YOU are the Activator

T8E Blog - YOU are the Activator
 Here's the TRUTH about Feng Shui. 
It's not what you place in your home or where you place it. It's not the added colors or included elements that remedy or enhance your space. It's not the Black Hat Sect jade figurines on your bedside table or culturally inspired amulets, lucky charms or the talisman you wear around your neck or wrist.
You can do all the cleaning, decluttering and space cleansing. You can balance the Five Elements in each room. You can can add all the chi lifters to every most frequently used or regularly occupied spaces.
You can feng shui your property for the current 20 year cycle with perfectly positioned water fountains and symbolic mountains. You can remedy the permanent energy with precisely placed wind chimes and terracotta pots. You can enhance the auspicious energy with beds of colorful flowers and direct the flow of their beneficial energy with meandering paths to your main entrance. You can lift the chi at the front door and create a "Bright Hall" for the energy to collect and circulate throughout your home. 
You can remedy all the environmental Sha Chi and remodel to remedy the building's architectural flaws. You can place furnishings to block good energy from escaping and move furniture to improve the flow of chi through rooms in your house. You can reposition all the seating to honor your best directions and avoid provoking people in positions of power and authority over you by facing the Grand Duke. 
You can activate dormant and potential energy with Fire and Water colors and elements. You can reduce the negative effects of inauspicious energy on your health, finances and relationships with annual remedies. And you can enhance all the positive energy with the placement of your Wealth Bowl in your personal Wealth & Success sector, your Blessing Box in the annual Happiness sector and your handwritten intentions in your four best directions. 
You can do ALL THE THINGS. Whether you feng shui or not, the truth is: YOU are the energy activator. Your presence in your space is what activates the unseen energy. And what you DO in that space is what determines your results. 
So, how do YOU feng shui your life? 
First, determine what you REALLY desire. Then, set your intentions by writing them down. Next, perform the actions required to achieve your goals, realize your dreams and manifest your desires in the areas of your living or working environments holding the potential for that energy. 
This year all the energies have come home. That means the number associated with an energy is visiting its own direction, doubling its strength. So, this a great year to start practicing this personal feng shui energy technique and really feel its powerful effects.
There are two ways to use the energy this year. One is based on the general associations of each of the eight direction. The other is based on your four personal best directions.
For the general application of this energy practice, perform the recommended actions for your personal or professional goals in the room of your home associated with their directions. Don't try to do all of them. Start with one for your personal life and one for your career or business, professional endeavors or passion projects. Or, one in each Life Center that's related to a goal you've set for the year ahead. Or, determine your top three goals for the year and then activate them with your personal energy and enhance them with your intentional actions. 
What will your daily activations and enhancements look like? Your presence in the space could be as short as a 10 minute mediation or as long as an entire work day. Your actions could be a simple as making your phone calls, leading a team meeting via video or creating a batch of social media content.
NOTE: If you have a bathroom or garage in a certain location, where it wouldn't be appropriate or convenient to make phone calls for example, utilize the small tai chi instead. The small tai chi is the placement of the energy blueprint over a room in your home, instead of the entire floor plan of the house or building. So, if you are guided to close sales in the NE this year, but you have a laundry room there, find the NE sector of your living room or home office instead. 
I am a student, practitioner and consultant of metaphysics. Because of the nature of energy, one of the things that many of these modalities lack is clear directions about what to actually do. Start with your why, of course, but then you need to determine what action to take and the quality information about where, when and how so you can make a plan and create new daily habits, routines and rituals. Below are lists of activities for the 8 directions and their Life Centers that you can begin to do today in the corresponding areas of your home and begin to activate the potential energy with your intentional presence.

The 8 Directions


North (Career & Life Path)

This is the "Career & Cash Flow" direction. It's also associated with finding your Life Purpose, following your Life Path, being guided by your North Star and flowing your personal energy toward your North Node. It requires you to remember who you really are on a soul level, integrate the knowledge and wisdom of your past and future selves and honor yourself by choosing to full embody your authentic True Self. 
This is where you'll be supported in doing the deep, inner work of making peace with your past lives and past selves, integrating your shadow, clearing karma, cleansing your energy and cleaning up your vibration. Excellent if you intend to self-actualize and enrich your inner world. 
North Activities
May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back...Then in these swelling and ebbing currents, these deepening tides moving out, returning, I will sing you as no one ever has, streaming through widening channels into the open sea.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Do things that help you remember who you really are and BE your True Self. Make peace with your past, envision your future and practice presence in your life, knowing it's only experienced in the present moment. Be your own True North compass and find INNER PEACE.
  • Clarify your LIFE Purpose
  • Write your personal Mission Statement
  • Ideal Life Scripting
  • Shadow Work
Do things that advance you in your career, envision having big wins in your business, increase your cash flow or monthly income as a solopreneur that allows you to become financially independent. Get clear about your intentions, mission, purpose, values and goals for your professional career or life vocation. TRUST yourself and take full responsibility for trusting others.
  • Set your intentions for your career / vocation
  • Have ORIGINAL thoughts and ideas
  • Work in an uninterrupted FLOW state
  • Prioritize and do your ONE thing first every day

