Soft Metal’s Cutting Edge

T8E BLOG - Soft Metal's Cutting Edge
 In 2020, the Soft Metal energy moves from the Southeast to the Center of every space: home, building, city, state, country and continent. The energy that takes center stage each year, affects everyone, every personal element. And since Soft Metal is represented by creativity and joy, it’s your year to create a life that brings you joy.
In order to create this joy-filled life though, you will need to create the space for it first.  You may be asked to cut your losses and quit your job.  Cut ties and leave an expired relationship. Cut your teeth on some entry level work, an internship or apprenticeship to gain more valuable experience. Be cut from your team so you can make the cut on another team. Cut out some bad habits so you can establish new, better habits. Cut back on frivolous spending so you can achieve your financial goals. Cut the crap and be honest with yourself about what it's going to take to get where you want to be.
One of the most important and practical applications of feng shui is decluttering. Getting rid of stuff from past relationships, deceased relatives or gifts from people you no longer have a connection or good relationship with. Clearing the clutter that you don’t need or ever use. Letting go of stuff instead of continuing to store it. If it doesn’t spark joy, express your appreciation and LET IT GO!
Cutting things out of our life helps to remove obstacles to success. Soft Metal’s cutting energy may inspire you to clear the decks and wipe the slate completely clean for a fresh start. Be very conscious and intentional with your purging process. Don’t get rid of anything you might later regret. Measure twice, cut once. It’s ok to keep and cherish your treasures.
Sometimes, the best way to grow is to cut back. 
~ Marie Forleo
Cutting back even on the things we love, like the Japanese do when they clip branches from a beautiful bonsai or when a gardener prunes a beloved rose bush, is essential to our health and growth. Take inventory of the things you have, the relationships you’re in and the activities you are giving your energy to. Trim the excess, the overgrowth and the dead energy from your life.
The first cut is the deepest…
~ Cat Stevens


You may be ready to cut toxic people out of your life. Or, people may cut you out of their lives. Relationships may come to a final and permanent end. You may be completely cut off financially from your parents, estranged spouse, ex or other sources of income.
Soft Metal is represented by the dagger. People, even friends, may stab you in the back, talk behind your back, make cutting remarks or slander your good name. They may spread rumors and lies or say something mean or hurtful that cuts you to the quick.  
Friendships will be tested. Take advantage of this opportunity to see people for who they really are and tighten your inner circle. Let go of the superficial connections and fair-weather friends. Not everyone in your social network is worthy of your friendship and precious energy.  Leave them on the cutting room floor.


Soft Metal is represented by the surgeon’s scalpel. You may need dental or oral surgery this year. Or, a life-saving or emergency surgery of some kind, due to a health condition or accident. Some may opt for getting a long-awaited cosmetic surgery or breast explant surgery. Surgeons are butcher happy, so don’t let them cut into you without first getting a second opinion. If your doctor or surgeon tell you they need to cut out organs and glands they’ve been taught you don’t need, find a practitioner who can help you heal your body.
Look for signs of self-harm, especially cutting and biting in girls and young women. Self-mutilation may become something parents, school counselors and therapists see a lot more of this year. If this is something you struggle with, seek help and learn ways to reduce, relieve and release stress and painful thoughts and feelings.


Soft Metal is represented by knives. This year people may be held at knife point and robbed. Take precautions when in public and put security measures in place at home.  Install security systems, alarms and cameras and motion detector lights. Park your car under a security light and ask a security guard to escort you to your car, if you feel unsafe.
The bullies will be sharpening their knives. Be ready for both physical and verbal attacks. Avoid conflict and do whatever it takes to prevent escalating confrontations to violent acts. Don’t bring a flower to a knife fight. You won’t win and you may be left with painful wounds and missing parts. Don’t engage, call for help or leave immediately.
The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation. The hand is the cutting edge of the mind. 
~ Diane Arbus


Other Soft Metal blades are the artist’s palette knife, the chef’s knife, the cake decorator’s offset knife. The foil, épée and sabre of fencing.  The needle and seam ripper of the seamstress, the scissors of the hairstylist and the pruning shears of the florist or gardener. The penknife of the writer and charcoal sketcher. The letter opener gracing every elegant desk. The butter knife of gold cutlery, fork tines and silver spoon of fine dining flatware. The handy pocketknife and multi-use Swiss army knife. Whittling tools of the woodworking trade. Let the precision and sharpness of these blades make your creative expression come to life.


Don’t be surprised if there are layoffs at work. Or, you might voluntarily choose to take a pay cut and work less hours so you can devote more of your time to starting your own business or working a side hustle. Job loss is sometimes a blessing in disguise. It provides an opportunity to reevaluate your priorities, restructure your life and renew your commitment to yourself to live joyfully.
Soft Metal energy strives to be on the cutting edge so it can compete and win in the market place of ingenious ideas, innovation and inventions. Use your imagination to create new ways to improve efficiency, lower costs and produce quality products and services.  Win friends and influence people, amass a loyal customer base and clients who are happy to refer your business or offering through word of mouth advertising, by providing the very best quality at the best possible price.  And to do that, you will have to position yourself on the cutting edge.


This year you may choose to cut back on personal and business expenses. Trim the excess spending from your life so you can pay off debt, save and invest. Create a budget with more intention and less allotted disposable income. Live within your means and spend less.
The Soft Metal’s cutting edge asks you to cut out all the things that don’t serve you. Creating space may be painful in the beginning but worth it in the end. Be courageous and let the sharp blade of this energy make clean cuts to every area of your life.
Subscribe to The 8 Elements blog to discover how the Soft Metal energy will affect your personal element in 2020!

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2020: Health & Wellbeing


2020: Soft Metal Silver & Gold