2020 Feng Shui for Women | Part I

T8E Blog - 2020 Feng Shui for Women | Part I

Women have moved through a year of “obstacles and delays”. You might have experienced slow to no progress on your goals or projects. Health challenges. Accidents or deaths in the family. Financial disasters. Life destroying relationship drama or breakups, resulting in a separation or divorce.  

Or, you might have made it through the year of struggle and traumas with little damage or emotional scarring. Maybe you used feng shui to keep the SW dormant or neutralized. Or, capitalized on the positive energy affecting your personal element in 2019. Or, maybe you applied the insightful recommendations from your monthly personal energy coaching to help keep your focus on what was auspicious and actionable.

Whatever your experience of 2019, the winds of change are sweeping through the House of Mother Earth, the gua of the woman (wife/mother/matriarch). Whatever stage of life you are in as a woman (maiden, goddess or crone), let this energy lift you out of whatever rut that made you feel stuck all year. Once you regain your balance and restore your wellbeing, you can begin to create space in your energy field for a year that promises to provide opportunities to amass great wealth and enjoy a prosperous life. You may have to let the energy settle back down after being stirred up. Allow aspects of your life to shift, upgrade or effortlessly fall away. Then, get grounded, connect with Mother Earth, feel her love and look forward to growing something grand and lasting that will create a legacy for generations to come.

Soft Wood

Soft Wood is rooted this year in the Earth energy of the Southwest where it can grow and thrive. Soft Wood is represented in nature by the green giants of the evergreen forests. They extend their roots down deep into the earth and grow high up into the sky. They are flexible and resilient, swaying with the winds, bending but never breaking. And being firmly planted in the rich, fertile soil of the Mother Earth gua, gives this prosperous energy a strong foundation of love and support for you to...

Live long and prosper.

~ Vulcan blessing

Persistent Wind

In feng shui, Soft Wood is known as the “persistent wind”. This restless, always moving energy is never still and could make for a whirlwind of a year. It will stir things up and keep things moving. It will build momentum and sweep you off your feet.  It will take your breath away.  

Catch your breath and remember to take things a bit slower. Be deliberate with every step and intentional with every move. Focus on taking slower, deeper breaths. Take a breathwork class so you can learn and practice conscious breathing.

Peach Blossom

The energy of Soft Wood, known as “Peach Blossom”, brings opportunities for new love, romance and lots of sex. If you are single, there is a good chance you will meet a new lover this year. Create space for a romantic partner in your life, your heart and your home. If you are already in a relationship, this energy may cause you or your spouse to be unfaithful or your marriage to be defiled by infidelity. You may be given an opportunity to release your partner, cut the ties that bind and set yourself free. Or, you can take advantage of this energy to find the love you had thought was lost, renew your vows and recommit to your relationship.


If travel is on your list of intentions and dreams for 2020, good news! The Soft Wood energy will take women on trips to the great cities of the world and beautiful places on the Earth. Whether for business or pleasure, pack your bags and enjoy every minute of it!

Artistic Creativity

Ladies, the full expression of your artistic creativity will blossom this year. Everything from creative writing to art, in all its glorious forms, will be given opportunities to shine. If you have been wanting to write a book and get published, 2020 is the perfect opportunity to finish your manuscript and become a published author. If you have been wanting to learn to paint or play an instrument, sign up for the art class or take music lessons. If you have been inspired to beautify anything, from your house to your yard, learn interior design or gardening. Or, if your creative expression is focused on what’s on your plate or what’s in your closet, learn to cook or master your personal style. 

Academic Achievement

High academic achievement also has favorable potential for women this year. If you have been wanting to go back to school, earn a degree or excel in academics, this is your year! Students of any subject, at all levels, can make great strides in their studies.   

If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it.

~ Yogi Bhajan

Business Success

Starting or growing a business? Women entrepreneurs will enjoy business success, increased sales and more profits this year. Dream big and take inspired action. Make a plan and get your team in place to bring your vision into reality. Contribute something of great value and watch as the business you love transforms your life into a life you love.