Northeast (Spirituality & Self-Knowledge)

This is the "Abundance & Balance" direction. It's also associated with the wisdom that comes with knowing you are a soul in a body, the balance that comes with taking action while maintaining strong boundaries and the infinite abundance that comes with good news and great opportunities. It requires you to do both the inner spiritual work and the outer physical work.  
This is where you'll be supported in getting to know YOU, body and soul, enjoying the journey and reaching the destination, experiencing the contrast of the peaks and valleys of life and working to create Peace on Earth, as it is in heaven. Excellent if you need a safe space or would like to be a safe place for others. 
Northeast Activities
Everyone loves reaching the peak upon exiting the valley. However, some forget the valley is where they learned and grew the most, and the peak they have reached will soon become another valley.
Jeffrey G. Duarte
Do things that allow you to maintain balance, gain self-knowledge, access your infinite abundance and promote your own personal development and spiritual growth. Create space for yourself so you can get you know YOU! The cure for GREED is to KNOW what YOU really want and then honor those needs and desires.
  • ABUNDANCE Journaling
  • Practice Manifestation Methods
  • Meditate
  • Workout
Do things that allow you to produce results, achieve your goals, elevate an experience and guide others along their path to the top. Master and teach what you know. Go BIG on your goals!
  • WORK on your side hustle
  • Focus on income producing activities
  • Close sales
  • Scale your business

East (Health & Family)

This is the "Courage & Determination" direction. It's also associated with your health and emotional wellbeing, as well as, your relationships with your immediate family, especially your parents. It requires you to heal from childhood abuse or trauma, rise above family drama and restore your health through emotional clearing. 
This is where you'll be supported in healing, showing yourself kindness and working in collaboration with your family and close friends. Excellent if you need courage or would like to become a morning person or lifelong learner.
East Activities
You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. Just literally 20 seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it. 
Benjamin Mee, We Bought a Zoo
Do things that promote a holistic lifestyle, emotional wellbeing and healthy family dynamics. Devote some time everyday to learning something you're interested in and growing as a person. Release ANGER and practice FORGIVENESS.
  • Create a MORNING routine and stick to it
  • Include an hour of learning before your workday begins
  • Establish HEALTHY habits
  • Write 3 morning pages
Do things that provide opportunities to work with family, care for others and show kindness. Do something you care about and are able and willing to be emotionally invested in. Foster a feeling of cooperation, collaboration and TOGETHERNESS.
  • Create a daily work schedule
  • Make hand crafted items to sell
  • Get an idea for a FAMILY business
  • Plant seeds and cultivate germinating ideas

Southeast (Wealth & Prosperity)

This is the "Peach Blossom" direction. It's associated with renewing love, attracting a new romantic relationship, serial dating and sexual relationships, receiving a marriage proposal or engaging in an extramarital affair. It's also associated with asset accumulation, securing wealth for your family and creating personal prosperity. Students can use this area to study, write essays or their thesis and excel in their academic careers. Writers can use this area to work on their manuscripts, blog posts or screenplays and attract a literary agent and publisher. Singles can use this area to attract romance, a rendezvous with a lover or have a sexual encounter. It requires you to be loyal to your partner, value the longevity of your marriage and leave a legacy for your family. 
This is where you'll be supported in entrepreneurial success, becoming wealthy and creating an inheritance you can pass on to your children. Excellent if you're intending to make love and money and would like to romanticize life.
Southeast Activities
Anything that you learn becomes your wealth, a wealth that cannot be taken away from you.
C. JoyBell. C.
Do things that make you feel the love you have for your life, your family and your work or business. Spend quality time with your spouse and each of your children every day to remind you of your WHY. The antidote to the poison of ENVY and covetousness is to make your own dreams come true! 
  • Keep a journal
  • STUDY 
  • Read books about how to get and finish RICH
  • Create a daily skincare routine and beauty regimen to maintain a youthful appearance
Do things that make you copious amounts of money. Diligently build something that will not only last a lifetime but will bless your family for generations to come. Thrive, flourish and live long and PROSPER.
  • WRITE a business plan
  • Plan to grow a BUSINESS
  • Create a sales funnel
  • Write a blog, create a website or grow a social media account and monetize it

South (Fame & Fortune)

