2020 Feng Shui for Women | Part II

T8E Blog - 2020 Feng Shui for Women | Part II

In the last blog, we explored what the potential effects of the visiting Soft Wood energy in the Southwest, the House of Mother Earth, might be on women. Read Part I if you haven’t already.  

To quickly recap:

For Women, it’s a year to fall in love or renew the love in your romantic relationship.

For Women Entrepreneurs, it’s a year to team up with a select group of loyal team members or support staff.

For Mothers, it’s a year to plan and take some family trips with your kids and significant other.

For Women Writers, it’s a year to finish your book and get it out into the world.

In this blog, we will be looking at the potential effects on women of the Mother Earth number (2) visiting the South in 2020.

The South is represented by the Fire element. The eternal flame of the divine spark of Source. The Sun. Light. People. Animals. And of course, fire – the chaotic wild land fires and cleansing forest fires, the heat and smoke from campfires and fireplaces and the warm glow of soft, flickering candlelight.

The Mother Earth 2 is an Earth element. And because Earth and Fire are in both a productive and reductive cycle, they will be playing off each other all year. The Fire energy of the South will activate and intensify the energy of the Woman, making more of who you are being in the world. And the visiting Earth energy of the Mother Earth element will smother hazardous fires to keep everyone safe, while keeping the home fires burning to keep every warm and content. 

Because the Mother Earth energy also represents Love and Partnership, the 2 visiting the South gua in 2020 may ignite a spark in your relationships. This spark may lead to instant chemistry and a whirlwind of a romance or it might start a spontaneous fire and exciting though short-lived affair, only to quickly fizzle out in the end. The fire energy might intensify any relationship issues you are already experiencing and lead to burning bridges to the ground. Or, it might reignite a cold or estranged relationship that leads to hot make-up sex or a slow burn that warms both your hearts and draws you back together, closer than ever. Be open to finding and connecting with your twin flame this year.

The South is represented by the Life Center of Fame & Fortune. What this means for women is that there is great potential for long overdue recognition and high praise. Witnessing miracles and receiving blessings. Lifting of reputation and good name in your community or industry. Becoming famous and all that comes with being a household name. Experiencing good fortune in business deals and career advancement, personal luck and prosperous gains.

The South is represented in the family by the middle daughter. In modern feng shui, this translates to middle aged women, as well. So, if you are in your 40’s or 50’s, there are two potentials this year. And YOU have the power to be a vibrational match to the one you desire. Burning the midnight oil, burning the candle at both ends and burning yourself out. Or, the inspiration to take consistent action that is in alignment with your best self and highest values, honoring of your personal energy’s needs and in resonance with your future self that has already accomplished everything you are dreaming of and desiring now.

The Fire element represents “future prosperity”. So, whatever you are beginning, building or growing will provide opportunities to save for retirement, invest in real estate and plan to leave your children an inheritance. Whatever you are creating and manifesting, will contribute to fulfilling your mission, living your purpose and leaving a legacy that generations to come will value and appreciate.

The Fire element is also represented by the number 9. This completion number is made up of YOU and eight other people. And they don’t all have to be humans or present on the Earth with you now. They might include your spirit or star guides, deceased loved ones, souls of children yet to come and angels. This energy might inspire you to congregate with great masses at rallies, concerts and festivals. Or, it might encourage you to seek out and meet members of your soul family or greater soul group. Set and intention to connect with people...your people.

The Fire element is represented by the archetype of The Star. This means women have the potential to get their 15 minutes of fame. If you have ever wanted to be in the spotlight, this is your year! You can easily draw attention to yourself to shed light and bring awareness to something you do or offer, have to say or contribute. Just be intentional about what you are bringing attention to and avoid bringing negative attention to yourself.

In the next blog, you can read all about the energy that will be visiting each of The 8 Elements in 2020 and what you can look forward to or focus on in the new year! Subscribe to the blog so I can deliver it to your inbox as soon as it’s published.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2020: Soft Metal Silver & Gold


2020 Feng Shui for Women | Part I