Whatever you are creating or building, don't do it alone. Trees grow together in orchards and forests. Make sure you have a team of people to help you succeed, prosper and share the wealth. Family or friends, support staff or professional colleagues. Invite people into your life to contribute their expertise, time and energy to your project. Be a team player. Work as a team.

Emotional Rollercoaster

Soft Wood is one of two emotional elements. You will be given opportunities to learn to process your emotions in a healthy way. Know that if you become more emotional this year, it’s the effect this emotionally charged energy is having on your personal energy, even if you are a physical, mental or spiritual element. Feel your feelings and let them move through you before they become emotions that get stored and have to be cleared.

Soft Wood elements experience high highs and low lows. Peaks and the pits. So, this energy can feel like a rollercoaster took you on a wild ride. Soft Wood people tend to be hyperactive and hysterical, battle depression and have suicidal thoughts/feelings. So, if you know you are prone to emotional ups and downs or mental health issues, be proactive and take a preventive approach. Soft Wood people tend to have addictive personalities and look to drugs and alcohol to get them high and buzzed or suppress the feelings they don’t know how to cope with or process properly. If you are addicted to substances and need to get off drugs or psyche meds, read Kelly Brogan’s Own Your Self and complete her 30-day reset protocol.  


When it comes to your physical health, Soft Wood energy may affect your muscle mass and strength. You may feel inspired to start lifting weights or use your own body weight to lengthen and strengthen with Pilates. Do some light weight training to tone up, not bulk up.  

Soft Wood elements also tend to be more susceptible to viruses, resulting in colds and flus, so keeping your immune system strong is important. Another way a virus can be transmitted is through sexual contact so practice safe sex to avoid STIs.


Soft Wood elements are opportunists. They are always on the lookout to get something for nothing. They will take advantage of you and your offers, your generosity and your kindness, at every opportunity. They will feel entitled to sharing in the success of their team and reaping the financial rewards, regardless of how much they have contributed to the team effort. They know that all of life comes to them with ease, joy and glory so instead of putting in the work, they expect others to pick up the slack and make it happen for them. They become dependent on the other members of their team and then blame them when things don’t always work out in their favor.

Quite Contrary

Soft Wood energy can also cause women this year to be extremely contrary. No matter what you do or don’t do, women under the influence of this energy will always find fault. And throw some shade. No matter what you say, they will always say no or contradict you, even themselves. No matter how accommodating, thoughtful and generous you are, they can never be made to be happy. 


What this energy provides is an opportunity to gain some clarity on what YOU need to be happy. Take full responsibility to make yourself happy. Be willing to ask for what makes you happy. And then, BE HAPPY when they say or do something that you said would make you happy.

Keep in mind that the women in your life and your female customers or clients will also be opportunistic and contrary. Under promise and over deliver, but don’t over give of your time, energy or resources to people who are looking to take from you. Know that some of them will not be a happy camper or a happy customer...EVER. Keep that in mind when you make your offers and write your money back guarantees.


Don't be surprised if you are drawn to the color purple. The happy color for the Soft Wood element is lavender. Even if you don't wear shades of purple from lilac to aubergine, or even accessorize with it, you may choose to add it your living and working spaces with an African violet, purple orchid or amethyst crystals.

Generational Healing

This year is a good time for women to do some generational healing. Heal your DNA, clear your karma, release stored emotions. Heal past life trauma. Forgive yourself and others. Purge the dark feminine and fully embody the divine feminine. Cancel all contracts with death cults and agreements with anti-human agendas.  Integrate your shadow. End the war between the masculine and feminine within you and reconcile with the divine masculine energy of yourself and others. Intend that the healing you do for yourself, heals your past incarnations and your ancestors, your feminine body and feminine energy and all the women who have come before you and are on the planet with you now.

In a future blog post, I will share the Essentials for Women who want to use energy and plant-based medicine to heal themselves and others. And in Part II of this blog, I will share what you need to know about the effect the woman's energy visiting the House of Fire may have on YOU in 2020. Subscribe to the blog to receive a notification of each new post as I publish them.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2020 Feng Shui for Women | Part II


Soft Metal's Words That Wound