2020: Soft Metal Silver & Gold

T8E BLOG - Soft Metal's Silver & Gold

Money, Money, Money!

2020 is a Soft Metal energy year.  This energy will affect everyone’s lives in various ways.  One of those ways will be in the area of personal finances and global economies with changes to the monetary system.

Make America Gold Again

Big changes to the currency system may be possible this year.  It will allow the global debt-based financial system to be thoughtfully and conscientiously dismantled and replaced with the quantum financial system already being implemented.  This process may take a few years, but it could start with ending the Federal Reserve and returning us to the gold standard.
Soft Metal is represented by precious metals like silver and gold, copper and mercury, palladium and platinum.  Noble metals that are resistant to corrosion and oxidation are more valuable due to their rarity in the Earth's crust and necessary use in metallurgy, high technology and ornamentation.
Gold maintains its intrinsic value much better than anything else on Earth.
~ Steve Forbes

Silver & Gold

2020 is a great year to buy precious metals as a way to diversify your portfolio.  Buy physical gold and silver as a solid investment.  Start your own collection of gold and silver coins or have your gold securely stored.  Buy gold as gifts this year for the people in your life instead of other depreciable items. 
The fiat currency’s time is over.  Economic equality will not be ushered in with universal basic income, raising the minimum wage or mandating paid parental leave, socialized medicine, federalized higher education or even more government welfare programs, but with ending the debt-slave system and providing restitution to all who have suffered at the hands of the global elite’s corruption and criminal institutions.  This could include the abolishment of tax theft and central banking, school loan and debt forgiveness, mortgage payoffs and prosperity packages for every citizen in every country.
Sounds like a pipe dream?  These changes are the only way to honor the sovereignty of every human on Earth.  Free them from debt and taxes and trading time for money that has no intrinsic value and wage-based incomes.  Remove the power from the banksters and crime families and return the power to the people.  Let freedom reign and create prosperity for all.
All that glitters is not gold.
~ Shakespeare
The other side of the gold coin this year, is fraud.  Fool's gold.  Petty theft.  Identity theft.  Be sure to do your due diligence.  Invest in companies and do business with people you trust.  Read the fine print.  Take precautions.  Don't leave your belongings unattended. Review credit card statements carefully.  Get valuable items insured and securely stored.
"This is why alchemy exists," the boy said. "So that everyone will search for his treasure, find it, and then want to be better than he was in his former life.
Lead will play its role until the world has no further need for lead; and then lead will have to turn itself into gold.
That's what alchemists do. They show that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.” 
~ Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist


One of the many aims of alchemists is the transmutation of a base metal into a noble or precious metal; turning lead into gold.  They attempted this exoteric magic with the purifying, maturing and perfecting of certain materials.  In the esoteric realms, purifying and perfecting the human body and the enlightenment of the human consciousness is a similar process to refining molten metals, separating the dross and slag of impurities to reveal the sterling silver and pure gold of your eternal soul.  If you find yourself in the the uncomfortable heat of the refinery this year, effortlessly release what no longer serves you and intend to become pure of heart and mind, body and soul.
Speech is silver; silence is golden.
~ Thomas Carlyle
Soft Metal is The Storyteller.  There will be a lot of words spoken.  A lot of stories told.  Words become flesh and dwell among us.  They create.  And manifest.  So, be intentional with your words and your wording.  Be conscious of your choice of words and language.  Words have meaning.  And energy.  Think before you speak.  And when you do speak, let it be True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind.  And if not, let your silence speak a thousand words. 
The silver tongued will eloquently persuade you that the world is as they say it is.  Don't listen to them or beLIEve them or consent to being governed by them.  Be discerning and discover the Truth for yourself.  Determine what is real and recognize what is fake.  They may still control the narrative but they no longer control the real world.  As soon as YOU stop giving them your energy, they cease to exist.

Silver Linings

2020 will bring silver linings to whatever you are experiencing.  One of the questions you can ask this year to bring more awareness or change your perspective is: "What is good about this that I'm not seeing?"  There will ALWAYS be at least one good thing no matter what is happening in your life or what you are seeing that is happening in the world. 
Every negative, hurtful, challenging situation has a silver lining. Therein is the awakening of your soul.
~ The Minds Journal
In 2020, look for the silver linings and discover the treasure trove of unmined gold in your life!
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Soft Metal’s Cutting Edge


2020 Feng Shui for Women | Part II