This is the "Future Prosperity" direction. It's also associated with being visible, receiving recognition and accepting the financial rewards you deserve. It inspires you to be the divine spark of Source you are and literally embody the meaning of namaste.
This is where you'll be supported in enjoying inner happiness, celebrating life's joys and achieving success. Excellent if you need to lift your reputation in your field, industry or community and would like to be acknowledged and receive acclaim for your work. 
South Activities
Namaste - The divine light in me, acknowledges and honors the divine light in you.
Hindu greeting | Sanskrit phrase
Do things that will create prosperity for your own future, the future of your children and the future of humanity. Engage in activities related to what you'd like to be well known for. Find or rekindle your PASSION.
  • HAPPINESS Journaling
  • Read SPIRITUAL texts or books about world religions
  • Light 9 red votives in front of your Vision Bagua daily
  • Practice a spiritual discipline, pray or do your daily devotionals
Do things that you're passionate about and will bring you fame and fortune. Be intentional about what you give your energy and attention to. Be your own biggest fan. BLESS and be blessed.
  • Activate your energy with a daily ritual
  • Connect with Source for daily inspiration
  • Generate leads 
  • Implement profit sharing in your business

Southwest (Love & Partnership)

This is the "Relationships" direction. It's also associated with separation and sickness. It requires you to embody the divine union of your masculine and feminine energy within.
This is where you'll be supported in finding partnership in life and in business. Excellent if you need to let go of things that no longer serve your highest and greatest good and wellbeing.
Southwest Activities
Love is the best medicine.
Oskar Homolka
Do the things that you LOVE with the people you love. Find a partner who shares your values, honors your needs and loves you unconditionally. Follow your gut instincts and treat the dis-ease of self-hatred with daily doses of self-love practices.
  • Keep a food journal to help you heal your gut
  • Yin yoga and gentle stretches
  • Move your body to the music everyday
  • Strengthen your core with Pilates
Do things that make people feel your love for what you do, as well as, your love for them. Go into business with your life partner or find a business partner you can have a good relationship with and even learn to love. Follow your bliss.
  • Learn a physical discipline to teach or coach
  • Work with private clients 1:1
  • Check in with your business partner or personal assistant daily
  • Offer a monthly membership program 

West (Children & Creativity)

This is the "Social Influence" direction. It's also associated with childlike joy and artistic creativity. It requires you to heal your inner child and release regret, guilt and shame.
This is where you'll be supported in expressing your creativity through all mediums, from art and music to writing and storytelling to interior decorating and graphic design. Excellent if you'd like to learn a foreign language, learn to play a music instrument or need to practice your magic, jokes or impersonations. 
West Activities
Be impeccable with your word.
Don Miguel Ruiz
Do things that allow you to express your creativity, develop your imagination and explore infinite possibilities. Read fantasy, fairy tales or children's books. Do what sparks JOY!
  • Art or Bullet Journaling
  • Breathwork
  • Thymus Thump to activate your immune system
  • Plan your weekly Artist's Dates
Do things that promote you in your job and offer a raise in your salary. If you work in sales, write sales pages or prepare a sales pitch. If you are in business for yourself, CREATE social media content and an ad or email campaign.
  • Prepare lesson plans and teach classes
  • Write and film videos for a course
  • Practice your presentation, speech or TEDTalk
  • Record voice overs for your videos

Northwest (Helpful People & Travel)

This is the "Heavenly Blessings" direction. It's also associated with helping and mentoring people and traveling for business and leisure. It requires you to reclaim your power and be sovereign.
This is where you'll be supported in being a respected leader, admired benefactor or wise advisor. Excellent if you need the power and authority to trail blaze a new path, make a real difference in people's lives and build bridges between heaven and earth.
Northwest Activities
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. 
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do things that allow you to feel appreciation for all that you already have, are and get to do. Know that your thoughts become things and the powers of mind over matter are effective means for change. Your optimism provides HOPE. 
  • Gratitude Journaling
  • Positive Affirmations
  • Have yourself a THINK
  • Read self-help books
Do things that make you feel like a king or queen of your castle. You're the boss, so make sure to be responsible with the power you wield. Offer a hand up, not a hand out, and only to those who know to express genuine appreciation for you and your many gifts, resources and wisdom.
  • Work from your home office
  • Sit at your desk in the COMMAND position
  • LEAD a team meeting over video chat
  • Offer wise counsel or advice
Even if you never get feng shui'd or purchase any of my annual feng shui or personal energy guides, YOU can feng shui your life with your presence in a space and by performing activities in the rooms of your home or sectors of your office located in those directions. This practice will be especially powerful this year with all of the elements at home and the resulting doubled energies in their respective houses.
In addition to the above locations in your home, you have four directions associated with your personal feng shui element. These areas are for: Wealth & Success, Health & Wellbeing, Relationship Harmony and Wisdom & Self-Knowledge. To discover the best directions for your personal feng shui element, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your element. Just subscribe! 
If you're familiar with The 8 Elements, or your personal feng shui element, you might have been able to decode the direction associated with the element from the recommended actions. You can activate your four best directions with your personal energy and intentional activities. For a full list of recommended activities and personalized guidance about how you can honor your personal energy this year, get a copy of the 2022 Annual Personal Energy Guide for your element.

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me!  
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
Learn about my other Inner Chi Mastery offerings.
Subscribe to Feng Shui Yourself on Substack.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2022: A Yellow Earth Year


Welcoming YOU Home