we head into the middle point of the year, when the energy can shift into high gear and greatly intensify. 
Soft Wood is associated with pathogens and allergens, colds and flus, seasonal allergies, viral infections and parasitic infestations. STIs, like HPV and genital herpes are common for this root chakra element. Rheumatism, aches and pain are felt more acutely before the winds change direction or as stormy weather approaches. Pulled muscles and spasms can occur in professional athletes, team sports players or workout enthusiasts who frequent the gym. Muscular atrophy and rare genetic disorders, like muscular dystrophy are also related to this personal element. 
Soft Wood is also associated with our genetic information and gene mutations. Parts of the body in our jeans - the hips, thighs and buttocks. The muscular and integumentary systems. Proteins. DNA - the double helix of biological information and genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms. Literally, what's in our genes! 
In fact, researching ancestral family trees, submitting a swab of your DNA to the state for genetic or viral testing and taking up an interest in or study of the genetic makeup of the human species are all Soft Wood influences.  
With the spike protein being manufactured within the recently injected masses, the upcoming fall "flu season" may literally go viral and be presented as a super spreader event.  Energetically, you can't treat healthy humans like a walking coronavirus for a year, modify their DNA and not create a real health crisis. For those who have not volunteered in the human experiment to alter their DNA, it would be wise to protect your divine ancestral genes, avoid genetic modification and save the precious human genome from extinction. 
In combination with the Soft Wood number, the Yellow Earth energy has other very specific effects related to our health. Tumors can be either malignant or benign. Cancer, especially of the breasts, but the genitals are also common. And, diseases of the skin from melanoma to psoriasis, eczema to rashes and hives. Sunburns, rosacea and hyperpigmentation on the face. Moles, warts and skin tags on the neck and body. Dark spots from sun damage, as well as, stretch marks and varicose or spider veins.
Soft Wood elements really value having soft and smooth, healthy and beautiful skin.  They like maintaining a youthful appearance, healing blemishes and erasing any scars, fine lines and wrinkles. The eternal spring and fountain of youth, they will invest in beauty treatments and anti-aging serums, make room in their budget and schedule for facials, and include am and pm skincare regimens in their daily self-care routines. 
What you can do:
1) Protect your skin from the sun. Wear hats. Cover your arms, neck and chest. Find a sunscreen with the SPF protection you require. Limit long periods of direct sun exposure in the middle of the day. Get your daily natural sunlight in the morning.
2) Reduce your toxic load. Switch to clean beauty, skincare, personal care and cosmetics. Throw out ALL your toxic products and invest in products with clean ingredients. For a list of my trusted clean brands, get access to my personal recommendations, included with my 2021 Self Care Guide for Women. 
Also, browse MIG Living's clean skincare made with fermented herbs, wildcrafted botanicals and farm fresh beeswax. Get $10 OFF your first order, when you use my SHOP MIG link. 
3) See a skincare specialist about any troubling skin changes.  And get any lumps or bumps checked out. 
4) Learn and master both facial and body gua sha. I like the tutorials from the Hayo'u Method. 
5) Feed your skin from within. Supplement your clean eating with whole food vitamins and minerals. 
Check out MIG's Arise clean energy, premium hydrolyzed collagen II Beauty Elixir and the daily herbal Total Body Detox. SHOP MIG now!
6) Detox from environmental toxins, heavy metals and parasites.  
This is the year to get comfortable in your own skin. Find pleasure in being an eternal soul riding around in a mortal meat suit for this short human experience.  
Join the clean beauty rebellion. the skin you're in!

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If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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