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Fire, Soft Metal Dara Eden Fire, Soft Metal Dara Eden

Election 2020

On October 8th, the 9 entered the center gua bringing its light and life, happy vibes and hope for future prosperity. This visiting Fire energy will be roomies with the annual Soft Metal energy until November 7th. Which means that this energy combination will still be present on Election Day, November 3rd.

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Soft Metal Dara Eden Soft Metal Dara Eden

Be Connected

After the world dramatically shut down this year, people began relying almost completely on online platforms, essentially overnight. To stay connected. To meet up. To host meetings. To conduct sessions. To offer classes.

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Soft Metal Dara Eden Soft Metal Dara Eden

Soft Metal’s Cutting Edge

The Soft Metal’s cutting edge asks you to cut out all the things that don’t serve you. Creating space may be painful in the beginning but worth it in the end. Be courageous and let the sharp blade of this energy make clean cuts to every area of your life.

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Soft Metal Dara Eden Soft Metal Dara Eden

2020: Soft Metal Silver & Gold

One of the many aims of alchemists is the transmutation of a base metal into a noble or precious metal; turning lead into gold. If you find yourself in the the uncomfortable heat of the refinery this year, effortlessly release what no longer serves you and intend to become pure of heart and mind, body and soul.

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Fire, Mother Earth Dara Eden Fire, Mother Earth Dara Eden

2020 Feng Shui for Women | Part II

The Fire energy of the South will activate and intensify the energy of the Woman, making more of who you are being in the world. And the visiting Earth energy of the Mother Earth element will smother hazardous fires to keep everyone safe, while keeping the home fires burning to keep every warm and content.

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Soft Metal Dara Eden Soft Metal Dara Eden

Soft Metal's Words That Wound

Soft Metal energy can cause people to be passive aggressive or overly argumentative. Everything from subtle jabs to outright backstabbing and minor disagreements to all out wars, this treacherous and combative behavior can be devastating to relationships. Sharp or harsh words can leave people traumatized, sometimes for life.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

2019 Annual Planning Guide

When looking forward to the new Mountain Earth energy year, the most important areas to consider, especially for women, are honoring your needs, setting boundaries and taking really good care of your physical health and personal well-being.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

2018 Annual Personal Review

During the last few weeks of the year, it's a good practice to pause, reflect on the past year and prepare for the next one.

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