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Dara Eden Dara Eden

The One Who Goes First

It was in the first huddle and with some of the first words out of his mouth, he immediately lost my respect. “Look busy”, he said. The eyes in the sky are watching. “So, look busy.” The managers come in before 5am, so “Look busy”.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden


I remember, in the second year of classical voice lessons, being told that for the timbre of my spinto soprano to express the subtle nuances of raw and true emotions, I’d have to experience some more life. I’d have to die from a broken heart and yet live to tell the tale. I’d have to become a tortured poet...for art’s sake. Because that’s where the art that touches people’s hearts comes from. A poet’s tortured soul.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not a Partner

Recently, I watched a podcast in which one of the women repeatedly referred to herself as the host’s partner. Not his wife, even though she’s married to him and has been for decades. Her obvious rejection of her role and status as a wife really struck me and inspired a re-examination of my own use of the word partner through these paradigm shifting years.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

But First, The TRUTH

The plan to save the world has failed. Because they didn't tell the truth. Because they chose not to trust humanity with the truth. But the truth can still set us free. We just have to be the ones to find the truth, know the truth and tell the truth.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

All you Ask, Ask of You

Clients, and even friends, will tell me they often ask themselves, “What would Dara do?” They share that I am on their mind almost daily as they move through their life. And that the things I’ve told them or have shared through my sessions or writings remain present in their inner world as they think and make decisions.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

How to Lose a Good Person in 10 Ways

I’ve never been an employee. I’ve always been self-employed or an independent contractor. Nor, have I ever worked for a corporation. This last month has been an eye-opening experience to say the least.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden


I don’t always write comments. But when I do, I publish them on Substack.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not the People

“We have to remember…It’s not the people.”

The people are not the problem. The people don’t hate each other. The people don’t want to kill each other. The people don’t want to send their children off to war to kill other people’s children.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not for Everyone

I’ve been watching the arguments for and against marriage and the various defenses of their positions, as well as, counter-arguments and rebuttals between YouTuber, Pearl Davis and the conservative hosts of Daily Wire shows.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not the Avengers

In true Judaic fashion, a Jew called for the recent murders and other war crimes in Israel to be avenged. He even quoted the verse in Psalm 8:13 that says, “To fear the Lord is to hate evil”. I mean, what other take would you expect from worshippers of a tyrannical god who claims that, “Vengeance is mine”?

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not Enough Interest

A friend asked me how she could support me. I said, “subscribe, like, comment and share”. You know - all the things that supposedly help people grow a following, audience or readership. She subscribed, but I haven’t seen more than a few likes in over a year of three weekly publications. Some people just don’t read.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not a “Real” Job

“When are you going to get a ‘real’ job?” I’ve been asked this question countless times in my adult life. My midwife was the first person to tell me I should leave my newborn and toddler to take a job, shortly after giving birth to my second child. While I was breastfeeding my infant daughter, my husband, who had abandoned his pregnant wife and our small son after only three years of marriage, asked me when I was going to get a job.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not Classy

With a congresswoman groping her date in a dark theater and a congressman wearing basketball shorts and hoodies to work, leading to the removal of the dress code in the U.S. Senate, even the American “elite” have reached an unprecedented new low.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not Seeking Attention

Recently, a woman claimed that “the sharing of her raw feminine expression” is part of her process of self-reclamation. That a “woman’s expression” has been programmed to be viewed as attention seeking. And that she posts videos of herself pole dancing in almost nothing, not for validation, but to inspire other women…to enroll in her newest offering, of course!

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not a Patriot

A psychic who claims to make accurate predictions has been accusing people of not being a patriot. When the “plan to save” the world gets continually and indefinitely delayed, disappointment and frustration are normal and healthy responses to the “good guys” telling lies and withholding the truth from people. It’s the complete obliviousness of the ignoramuses, the wholesale acceptance of global tyranny and the unquestioned submission to evil dictators that is life threatening to humanity. Not the lack of patriotism.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not a Whore

Last month I visited my son in Tennessee. I met his supervisor when he came to the tiny house on their lunch break. I introduced myself to him and the other co-workers who were repairing the air conditioning unit that hot mid-July afternoon.

“Your mom is not a whore.” That’s what Daniel told me his boss said to him after meeting me.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

The Dumb Ages

Growing up I was told that we were living in the Information Age. And I took full advantage of the access to the information people in the know were sharing. Twenty years ago, I began spending hours a day reading and researching what’s really going on here. Fulfilling my life purpose depended on it.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not Normal

I seldom ever comment on social media. But in October of 2021, I left a comment about the importance of not confusing what’s common with what’s normal. The doctor was posting about “normal” menstrual cycles and mentioned a study in which only 13% of women had a 28 day cycle. Post the COVID injections, I felt like she was trying to normalize the high rate of menstrual abnormalities in vaccinated females and the unpoked women in their sphere.

I commented, “High percentages in a study make something common, not normal.”

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not Ideal

Recently, a client shared that she admired my “business savvy”. I’m not sure what she meant by that and I didn’t ask. I can only imagine she was referring to my having to state the obvious about common sense business practices on my new website. You know, like payment, refund, cancellation and termination of service policies.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Not Vague

People are so used to the whitewashed and sanitized version of reality, that the truth sounds like fiction. They’re so dumbed down and coddled, that the truth is too inconceivable, too terrible, to even be considered and contemplated, let alone known and accepted. The scripted and carefully curated G rated movie they’re living in seems so real, that the actual world seems like the dream you try to avoid having or becoming lucid in. They can’t handle the truth because their entire life is a lie.

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